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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Why would there need to be a fast-track? That has no relevance. If OCR can't accept challenges because Larry isn't there to insta judge them then OCR must be pretty lazy.
  2. CHALLENGE: A Minecraft remix only using melodic lines from the OST: -Background instrument lines can be changing and variant or original, but the main melodic lines/lead may not be playing any original melodies, only the one from the OST. -Establish what instrument or instruments play the melody. They play the melody, only the melody, and nothing else. -Slight grace notes and other forms of interpretation ON THE MELODY are not allowed. -Time signature changes are also NOT allowed. -The remix has to have 3 minutes of material, any repeated sections don't count toward that total. Why is this a challenge and not a request? Because the OST of Minecraft doesn't have much for you to use.
  3. I'm pretty sure Zircon was only ever talking about the choir.
  4. I also can't really access the server. I did once, then I lagged and had to ragequit.
  5. For movies and video and stuff, if you output your video in 1080p or 720p, selecting one of those quality options EDIT:ON THE YOUTUBE PLAYER will affect the quality of the audio too, so HD Video is a must for good on youtube. For bitrate, 192 Kbps is kinda around the minimum for good quality unless you're on super expensive listening gear. But, if you want to upload music for people to criticize, don't use Youtube. It compresses the audio no matter what way you put it... I'm pretty sure it even compresses down WAV's. If you specifically want the youtube audience, then make the video HD. The newer Windows Movie Makers let you output 1080p directly (well maybe not DIRECTLY) to Youtube.
  6. I was referring to the Play Station, not the PC.
  7. So they put those in a soundfont or similar sound pack file on the disc and the sound chip accesses them. Thanks.
  8. I'm confused. If each of the syllables in One Winged Angel was mapped to a MIDI key like Crowbar says, how would they implant those samples into the PSX sound chip? They had to be a recording because there's no way it (the sound chip) could just play each of the choir syllables by itself.
  9. This is actually half incorrect. If whatever sound player you have has no access to the Microsoft GM MIDI Wavetable or what have you, they will be silent. Because MIDI is sheet music for a computer, not sound. MIDI's do NOT have a distinct sound. They have NO sound at all. What IS a distinct sound is like you said earlier, the MIDI Mapper on computers. It's usually the same on a lot of computers, but MIDI files themselves have no audio. And you can change the sounds that the MIDI channels are mapped to using a DAW or a sampler. The sounds that are defaulted for MIDI playing and the actual MIDI file are two different things entirely. EDIT: DAMN YOU ANOSOU FOR NINJA ING ME 8 MINUTES AGO. Anyways, when people say "This sounds like MIDI", I'm pretty sure they are indeed referring to timbres of this "default" GM pack found on "every" (according to BS) computer which can be heard using Windows Media Player or something. They could also be referring to the fact that the sequencing is just mechanical and awful. Both of these things are commonly associated with MIDI files, because, JUST LIKE SHEET MUSIC, it's just instructions. And a lot of computers have that basic GM sound set that it uses when you run a MIDI through WMP. As for referring to mechanical sequencing when saying MIDI, it's probably because there probably (could be wrong) wasn't a lot of thought going into humanization back then when MIDI was what was used for Video Game systems or other computers.
  10. Around 3 days, if it ends up being a song I feel like finishing. All my finished stuff was completed within around a week, but I have a lot of stuff i haven't finished.
  11. I've never had problems with Fruity SFPlayer, can anyone explain what this long rendering problem is, or what specific soundfonts it has trouble with?
  12. It's a bit inaccurate. It doesn't establish a key signature, so it ends up sharping and flatting every black key in your song. You also have to avoid loosening up timing and stretching notes into each other, because then it'll just output weird notation that doesn't sound anything like what it did in FL. It's honestly more useful if you don't like writing sheet music and want to use a MIDI editor to do it, but it'll be computerized and there will be lots of mistakes. I exported a few lines and I had to mess around a lot with the note timings and sustains because I had humanized it before hand. You have to make the sequencing very rough and exact.
