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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. heh, for me, this was pretty standard stuff to start with. Then it kicks in at 0:45 with some of the craziest guitar synth wankery i've ever heard, topping it off with some insane energy levels. Love this one bLiNd, you really are exceptional at what you do
  2. Dude just wanna say (probably a little late but w/e) really nice work on the HvV trailer :D

  3. Damn. Thats a real shame. One of the underrated guitar greats, thats for sure.
  4. How did I KNOW you were going to post that link as soon as I saw you'd posted in this thread?
  5. *hits brandon with stick*

  6. Holy crap. This is amazing. One or two iffy samples, but thats the minority, the sequencing and mixing are great, and the arrangement is fantastic. One of the best mixes i've ever heard ocr produce. This mix being overshadowed by zircons mix is a shame imo, particularly for a debut mix of this quality. Download this now, it really isn't to be missed.
  7. RAWR at zircon bias. Seriously tho nice mix zircon, I've already told you that tho
  8. Arr, me hearty, thar be no viking folk metal songs on this great n' grand album 'ere!
  9. You know, feb is atm seeming pretty fun and lighthearted with the mixes its produced. I gotta say, I love this, the synths are really awesome guitar synthy stuff, with DnB drums, and the sounds all seem rather clean, even with all the distortion applied to them. The mixing is passable - it gets muddy at times, but never really hurts the mix too much. Fun, pretty cool, and certainly enjoyable. Recommended
  10. What do you want emu to do? Throw a parade everytime his name is mentioned? Seriously tho I do agree, its kinda odd, but really cool at the same time.
  11. heh I gotta say that while this isn't the most ultra polished and smoothest sounding mix on ocr (mechanical piano comes to mind) the style is infectious as hell, is alot of fun, and its well mixed and mastered, if not slightly hot on the mastering. Its good to see music like this on ocr, oldschool def comes to mind One of the best mixes posted on the site in the last couple of weeks imo, recommended.
  12. Ok decided mine IS done now - Remixed Pokemon Advanced Generation - Used the title theme music at the start of the vid, and the theme at 0:36 on the drawing screen. Sent to larry
  13. Bah, you guys will never be happy. NEVER!
  14. Are you guys trying to say that the 5/6 DISC MMX album isn't enough for you?
  15. He did actually submit but his mixes were rejected... saw a thread of the judges rejecting his hydrocity mix a while back...
  16. You mean this right? If anyone does a remix from this game, you MUST put a voice clip saying YAY in there somewhere.
  17. Against my better judgement considering how much work I gotta do but I can't pass up this oppertunity - I'll give it a shot.
  18. Wow, that was a really good film If I wasn't too busy with uni I'd have expressed interest in doing this... Curse you uni!!!!! *shakes fist*
  19. A small tip for you, if you reply on my page, I'll reply quicker ;)

    As me possibly doing guitar... I'm sorry dude but I have to decline, i'm WAY too busy atm to contribute to anything else :(

    That said, it looks like you got a willing guitarist in the thread - willing to give the guy a test drive? ;)

    As far as articulations and phrasing goes, I'm not sure what I can really say for you to improve, you've got the bends and vibrato, even some pinch harmonics sequenced in so i'd say for what it is, its a very faithful interpretation of a guitar. Regarding your Streets Of Rage mix, I'm a fan of the franchise yes, I'll have a look at your remix at some point - I've actually got a remix coming up of fighting in the street and go ahead, which is on Heroes Vs Villians, set for release early feb I believe.

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