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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Just so you guys know, i'm not trying to twist peoples words or single anyone out here. Sorry if I came off as a bit antaganistic there, that wasn't my goal. All i'm saying is give people the benefit of the doubt if there is room for it I'm sure anyone who doesn't put in an entry has a good reason. Its not worth worrying about. It sucks but it happens.
  2. Woah woah woah guys you're WAY overthinking this. A penalty for dropping? Banning from the forums for a week? Really? :/ Consider that some of us have lives, we are all pretty busy. I was ill, which is the only reason I didn't put in something, I didn't have the energy to do anything for the past week. Should I get a "verbal slap on the wrist"? Yes, maybe we shouldn't have entered. But sometimes things get in the way at the last minute and there is nothing that can be done. Don't be so quick to hand out judgement guys.
  3. Thanks for all the vote so far guys. I'm in 33th place right now, and voting ends on tuesday! Keep the votes coming, and any shares/posts/comments are greatly appreciated!
  4. This is an interesting remix. Like the other judges have said, some mechanical issues with a few instruments but nothing major. The issue is the source usage. I haven't read all the other votes here yet. I don't want my opinion to be compromised before I vote, because this remix asks a curious question. Where does what is perceived as variation on a track become an original work and compromise the source? This remix treads a very very fine line because while the source is noticeable, on the first few listens, it doesn't appear that the remixer has kept any of the details from the original music other than the chord sequence. There are original parts upon original parts all over this remix, but if you asked someone if this was a remix of the Level Up theme from SD3 after listening to it, some may argue it is because the chord sequence is the same. However, if that was the case, Johnny B Good could be a remix of Roll Over Beethoven. Now, in relation to OCR standards, usually this would be a NO, but the source is incredibly sparse as it is. Its a single instrument arppegio repeated over a two bar chord seqeunce. In this case, I'd say that arp is very important as thats the only thing that makes this track unique in its own merit. Therefore, I looked for moments when the arp was noticeably in the remix. It is at the following timestamped moments, altho heavily variated upon: 0:08-0:40 0:48-1:05 1:13-1:28 2:28-3:00 111 seconds overall Thats enough source usage, even if the variation was a little sharply done. It could have helped to be little more conservative at points. And of course there is the 4 notes at the top of the arpeggio, even if he used the tonic note of chord in question rather than using the 3rds as well, like in the source. Using the 3rds to keep the connection to the source stronger and for some variation might have been a safer bet. Still, based on this, I'm ok with it. The source IS there, the source usuage is over the bar, and it expands and variates on the source tune in a massive way. I'm cool with this. YES
  5. Here are 2 of my performances: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASoj3Y6QBbU&feature=relmfu - I choose you picochu!
  6. Awesome arrangement! There are some really cool ideas on display here that makes me think strongly of progressive rock. I feel like i'm just copying larrys vote after reading it, but this still needs some work in the production department. Like people have said, this sounds empty, and the drums don't feel like they quite fit texturally. This needs something like a guitar part to help ground things a little more, this feels a bit airy atm. I think that this needs very little work to pass, but the production issues are holding this one back. Like Larry said, either add another instrument to fill out the space or do some production work via EQing etc. Good luck with the rest of the vote! NO (resub
  7. Thanks for all the votes so far guys! Voting ends on the 18th, so keep the votes coming in!
  8. Agreed, silver surfer has been along time coming for OCR coverage. And I wasn't the one to do it Btw, this just might be the greatest mixpost name in the history of anything ever. To explain, the mixpost name is a reference to the Joe Satriani song "surfing with the alien" which Joe Satriani named in reference to Silver Surfer. He even put the silver surfer on the cover art for the album, just google it
  9. All down to taste bro. There is a criteria to hit with this compo for the judges after the voting takes place tho, you get marked out of 25 each for musicality, originality, creativity etc... I tried to hit all those points while trying to make something that fit with the song.