  13. If he wants to use anything made in the near future, i bet it won't work if he uses XP. No one makes EDIT: COMMERCIAL POPULAR EXPENSIVE DAWs/Plugins/Instrument Drivers for XP anymore, so buying XP is honestly just tying him to never be able to get the latest versions of software. And also, Windows 7 is perfectly stable for me. My computer has never frozen before. Ever. I've gotten blue screens, but that's because my machine is just awful. Anyways, I absolutely guarantee that if your processor is Core i3 or higher, you have a lot of headroom to work with. I do stuff on a weak old laptop AMD Athlon dual core, but it can pull some decent weight until I do grand stuff with it. For someone starting out, I don't think you're going to be making thick compositions any time soon, so even a Core i3 should give you more than enough power to work with. And I agree with Kanthos, trying to do a bunch of different genres within the FIRST few days isn't recommended, especially if you don't know the least bit of theory. The best thing to do is to not write genre music at all; just pick instruments and make a song. Genre classification is for databases. In response to your OP, giving you a list of stuff that's good would be impossible, or rather, would take days. There is so much out there, you just have to know what SOUND you're looking for. For instance, if you want aggressive orchestral sounds, people have said that EWQLSO is a good option, but there are so many other options. You just gotta look around and list to demos and stuff. As for keyboard, don't even bother unless you're proficient at playing piano/keys, because writing by mouse allows for more control and versatility, and isn't as tedious to overwrite stuff. Basically, for using modern technology and software, any n00b will be satisfied, for a couple years, with this type of computer build: CPU:Intel Core i3 Processor more than 2.5 Ghz, Core i5 if it fits your budget RAM:4 GB RAM, people rarely need more unless they are making dense orchestration Sound Card:no sound card needed, but if your guitar has a 1/4 inch connector (the oversized headphone jack cable) you should consider getting an audio interface and an amp sim (a software guitar amp). Even First Act guitars can sound great with a decent amp sim (I use a first act with Guitar Rig 4 pro) Hard Drive:around 500 GB, should handle a lot of sample libraries and a lot of room left over for other stuff. Unless you get East West Composer's Collection, then you might want more hard drive space. GPU:you don't need a fancy graphics card. Graphics card are for video, not audio. Everything else: you don't really need specifically anything else, because your processor, RAM, and maybe your audio interface if you have one will be doing most of the work. If your motherboard has integrated audio, you can use that instead of a sound card or audio interface, but the recording will be awful. If you want to record, an audio interface is your best bet. The latency (the time it takes for you playing to get to the computer and speakers) is greatly reduced when you have dedicated audio, and the drivers could prove to be more efficient. You wanna go with ASIO drivers when you select your sound device in your DAW. And also, the recording sound won't be fuzzy or have pops/clicks because it's not sitting right in the motherboard, it'll be isolated.
  14. Haha, well my name is OCR_Neblix because some jerk stole my name. If I ever find him, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind...
  15. How can I get added to the whitelist?
  16. I was saying he shouldn't listen to this like the rock music he is accustomed to. Enough derailment.
  17. You're forgetting that if I'm saying something, it's obviously what I believe, or what it is in my opinion. I don't need to say IMO.
  18. The most appealing thing about this track is that it IS Pendulum. You can just listen to "Immersion" by Pendulum and then you'll realize that for that style of music, this track DELIVERS.
  19. I am melting with excitement. This is amazing work, sir. Your drum production and synths are phat and juicy with punchiness and the changed up vocals are interesting. I love this remix sir, i love it. If I had not known you made this or that Open Your Heart was a VGM track, I would've mistaken this for a Pendulum original. I have not been this excited about music in a VERY long time. I don't like the ending though, it's too abrupt and leaves me wanting so much more. The only thing I'd want more is for the parts like 2:08. You should have the last syllable sustained into the next measure like in the original. I think it wouldn't take much away from the Pendulum feel.
  20. I'm married to- ... wait, what do you mean I can't post in advance? But that's 10 years I have to wait then. T_T
  21. Someone's a little angry for no reason. People are allowed to view a thread when they want. If they posted without listening, you would be right. Anyways: The bass seems reaaaally simple. The drum samples aren't that great in the beginning, only better when the kick came in. I'm not liking your basslines at all. All you really did is apply a slightly changed rhythm to the original bassline. There's an extreme lack of strong chords, so it sounds really empty. The leads are also really simple synths. I agree, it gets really repetitive, and there's barely any original material here compared to just what sounds like a MIDI rip with parts weaving in and out of Ice Cap zone. Only some of the melodies are original, but that's basically it. Regardless of repeating a few parts too much and lack of originality, the arrangement's pretty cool.
  22. When I was around 7 or 8, I saw my brother "DarkeSword" and my other brother "SaifBlade". Naturally, I wanted one too. I just jumbled my name (Nabeel) into the coolest way I could think of. I ended up with NeblixSaber (i had to end it with a sword like they did), but then my brother talked to me about it years later and I decided it's best I shouldn't just be a spin off of him. Thus, I am Neblix. I think one of the perks of this name is that it's something I've stuck with for a while, not to mention a quick google just brings up ME ME ME (unlike a certain stud finder around here)
  23. Windows 7 runs absolutely fine with FL Studio and PLAY stuff (I ran the PLAY engine with the free samples they gave out on my old laptop running 7 a year ago). I don't know why you would deem it as a waste of time. Might take a bit more power than XP to run, but if you want to keep with the times and get updates and new software (like Pro Tools 9) I suggest installing it. I've had no issues, but then again I've never made an XP to 7 switch (only Vista to 7) so I can't say for sure how rocky it might be. I wouldn't recommend it, you're lucky enough that you got it in time for Kontakt version. The PLAY engine is awful. I ran a trumpet sample once and it crashed my computer when I played more than 5 notes within 4 seconds. I have Kontakt and can run around 8 simultaneous orchestral instruments (from their VSL Collection, can't say anything about EastWest samples) But yes, if you really do want it, you have to buy it. They have upgrade discounts available. As far as compatibility, I'm not sure what the deal is with Kontakt and 64 bit. If you wanna use your money and you have a lot of computer power, you can probably deal with PLAY. In that case, go for it.
  24. This panel was hilarious. I wasn't there, but just watching the video with you guys talking and I can ACTUALLY SEE YOUR FACES AT THE SAME TIME makes you that much more human.
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