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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. As if no other DAW doesn't have crappy default plug ins.
  2. lol, it's $100. The signature bundle includes a bunch of extra plug ins. It's normally $300, but around this group buy, it's $150.
  3. I think that would be awful to have silent decloak so ridiculously easy to get. I also think it's totally fair that you need all of the stuff to get the cool bonuses, otherwise you could just mix and match with benefits from other weapons. Ex: It would be absolutely ridiculous to have silent decloak but use the regular knife (I can disguise and dead ringer, and then reappear and no one can hear me sneak up on them? And I'll be disguised so no one will give me much thought?)
  4. Make your sound punchier by putting a compressor on it. You'll notice it'll get a bit quieter when you do so, so if your compressor has a gain knob, just bump it back up to whatever it normally was. I normally put a single multiband compressor on all of my drums at the same time so they all get treated the same and feel like a flowing, cohesive drum kit.
  5. arrogance? lolwut I'm thinking of doing the Ruundas battle...
  6. Right now in my life I'm trying to stay away from electronica and write orchestral music, so I rely less on my sounds and more on my writing. As of right now, I keep ending up writing battlefield music whenever I start a new project. My latest project
  7. I am surprised all these people haven't read the part where Zircon already found someone.
  8. I'd go Windows 7, just for being able to handle future stuff that might not support an XP system.
  9. ... the GRMRB already happened dude... plus Willrock would've beaten you, lol WAIT WHAT? ANOTHER GRMRB?! ... WAIT WHAT?!
  10. Once again: You've never been to OCR before. I suggest posting on the Recruitment & Collaboration forums. If you put "guitar player needed" in the title, you'll probably get four or five responses within a day. If you don't, it could just be that no one's looking at that forum, in which case you can just PM some people.
  11. I read that as "Also from Boom Studios is Irredeemable, which I cannot redeem enough."
  12. Cuz Reason users be dissin FL yo, just clearin the misconceptions.
  13. You've never been to OCR before, have you. Trust me, don't doubt anyone on here, because if you do, someone will pop up and prove you wrong. But not for this. For electric guitar? Come on man, guitar players are very common on OCR. You're less likely to find a guy who uses FL Studio than a guy who plays and records guitar.
  14. Never mind, you most obviously are missing the point of what I'm trying to say. Your midi controller example is bogus anyway; why would anyone want to use a midi controller and not want to learn how to use it? You are making absolutely no sense. EDIT: I'm finished with this conversation, we've filled the entire page with off topic posts.
  15. Seems no one has mentioned the brand new fresh comic series by Boom Studios: The Traveler Soldier Zero Starborn All great reads and since they just started, it's easy for a newbie comic book reader to just pick them up and get started.
  16. Actually no, it's not like that at all. I can get by using my mouse, and zircon is a mouse musician too. EDIT: If you mean a MIDI controller, that's also wrong. You don't need to know piano to control by keyboard, you just need to know what keys are what. Who buys and learns a few chords on guitar just to play for like ONE song? That's a very crappy reason to pick up any instrument. You know what's even better? Asking someone who's been doing it for a while and knows what they're doing. It doesn't extend the process by a few months and doesn't require any money or time at all. And the end result is much better. Nevermind, we're going off topic. My point was instead of wasting time learning to play an instrument that one might not even be interested in, one could just ask someone to do it for him. It saves time and money, and I also think it would benefit this WiP because the guitar sounds fake.
  17. Why is that always your suggestion to everything? Not everyone feels like buying a guitar and learning how to play. It's really not worth it (even if you have a cheap guitar) if you don't plan to practice a lot. That's like going up to a guy writing an orchestral song and telling him he should just rent an orchestra/ learn how to play an entire orchestra.
  18. It's not so funny. Expensive sounds have nothing to do with sounding real; it's how you write your music. Money doesn't buy production If you have something like Kontakt VSL or EWQLSO those are award winning and expensive libraries they can sound pretty beastly amazing in the right hands. However, they are way too easy to make sound fake. and they require some or a lot of knowledge to make them sound authentic. From the way you're speaking, you've probably never done humanization before. You're saying you're not sure how to make something sound more real than real? Well, you don't have to worry about that, cuz this doesn't sound real. xD Also, there are only four or five sample libraries with a really good sounding guitar. Don't think guitars are like the rest; they're not. They have more human in them than a lot of other instruments. Your best bet to getting a realistic guitar is spending $400 on a sample library that gives you just that: one guitar with lots of clever programming and scripting. If you really wanna go that far, you can try Electri6ity for leads and get Guitar Rig 4 Pro or a similarly good amp sim, and if you want rhythm guitars for metal/rock, I'd get Shreddage by Impact Soundworks in a heartbeat if I didn't already play guitar.
  19. This remix is sick (in a good way). I remember when you first started this one; it's come a long way and I like what you did with the upright bass. The expressive piano playing was great too.
  20. We don't only focus on sound quality, it's just that's usually what's wrong with everything. In terms of arrangement and stuff a lot of people are really talented, they just do really poor at getting it from their brain to their speakers. About this album, I might be willing to do a track. I'll take a closer look at your tracklist later tonight. I highly doubt you can get this done in half a year, but it would be fun to try.
  21. Violins in the beginning are really fake, they have the same attack. Try raising the attack knob (lowering the attack). The lead synth is too IN YOUR FACE, and is cutting way past everything else. AKA too loud. What this song needs is nice bassline. Also, the guitar sounds fake. I suggest contacting someone to play it for you (or you can PM me and I might be able to with some practice). As far as the arrangement is concerned, it's fairly conservative, which might or might not be what you're going for, but as I can hear and just see from the waveform in soundcloud, it's not very dynamic. Except for the first few parts, it really keeps the same energy throughout. Which again may or may not be what you want, if you want this long and dancy sure it sounds great except for the stuff above this paragraph, but if you want this to stand on its own or you want to sub this, you should have different parts. Not just small variations, but have different energy levels, maybe different chords and a different beat. Throw a synth solo in there; I always do that with everything.
  22. All of the notes have the same vibrato and attack style. Same plucking too. Try varying velocities, because especially during the faster stuff it just reminds me of soundfonts I used to use. Great job on the pitch bending though. Things you edit in Kontakt are less effects and more changing the actual samples themselves. You can remap samples, and use AET to "map the spectral content of one sound onto another" (whatever the hell that means, as far as I'm concerned it's just crossfading between instruments and i haven't for the life of me figured out how to use it yet) and do other crazy wav editing stuff.
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