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Everything posted by WillRock


    Just doesn't have the same ring to it with the · T_T

    edit: lololol you can hardly see it

  2. Wait, you mean DragonAvenger is Daenerys Targaryen???? Makes sense.
  3. You guys are complaining at 3? I had to remix flash man 6 times!
  4. I'm personally having trouble digging out any source before the 1:30 point. Dunno if i'm not listening properly or what There is alot of reverb and delay at the begining imo. A little too much, it serves to muddy things up. As for the treble comments, they still stand, stuff is very piercing generally. You need to be careful with your treble parts. You also need to throw sources around more. When dealing with mutiple sources, judges don't like the "Source A, Source B, Source C, Source A" approach much. You've gotta meld them together, or at least intertwine them a little. Cool glitching effects! Its not pass worthy yet, but you've got some good things going here. Fix up the treble issues, focus on arrangement expansion and you'll be a little closer
  5. Ok i've given this some thought and spoken to some people. Its become apparent to me that there are people who are definitely not ok with me participating due to fairness issues, and it is a highly unorthodox situation I've been put in. I'm not particularly caring about winning this if I was to join, and if I did join and by chance knock out some people, i'd feel like an ass. I considered other options where I wouldn't affect the outcome of the compo if I did a round, but that just complicated things. Anyone who either lost before the 2nd round or were beaten by me would say foul play, even if you don't think you would. I've got no desire to be that guy, so I will not be participating for that reason. I apologize to brandon but its just not fair to anyone involved. I will consider joining if you decide to do another compo, but I can't in good conscience participate in this if people don't want me to.
  6. Ok i've just had to consider my situation right now. Doing these compos is rather time consuming, and i'm currently busy doing other things, altho i'm not terribly busy. However, i'm waiting for an email regarding a job interview I went for, I'm hoping I will get it, but if I do, its full time and I will not have time to do this compo if I get it. I will let you guys know in a few days if I decide to do this, and that is assuming that a: brandon wins and b: you guys all approve of my participation. Thats my stance on this, you guys talk amongst yourselves. My view on the matter if anyone is concerned, is that these compos are about the music. If brandon has to forfeit, that means one less track if he wins. If I take his place, that equals more music, so its a good situation really.
  7. Sorry for your loss I'm not sure about this, doing another compo really wasn't on my things to do list atm. If people want me to, I will give it some thought, but its really up to superiorX, seeing as he is the competition organizer.
  8. Hmm... I don't remember Queen getting sued by the royal family. Or the planet pluto getting sued by disney.
  9. Ah yes. The mix that almost beat mine in the second GRMRB. This was one stellar mix, talk about a shock to the system when I heard it. Its fucking good peeps, and its vastly different to anything we usually hear on OCR. Download it!
  10. It is if you're halc. awww yah.
  11. Meteo, relax. I agree that perhaps naming the 2 who they are considering is perhaps not in their best interest, but it doesn't warrant a response like that. They did not say they had made their choice, but that danimal and k-wix had put forward the most suitable track for their game so far. If they didn't want any more submissions they would have said so in the same post. You're getting borderline offensive in both your language and the way you're posting, which there really isn't a call for. Try to keep things civil.
  12. June 7th huh. I think i'm going to give this a shot. I'll shoot you an email sometime before the deadline!
  13. Took me way too long to be deemed worth anyones time here
  14. I have a collection of sonic genesis era sound effects on a CD version of sonic 3 & knuckles I own. (I used them in clockwork criminal). Just PM me if you - or anyone else - want them.
  15. Shameless plug for myself Not all my remixes are rock, but i've got a few... http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02060/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02195/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02306/ I have more but i'll let you find them As for other artists, there is Level 99, OA, goat and Fishy. Some awesome rock music there!
  16. I have to say, I enjoyed this one. Guitars were a bit iffy, and the mixing was a tad messy overall, plus the drums were as basic as basic can be, but its 80's SO I FORGIVE ALL. Yes it has its little issues but the feel is there and the source works better here than it ever did in its original context. You also have an epic moment during that breakdown, I love the attention to detail, and the use of reverb really sort of gives this a spacious feel at that point. Typical 80's butt-rock, could have been better with tweaking and a real guitar, and fadeout was a slight copout, but its pretty good as it is, cause 80's is good. Consider me a happy chappy!
  17. We do ask for auditions from people who don't have an OCR artist profile... so yeah send an audition of a track you've done in the past and we'll see if you're appropriate for the project
  18. Yep you're good to go. I've updated the Gdoc. 6 more tracks to claim dudes!
  19. If you're trying to get this on OCR, then I'd suggest that you don't sample from the original song. Sampling from the original source is basically a no-no Ok so going down the chiptune route is pretty cool. Drum and 8-bit Its hard to tell the exact feel you're going for with this, mainly because the drums lack any sort of bass content. I can't tell if this is suppose to sound like pendulum crossed with chiptune or if you're going for something a little more on the softer, yet still energetic side of things. Either way, you need a bit more of a bass presence than what you've got. Boost the level of the kick a little. The arrangement is actually pretty cool because you've managed to add some sweet variations but this does sound like its close to sampled from the original based on the instrumentation you used. You can certainly afford to personalize the track a little more and still keep it sounding close to the source, but there are some really cool personalized bits throughout that I really like. I'd focus just a tad more on personalization with the more conservative bits, with instrumentation if nothing else, and boost the kick a tad, then message me back and i'll have another look at what you've done Oh btw, Youtube isn't a good source to put your music on for critique. Post it on tindeck!
  20. I can tell you right off the bat that this wouldn't pass the judges due to sample issues. The synths aren't great sounding but they work well enough. The drums however lack the punch they need, the bass seems to get buried under the pads and when I can hear it, it sounds more treble heavy than it should do. The piano and guitar samples are also not exactly great either. You need better samples than that. Based on this, i'm not sure you're at a point where you could get on OCR, you need to up your production game for that. Granted tho, you have some neat arrangement ideas (altho that piano had some rather iffy timing issues and even went dissonant at one point). Sorry i'm being so harsh, I know its hard, but you'll get there! I'd attempt trying to layer your drum sounds, try and make that kick have more presence and give the snare a more crisp tone to it if you can. Other than that, I can't say too much more than "get better samples" because thats one of the issues thats holding you back imo. Your production isn't great, but better samples would help your music quite a bit I reckon. If you can't do that, then focus on synth content. Your samples are mostly iffy when you're trying to emulate organic instrumentation like the piano and guitar, if that is holding back your music, then use synths because you could make much more convincing sounds that way.
  21. Yo dawg so I herd u liek mudkips so we put a mudkip in yo mudkip so u can liek em while u liek em Happy Birthday!
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