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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. When I was like 10 years old I asked Shariq to teach me how to write music. The result was more of me watching him write a song as I contributed small ideas. I did get to play with the step sequencer too! That never really went anywhere though. He did let me borrow his Dell laptop to play with it by myself occasionally. When I installed FL on my laptop a year or two later, I started to actually try and make my own things. They were terrible, obviously, but I made my first remix and posted it here too, about maybe 3-4 years ago. Yadda yadda something about being a douche and not understanding criticism yadda and that's how I found out that Excalibur was an imposter. Oh, right. I kept sending my stuff here to get butchered by Rozovian for a long time, and then I made a bad final fantasy remix and found out OCR standards were actually pretty low compared to what I thought they were when it got accepted. And then ego happened and then hey you're up to date.
  2. No, Blizzard, additional difficulty modes does not count as additional hours of content.
  3. It doesn't matter? The point was Rasberry Pi has Linux whereas Ouya has an interface designed like a game console (like Xbox). I was never implying Ouya has a special OS with exclusive programming/development options. It's already been established that it's Android.
  4. Ouya is most likely going to have a special version of Android (at least, in the video it didn't show a typical Ice Cream Sandwich OS) and Ouya has a proprietary controller and its own dev kit. Not to mention a quad core Tegra 3 far surpasses anything RP can offer. >_> It's more of an educational tool, a chip that you would buy 30 of for your computer science class as you teach low level programming or something like that.
  5. Rasberry Pi has been out for a long time, my friend got one. I'm not sure if you're suggesting that it has any relevance to anything Ouya whatsoever, though.
  6. You get one congratulation. Yeah, just one.
  7. A template doesn't mean you have to load sounds. It doesn't even mean you have to load any settings on any plugin of any sort. I get angry when people refuse templates because "I use different things every song!" So do I, and I have probably the most detailed template I have ever seen. The key is putting in slots, not actual instruments. Have 10 MIDI Outs for Kontakt because you know you never load more than 10, for example, but don't actually load anything. Just have the routing set up. Have 10-20 empty sampler channels named "VSTi Here" and give them their own EQ. Then when you decide you want a VSTi of some sort, load it right into the slot. Bam, its own mixer track with its own EQ. And if you want to send it to the same track as another instrument, FL lets you just send a mixer track right to another one. I don't see that as pigeon holing, I see that as having something set up to do what you're always going to do anyway.
  8. PS3 is a competitor to Xbox 360. Ouya is not a competitor to any game console.
  9. Nice try, what? I wasn't saying Cave Story was $9.99. I even said Cave Story+.
  10. I must have misunderstood the lady when she said "We'll have a full store of games, all free to play."
  11. You should really stop veering off topic. (And for the record, your Angry Birds comment was completely off the mark because you didn't read the details of what I was saying) Your point is completely invalid that this has TONS AND TONS of support and EVERYONE is on board with this. 7 people on the kickstarter page. I want you to go on Steam and count the number of Indie game developers you see there. If you think 7 is indicative that the even half the rest of the indie developer population feels the same, you don't know a thing about basic statistics. Have you ever thought that maybe the few big indie developers are the ones that are interested because they're established enough (therefore confident) to try such a venture? You realize the issue with the Ouya game business model, right? That the games are free? Just because something is an Indie game doesn't mean it doesn't cost money to make. That's an ignorant suggestion that I hope neither you nor anyone will make. I am not pushing some odd point that doesn't exist. You can't say "we have tons of indie games!" if you all have is Minecraft and Canabalt (and the few others).
  12. It would've been, if that's what he actually said. He said "almost every indie developer's interest" and until he cites something credible, I simply don't believe him.
  13. Do you read? I'm sorry, I didn't know "almost every indie developer" amounted to a total of 7 quotes.
  14. PC vs. Xbox is not a problem at all, because you simply have to change some variables. I know, I did some C# stuff. But if you read what I said closely, it's different for games that aren't controlled by screen buttons, like wind up knight is. Angry Birds, while simple, is a good example. You drag the bird back with your finger. It's an entirely different code block if you want to do that with a joystick or something. You have to read input differently and also process it differently, since x and y axes are different than simple screen coordinates. Of course that would be easy to redo, because it's a simple mechanic in itself, but not every game is as simple as Angry Birds. Return All Robots is not a good example, because it's something that reads digital boolean input either console or PC.
  15. Changing the control scheme is not so simple if your game was made for actual touch controlling, not just images of buttons on the control scheme. You have to also take the effort to figure out how the game would work for a controller.
  16. That's why professionals use templates. To make a personalized template, you have to be able to know what is something you usually always do and something you only do sometimes. Example: I always route all of my drum sounds to a single track for drum mastering. In my template, I have 8 sampler channels, 3 Slicex channels, and a Battery 3 all routed to their own mixer tracks, then to one mixer track called "All Percussion". This is done every time I open FL Studio automatically. However, sometimes I use two synths for a layered bass/something else sound. I don't always do this, and it's not guaranteed, so in my template, I don't route two synth tracks together automatically. It's your call, but the best thing to do is make a huge template that accounts for every situation. The problem with this is you end up spending resources quickly; when you put a parametric EQ 2 on every track in the template (like mine), it ends up starting your CPU usage a lot higher than 0. I have a 4 Ghz Core i7 powerhouse, and my templates never go below 15 at max buffer, usually 20-30 at recording-acceptable buffers. This is also because I already have Kontakt 5 routed, and I load Absynth, FM8, Massive, Sytrus, and Kore Player. I have wave candy's in the screen corners and a wave monitoring plug in on the master, as well as a ready to enable Maximus on the drum master track. So the key is to get all the stuff you need for working and maybe some stuff you might need. When you're done with that, make the project look pretty. Add generic color schemes like rainbows or gradients to your channel list, mixer and playlist tracks. Set the icons for stuff, too. Go crazy with the organization and look/feel because you only have to do it once. Here's what mine looks like The Alchemy, MiniMoog, and Zebra are greyed out because they're not actually loaded. This template is still experimental, and I'm probably going to add spaces for blank "choose a VST" because I sure probably won't just have one of every synth in every song.
  17. Where are your sources? You're just spouting baseless speculation at this point. I don't think you understand what you're saying when you say "silly for them not to make a port". You don't run your code through some fancy conversion software to make a port.
  18. I'd like to see how this guy fares against someone who is seasoned in the art of Ramadan.
  19. He'll probably just get to the point where they find him half dead, get him to the ER and then pump food through a tube into his arm. Which in retrospect seems counter productive, since whatever money he raised would go to his hospital bills instead of charity.
  20. It didn't? That's strange, that should've done it. I would only say this, then: I don't think it's a very smart idea to export something that has been tempo automated, and then tempo automate it again. Maybe try exporting the drums without tempo automating them.
  21. Wav files are put in FL Studio via Sampler channels. Go to the sampler channel of the wav, right click the time knob in the Timestretching section of the first tab, and hit None.
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