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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I'm still in the 2 fixed, one to fix position. When I've done the last one i'll send you all three.
  2. Voted, and about to start my mix... I've been getting hyped up for this round and its time to kick ass.
  3. Hang on. I know this mix. Its good. I can only reckon that most people that like sonic 3 and ocremix have heard this due to project chaos, and if not WHY????? GO DOWNLOAD IT NOW. My opinion is that this is a classic mix of trance and chiptune (I typo'd that as hiphop, WHYYYYYYY), which is pretty cool. Drums are a little generic sounding, and i'm not sure I like the drum kick but seriously thats nitpicking for an older mix like this. I gotta say the best part of the mix is the ARPEGGIO SECTION (1:07 onwards) That whole middle section, for being somewhat liberal, is awesome. And the source is of course killer. Thumbs up for this one
  4. Happy birthday to one of OC Remix's most talented guitarists! Thanks giving us some of the best rock/metal remixes on the site over the years
  5. I do actually play the piano, altho I don't have to means to record myself playing live. I also doubt I could play something like this, i'm a little rusty Thanks for the reviews guys, its great reading them
  6. I lied to you all. There is no angel island zone. I decided i'd tell you there was to screw with your minds and destroy your brains. ok seriously, there is a bit of confusion so in that case i'll clarify. It is kinda short lived/liberal/crap but whatever. Basically, 0:04-0:24 is the intro to angel island zone. I guess its a little hard to find the connection but its there, That was originally what I had for the mix for about 6 months, and it was going to be a full angel island zone mix, I was never going to do a ending theme for sonic 2. However, when I came back to it, it was kinda asking for the ending theme. So yes, angel island is in there, but just the intro of the source, in the intro of the remix Also, i'm surprised no one has picked up on the richard marx accidental reference in there (I didn't realise it was there at first until someone else pointed it out to me. Oh how the human brain works)
  7. Where this mix seems to suffer from production issues, this makes up for a great arrangment with a 'wah-wah' lead, rather midi sounding piano, and solos are pretty cool . Decent stuff from djp
  8. Well this is what it says on the tin. Sort of new wave electro disco. The bassline is typical of the style Again lacking in the mid range which causes an empty soundscape. That said, the source is classic (Come on guys we need MOAR space harrier theme remixes ) This is probably my fav mix of the first wave of djp mixes before other people came along to share the spotlight. As a solo fiend myself, I approve of the synth solo. Great stuff, a keeper for me.
  9. Well this is an uplifting mix. Seems somewhat empty soundscape wise, due to the missing mid frequencies like bahamut said. Really nice drums again tho, altho the hihat seems too exposed and sometimes gets a bit piercing in the highs. A pretty unusual mix, alot of interesting effects on the synths, gives the mix a sort of intentional queasiness to it. Another good one from DJP
  10. So, this is the mix that started it all. Not a bad mix by any means, but it does have a few production issues (that piercing flute for starters) Not to mention the really hard panned left section in the middle of the track, which while a nice idea, was lacking in execution. However, its got a great drum beat providing a great rhythmic foundation, and a pretty cool bassline as well. My only other issue is that it gets a bit repetitive towards the end, despite the short length of the remix. A flawed but enjoyable mix nontheless .
  11. You know, despite its obvious flaws, I gotta say, this is a nice remix that is pleasant to listen to. For being over 10 years old, its pretty good - well mixed if not a little midi-ish in sample quality and sequencing. It might be noticeable by some but it doesn't hurt the mix too much. A great mix for its age from non other than DJP
  12. Dude, seriously. Your track was epic. I nearly voted for you over rozo. Don't beat yourself up over a mix when you don't need to
  13. hahahahahaha I bet I know who is to blame for that
  14. It was the windfishes dream. But Link was in the dream. So therefore by definition, he must be dreaming as well. Or on Acid. And in dream shrine he dreams within a dream. If he is dreaming within a dream, that must mean he isn't dreaming. So its not his dream. Except when he is in the dream shrine dreaming within dreams of windfish. SO... maybe he wasn't dreaming.
  15. Happy Birthday Mini-darke. hope you have a great day!
  16. You could have a suggestion if nothing comes up in your search - for example, if you type in megaman and get no results, you could have a message reading "did you mean mega man?" Kinda like in google.
  17. Personally I have no problem with extended deadlines, as long as its done in the interest of fairness. What I don't like is when the deadline is extended to a point where its pointless to have on in the first place. I seem to remember zircon not submitting a track for 2 months after the deadline in the revenge round of the grmrb, i'd say thats where I draw the line, but as long as everyone gets tracks done eventually, and you also have the chance to improve your remixes in the extra time, I see no reason for people to get annoyed about this.
  18. Heh, I was there when sixto listened to your source for the first time properly gario. I'm not saying what he thought of it, but lets just say i'm looking forward to listening to your two tracks... as well as the others Good luck everyone
  19. Happy Bday, hope you have a great day!
  20. I heard from ocremix via my youtube subscribers back in 2007 or something telling me to submit remixes here. I went on ocremix and looked up tal tal heights and listened to clash at the mountain by zircon, and was impressed with what I heard. The next ocremixer I found was bLiNd and I sat there thinking "THIS is the quality of music you need to pass on the site? fuck that" Of course, I released they, along with a set of others, set the standard that everyone else on the site aspired by, thought it might not be impossible to get posted, and submitted a castlevania remix. It got harsh critique and rejected. So yeah... I've made it goal to get posted on ocr and become a well known mixer on the site as a means of improving myself as the standard is so high compared to the general publics view, who are happy with a bad midi rip sometimes.
  21. Happy birthday to rozovian: You are now a quarter of a century old! That entitles you to cake. May your beard grow longer.
  22. Difference in time zones for Sweden to NJ is + 6 hours so your deadline is at 6pm EDIT: damn Rozo beat me to it
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