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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. The link just takes you to a page where they ask you to log in or register on playlist.com. It's not even worth clicking.
  2. See guys? Told ya I'd get posted! Hey, it makes a big difference to someone that doesn't know what we mean by ReMix. xD But back on topic: To Djoye; Just because someone makes an orchestral version of a Sonic song doesn't mean we're ALL not capable of composing our own music in Sonic 3 80's/funk style. :/
  3. The first eggman boss in Sonic 1. I can never seem to get him. :/ I'm sure many others have this problem. But seriously, in my experience it had to be... The Emerald or Ruby Weapon in FFVII.
  4. Well the thing is we don't do remixes. We do rearrangements. (OverClocked Rearrangement is not very catchy )
  5. Like Meteo said, that was a rearrangement album. It's not supposed to sound the same. That was the point. However, just because the only stuff you had from OCR is rearrangements doesn't mean we can't do stuff that sounds like Sonic music. Did you even bother to listen to any of the other 2000 remixes on this website? Also, if you say that you can only hope Sega Japan will do the music, you're technically disrespecting the very talented musicians on this web site. That's not nice. There are people on this site that can do old gen Sonic 3 style music.
  6. No problem. :)

    I think you'll like my next remix. It has bad production again, but I think my ideas and arrangement make up for it.

  7. You're forgetting that I'm usually the guy that sucks at production and usually doesn't pay attention to production. lol xD My music is still primarily focused on music. But that does sound interesting, I might start listening to some of this guy's music. Thanks
  8. OMG DOULIFEE YOU ARE SO AWESOME THAT IS SO HILARIOUS AHAHHAHA lol Seriously that is funny, and very clever.
  9. I think my current knowledge of music theory would be able to help me out, I understand chords and rhythm, etc. But for me the main challenge is knowing my way around the fretboard and then getting strong and fast enough to move around on it. Alright, yeah, I'm sorry for freakin on you. I appreciate the advice; I'm not ignoring you, I just don't think following your advice is something that is the best for me yet.
  10. Listening's the best way to do it... xD Or you can also just look at a 16 X 12 piano roll grid, keep kicks on down beat, toms for in betweens, snares for upbeats and hi hats in their own cool patterns. That's basic drum advice, right there.
  11. Hm, hey lemme let you in on a secret... I think Zircon has Shreddage... Or maybe not, I'm not sure. If I had Shreddage I'd gladly do it, but until ISW releases a DirectWave version you'll have to ask others... I'm pretty sure Sixto Sounds has some sort of "live and human" version of it.
  12. Just to clarify: The entire album is a bunch of songs by different artists, and the songs convey each artist's interpretation of the picture, right?
  13. Haha, this sounds so GeckoYamori. xD That lead synth in the very beginning sounds dry. I would add some reverb to it or something. Overall this song reminds me a lot of "Flash The Funk" (the Round 3 Flash Man vs. Ground Man remix in the GRMRB competition) by GeckoYamori.
  14. Hey, Doulifee, are you going to make revenge sigs? I'd really like to put Cold Man down on my ki- *ahem* I mean, victory list.
  15. Hey I didn't say anything about Stevie Ray Vaughn/insert other guitarist here. Mostly because I've never heard the names of any guitarists before. From my point of view, people like Sixto Sounds and Fishy are the famous guitarists. :/ But that's besides the point; even if you say "Those people gotta eat too" it's not like everyone self teaches, I'm sure they each have at least 1 student. I shouldn't pay someone just because I know it'll help them pay the bills; I pay them because they give me something I can't normally (or legally) get for free. Knowing how to play guitar is not exclusive to being taught by someone else, so as long as it's possible I'm not gonna give up because I know it'll be hard. I will give up when the time comes to give up. Until then, stop trying to persuade me to not self teach my self. I appreciated the advice the first time you posted, you don't need to make more posts about it. If you really need to, PM me about it because this thread is specifically for the best way in several opinions how to self teach, not whether self teaching is better/worse than paying to be instructed.
  16. *ahem* http://wave.google.com I realize this doesn't allow for screen sharing, but I'm just tossing this idea out there.
  17. The first thing you should do when you enter a new thread (especially competitions) is look at the first post. In competition thread first posts, you can see results, info about the compo, current data about the competitors, updates, etc.
  18. If you don't think the way I'm learning is good, that's fine. But as long as its possible, I'm not gonna quit. Sorry but if you don't like it then don't read the thread. :/ Also, there is absolutely zero proof supporting your claim that the "odds are against me".
  19. Self teaching is better for me. I want to self teach not only because it's free but because I work best alone. I don't mean to shoot you down but I don't want to pay to be taught something I can teach myself.
  20. I'd not be happy with your processor, lol. Anyways, it might not be a RAM issue, because this is the kind of message my brother always gets and he can play just fine... and he's normally got 4 gigs. (Then again, his processor's got +1.03 GHz from yours) Maybe your sound drivers are not set properly? (If it's ASIO make sure no other program that can play sound is open)
  21. How intensive are the amps? lol Obviously, it would perform better with the dry guitar sounds, so maybe it's your amps that are just too strong for your processor.
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