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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. I really hope Impact Soundworks doesn't make a lead guitar addition to Shreddage. Would nullify the purpose of me practicing guitar and throw to waste all the gear and software I spent money on to do so.
  2. I was talking about the Link vs. Spider tech demo.
  3. Is it wrong that I knew what the Wii U was the first time I saw it? Perhaps I used something called common sense. How in the world did people find it a reasonable idea to think that the controller was a peripheral for the Wii when they showed a tech demo with graphical capabilities lightyears beyond the Wii's? That doesn't even make sense.
  4. She doesn't run dungeons with me in WoW until I do my homework.
  5. I saw a black mage with proper capitalization and got excited. For a small moment.
  6. I thought Diamond Skin blocked all incoming damage. That's what it says it does. >_> So you're saying I've screwed myself by not practicing how to defeat hordes without it? It's the only way I was able to defeat Diablo (on normal).
  7. Can someone who's played inferno and beaten it as a Wizard explain to me WHY diamond skin is not recommended? Because that's ludicrous to me...
  8. A crisis had by a fanboy regarding faith.
  9. Why are you sad about things that happened 4 years ago? Get over it. Also, Kirby's Epic Yarn was fantastic. The lack of purple basically invalidated your post. >_>
  10. That sounds like you're telling him to buy them separately to use them with Kontakt.
  11. That doesn't make any sense. You'll still have to use PLAY if you buy them separately. They got rid of Kompakt a long time ago.
  12. I'm new to this kind of thing, so I'm curious: Do they make ridiculous OP new champs just to get people to buy them, then nerf later on?
  13. I guarantee a tradition 8-bit style NES melody-centric song for Silent Hill would utterly destroy the game's atmosphere.
  14. All Riot has done is give players a way to find other people who are competitive, through randomized match making. You're complaining they're doing too much, but they're not really doing anything. They just say "here's a random number matcher that finds people around your rank/level" Also, you realize it's not TRUE randomized, right? Matchmaking pairs you with people of similar skill level, not just people off the LoL player list database. If you are a high ranking player, you'll be randomly assigned to other high ranking players. If you play competitively, it WILL get to that point, because the system works in a way where you'll elevate past people who don't take it seriously. You keep foreshadowing that this stuff is a bad idea and will fade away. But I only see it getting way more popular. Can you give concrete examples of how the system would fail in the future but not now?
  15. I've played a fair bit of matchmade games in WoW, SC2, and LoL too. I've thoroughly enjoyed them. So tell me more about how my personal enjoyment is detrimental to the community. Also, I find it humorous you asserted that my opinion on gaming is backwards. I wanted to say the same thing about you, except I didn't. This is the internet, where people aren't going to be as light-hearted as you all the time. You shouldn't be expecting everyone to watch you messing around like an idiot in the item shop. That's like going to an open party and trashing it. So no, randomized play is not "casual, period." You may have all of these criticisms about the system, but you're not realizing that these systems are widely accepted and are successful. Whether you think it should be casual or not is irrelevant, because the FACT is (in my experience) that's not what actually happens when you enter a random match. There's absolutely no reason for you to go to all the players and say "you're all doing it wrong, you're too serious. You're doing match made games, you should be casual and carefree." Do you understand how ridiculous that is (saying something IS something because it SHOULD be)? Also, the competitive gaming IS self-regulated. The Tribunal is proof. The Draft mode is proof.
  16. Look for sounds that describe themselves as "electric grands".
  17. Hans Zimmer uses EWQL Symphonic Orchestra, just an FYI for those who didn't know that. >_> I mean, not on everything, but it's undoubtedly the most popular orchestrating software, and for good reason. Also, I would like to build on the recommendation for Komplete 8 Ultimate: Don't get the regular version. When people say it's good for bread and butter sounds, they don't realize that they're actually talking about Kontakt's default library (which isn't that good as far as the band instruments go, has great synth pads I've found, and its orchestral section is Vienna Symphonic, so that's good). Without it, Komplete boils down to: Effects, synths, drums, bass, and keys. Whereas Komplete 8 Ultimate has so many more tools for cinematics as well, which is why I would say that's more of a "bread and butter" than regular Komplete 8. Sure, it's $500 more, but it's also the same price as Composer's Collection, so you could get one or the other.
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