  10. I bought said album that you want me to review, yet you never mention that whenever you mention the fact I didn't review it
  11. My sister will be there taking videos so there will be footage .
  12. In b4 kylejcrb bribes with TMNT track. Cracked the top 20! Thanks very much guys, keep the votes (and bribes) rolling in!
  13. Indaba Music and Heavy Metal Band The Darkness have started a contest to find the best original guitar solo to their song (which incidentally has one of the scariest music videos i've EVER SEEN ) I have laid down a melodic guitar solo for this contest and have aspirations to do well, and potentially win! To vote all you have to do is: 1: Check out my submission: Everybody Have A Good Time Solo! 2: Click Vote! Thats it! No sign up required or any of that jazz! For the record, I only need to crack the top 10. The ultimate winner is chosen out of all the submissions (by the darkness themselves!) but there are 5 honourable mentions out of the the top 10 voted solos. I would be greatly appreciative to anyone who chooses to vote for my submission, and if you've enjoyed my music over the years here at OCR, I hope you'll consider it! Thanks for all your help guys, lets make this happen!
  14. Yes I like it. Fun, energetic, nostalgic... yep its awesome, I love the creative touches on the arrangement, and the production is pretty steller. Wished it had a better, more creative ending, but thats a small needle in a haystack of awesome. Submit moar plz, this is great. YES
  15. Don't pick a genre. MAKE one and start a trend
  16. BUMP! §0char Btw, panel times are as follows - Friday, 2-3pm and Saturday 1-3pm.
  17. Lol at the video idea. I can totally see it. On to the mix! Just to start off with what OA said, I'd say both the kick and snare are pretty weak personally, altho the snare is noticeably weak as OA said. However, I do think that he might have overcompensated based on how solid the rest of the song is. Everything is mixed well, and the sounds all work cohesively imo, even if the sounds generally are a little bland/vanilla,. The arrangement is also pretty sweet, I love all the glitchy sections, and zomg more dubstep. Yeah this is good, the drums are a bit of an issue, but everything else puts this over the bar imo. YES
  18. So I got cheated out of slash beast again. However, out of the ashes I seem to have got Spark Mandrill, who's theme I will turn inside out. Amphibious - Prepare to die.
  19. First off, i'm going to say that this mix is pretty awesome. I am also going to agree with my fellow judges about the dubstep bass Its a cool idea in theory but its very dominant for something that clearly lacks source usage. I don't believe the issue is just with the bass however, I believe the lack of a lead presence is also to blame. For example, I counted 1:35 as source because I heard the lead clearly. I do hear the lead with the bells, just, but it feels like there is too much release and it lacks presence so i'm more hesitant to count it. I will give you more credit than fishy, since I haven't remixed this source and heard it clearly in the remix quite frequently. However, I do think this suffers from poor levelling, which is not only hurting your production, but its hurting your arrangement because its undermining the work you've put in the details which could have helped to pass this. Basically, I feel like this needs fixing. The source usage doesn't add up to enough for me. I understand that the bass is suppose to be a central part of dubstep, but don't put it above everything else to the point that you start losing all the instruementation around it, especially if it lacks source usage. NO (resub)
  20. Ahhhhhhhhhh soo much pressure to join RAWR WTF AM I DOING - 1: Slash Beast 2: Spark Mandrill 3: Izzy Glow 4: Sting Chameleon 5: Storm Owl Stage
  21. I dig the style adaption, a very unexpected direction to take this source I must say. I like the personalisations, and the production is fairly solid. I do feel like the soundscape is a little weird freqeuncy wise tho. It feels like most of the bass content is coming from the drums right now, which is fine, but i'd have perhaps brought down the kick presence ever so slightly, because it feels like its thumping a little too strong. From there, i'd give the bass a bit more punch and perhaps the give the rhoades a bit more bass to just balance out the frequency range a little. Arrangement is conservative, and somewhat repetitive, but it passes the bar for me. Nice work! YES
  22. I am considering it. However, I have alot of other commitments right now and these compos are just too monopolising of my time.
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