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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Got a back up. Its pretty close to finished now anyway, I probably would have given you an overdubbed version of my latest wip and called it done. Don't worry bout it.
  2. In music, there is only one place a band or group truly belongs and thats on the fucking stage. That said, I prefer studio music for the reasons zircon stated. You can't fault the atmosphere at a good live show tho.
  3. Got a problem... I've just lost my SDB wip Stupid crappy computer... I got a backup of it somewhere, altho a very old version iirc... i'll let you know how it goes.
  4. And you may have one back :P

  5. Thats up to you... whatever song inspires you. Which video game song do you feel strongly about?
  6. Wow. Drama. Anyway, going to ignore that and comment on the remixes. For what its worth, I think you do have good samples, but the samples could be put to better use with more tlc on the sequencing aspects, humanization, velocities, timing etc. I know thats not what you were going for, but I can still hope for it right For what its worth, these sound mechanical and I find it somewhat a shame that if you are capable of better you are showing us these pieces. I'm not really sure what to say... it seems to me that you've done what you intended and you don't want any constructive feedback at all. If that's the case, then well done I suppose, but I can only judge your skills by what you have shown here, and these don't really show much musical skill other than having a good ear for scoring out the originals note for note with modest production values. If you are as good as you say you are, I hope we see something with a bit more personalization from you in the future.
  7. Well good luck man, as a moderator you weren't half bad (p.s. make brushfire a mod, you know it makes sense )
  8. Slight problem with that... looking at the sound, its got ring modulation on it, I can't remove the sound distortion modulation when I do vibrato without significantly altering the sound of the synth generally, basically it loses all its character and turns into a more pure chip lead which wasn't what I was going for... personally i'm ok with it as it is but i'll mess around and see if I can get the best of both worlds.
  9. Sounds like you are talking about the FM modulation on my lead, that was intentional.
  10. y u diss mah ch0rd choices? u n00b. I'll kik ur ass.
  11. Ah ok, for future reference, its probably a better idea to just say the length of the chords to avoid confusion and as for your crit, I understand, but it completely goes against the idea of how I wrote the rhodes for my track, I think I'll leave them as is.
  12. You do realize that post was a joke? Also, you aren't talking about sustain, you are talking about decay. Sustain is just how loud the note plays when it reaches its minimum volume after decaying, decay is how long the note takes to decay (how it decreases in volume after you hit the note) Hence the name. Sustain wasn't the problem here, and I couldn't turn up the decay any more as it was on full... trust me on that There was 0 sustain on my rhodes but thats not needed because the decay was up and the notes ended long before the decay started to take away from the sound... so i'm not quite sure what you are talking about when you say it needs more sustain, because the rhodes are rhythmic, they aren't decaying chords, minus a few exceptions, and that was the point. And I turn up the rhoades any louder, they would just overpower everything else.
  13. hahahahaha I knew which sims were which without looking at the names Pretty well made sims you got there
  14. Yeah, the guitar solo is real, and I played it. I play guitar you know
  15. http://tindeck.com/listen/psrf Funk styled remix of Hydrocity. I view this as done, but I got a week left before I sub so crits are welcome
  16. I'm not sure about this so don't quote me on it but I think with collabs, remixers are listed in alphabetical order.
  17. Relistening to this, I gotta say, this is pretty funny. Nice work guys
  18. If you want symphonic metal, then ask Chthonic. He's done a track for you already EDIT: sorry, thinking of the wrong Chthonic.
  19. halc, who is a wip judge/mod on this forum uses FL and a stereo imager is a core part of his sound. iirc, his stereo imager is an FL default plug-in so I can ask him for you or if he sees the thread he can tell you himself
  20. Very good improvement! Alot of the crits have been addressed well I'm going to be somewhat short here because its late and I should be in bed. I might come back tomorrow and give it a more in-depth listen. I totally get what you are doing with your build up but be careful not to have too little source... OCR needs 50% source minimum to pass a track, and just the chord sequence won't cut it so make sure you have enough source in your track I also think you might have overdone it a little with the sidechaining there... particularly when the lead comes in, the lead shouldn't sound over compressed like that. Nice idea, but execution needs to be improved I also like the breakdown, again, I think the source might be lacking here, and that transition seems a little sudden. Everything seems clear enough... good job on the mixing. Next, I'd try and bring out the stereo width of your track with the stereo imager on the master, will really create a huge and dynamic sound if you are successful I suggest you go and listen to bLiNds remixes if you haven't already, he does a very similar style to yours and is one of the best trance remixers on the site. Finally, I think those last three chords could use a little less delay on the synth there, they bleed into each other slightly and the track cuts off at the end. Very nice improvement tho, keep at this and I reckon you could get this posted EDIT: wasn't as brief as I expected
  21. Heh I don't have a midi interface either, All my music is sequenced in reason/reaper, with the exception of guitar work. You don't have to use a midi interface to use vsts if thats what you were thinking
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