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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I will point out that being a remixer and remix critiquer are two different things. Proof - LIONTAMER. Emunator, who is a wip judge is another good example of a non posted remixer who gives out great critiques as well. That said, it might be harder for the newbs to be sure what critique to trust, as there are those that do know their shit, and those that, to put it simply - don't - or don't yet. I think that being a posted remixer will get you alot more respect from a musical standpoint on ocr because it basically proves that you are above a certain standard, but that doesn't always mean that those that aren't are completely hopeless. However, if you want to be taken more seriously from crits, then getting a posted remix is pretty much key because it gives you that status that you aren't a newb who doesn't really have a clue, at least to those that won't be able to tell the great crits from not so great crits.
  2. I shouldn't worry, if you sent it he's probably got it. Also, as links awakening is my fav game of all time, so you can only imagine my excitement to it coming out. Only regret is not being on it myself - style restrictions >: (
  3. As far as i'm aware, the only ones out of these which are at the same or higher level of completion as this are teen agent, mega man and links awakening. Sonic 1 still has a track or 2 to finish, mega man X is having a deadline pushed back, and super mairo 64 has a fair amount left from what I can tell. When any of the others are going to come out tho is anyones guess at this point afaik, but my guess is links awakening will probably be next.
  4. SEGA, if you are ashamed of your shitty sonic games, then don't make shitty sonic games to begin with.
  5. What? This is FINISHED? LIES. Its going to be at least another 12 years XD
  6. Did fishy do the champion battle music? I can't remember...
  7. Not quite.... but remixing this tune has always been an interest of mine, I will end up doing it eventually
  8. Oh I think you'll see one sooner than you think...
  9. I just found out your avatar isn't batman. I am sad.
  10. This is why I picked an avatar no one else uses and I don't change it ever. Also, you didn't mention me in first post. You must die. Altho you have met me in rl so I guess I don't count
  11. Champions Horizon is Route 127 My Greatest Rival is the G/S Rival Battle Theme.
  12. Great trailer hahaha. Why do I get the impression i'll be laughing alot when playing this game?
  13. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31408 Saw this today and was wondering why it was no override, i've never seen it used for any other reason than it violating the standards, which is how rozovian said it was used in an earlier post. Is it used when remixes clearly aren't up to standard as well? or was there something else i've missed?
  14. yeah sure I still haven't forgotten the DKC3 bugging
  15. couldn't have done it without you man

  16. w00t, pretty happy with the outcome. Well done to everyone! Will be interesting to hear all the tracks also... I approve
  17. This makes me think that the law needs to change. Its bad for business and bad for listeners. How many times I have found out and brought music I found out about from an "illegal" video from youtube I can't count, and how many others will have done the same I wonder? The world is changing its methods of distribution now, and its time this BS was corrected. I very much doubt he was a youtube partner, to do that you have to have high quality videos (not just music videos with pictures over the top) with original content and all his videos would have had ads all over them.
  18. bahahahaahaha, you just made a rather shitty day more bearable. Nice Work
  19. I second this idea. Would be cool to see what everyone came up with.
  20. You know, when I heard those two tracks, I had a feeling you'd be remixing those themes
  21. its ur birfday. OMFG.

  22. Put OA, DA, LT, AnSo and the rest of the judges in a chat room together and the question is how COULDN'T they get as crazy as they do
  23. omfg epic avatar.

  24. Well this is an interesting mix. I gotta say at first, I wasn't sure. The first minute or so bothered me a little for three reasons: I didn't think the drums fitted well with the rest of the instruments, i'd have put the strings lower in the background than they were, and it didn't quite expand enough to keep my interest. However, after the 1st minute, things got really interesting with the sudden change of pace to hard rock, which seems a little too processed for my liking, but still pretty cool There are some really cool moments tho. The vocals are great (altho the distortion seems to be causing some sort of distorted pops or something... seems intentional but i'd have prefered a cleaner distortion on those vocals). Neptune right? I haven't got reason 5/record yet. The synths are pretty cool as well, have a chiptunish feel to them. So there are some small problems I do have with this mix but overall, this is a cool mix and very much recommended if you like electronic or rock music... which should be everyone right?
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