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The Biznut

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Status Updates posted by The Biznut

  1. Jimmy, your track on Disc one of Songs for the Cure 2010 is awesome, I totally dig it. Props. Did you do vocals on that track yourself, or is it someone else?

  2. Hey Ocre, thanks for the shout! You still hang around on irc? Been a while since I stopped in there!

  3. Hey Vinnie, I just got the decision on Corneria Airspace. I appreciate good feedback, wanted to thank you for taking the time to write some. Thanks!

  4. Hey Josh, great work on your tracks in Songs for the Cure 2010; great double disc set! I like it a lot, good work.

  5. Thanks for a response. Im gone for a few days starting tomorrow, I should be able to get you something when I get back. I don't have too much of anything vocal done yet, if you wanted an idea for sound wise, my voice probably sounds a bit like the mc for Linkin Park. ish.

    I'll send something your way in a week/ish. Thanks

  6. Bro I was out on a bit of a road trip for the weekend, finally got the lappy set up. I don't know when I will be on IRC tonight (later most likely) but PM me what is up. I won't sell that KB37 so don't sweat, it's more or less yours.

  7. We're still a green for tomorrow, as per the deadline. If its a sucky turnout, we'll talk about a potential secondary viewing party for those who almost finished and don't want to wait until new years.

  8. Fragapalooza is Western Canada's largest LAN party, usually happens in or around Edmonton sometime in the summer. I was grasping at a possible connection, lol. Do you make it out to lots of Concerts down there?

  9. Bro, I said it once, I'll say it again, loving your music. Sick Corneria Remixes, Absolute High is so great! When I post the next version of my perpetual WIP of Corneria I'll link it to you, its trancey also :-)

  10. Trance and Metal is not that big of a leap for me man, I dig both. I honestly haven't heard tons of chiptunes yet, but I have a buddy I hang out with who has some equipment to make that sort of thing happen :)

    I am probably going to be down in Edmonton for Hammerfall and Powerglove on the 21st of this month, @ the Starlite Room. Give me a heads up if you happen to be going, It would be cool to say hi to someone else on this forum IRL for once.

  11. Hey Brushfire, Kaleb here.

    I know from the recent music video thread you had expressed a degree of interest in OCR Music Video's and possibly being a part of one or making one. The discussion on that video thread has spawned the OCR Community Music Video Challenge, I think that you should channel your energies into contributing, because whatever you come up with would be pretty awesome, and probably ridiculous. Which is also awesome.

    Consider yourself personally invited, for whatever that is worth. And feel free to talk up the event some (cough *OCAD* cough), it would be so bitchin to have a good turnout for this first go around! There's certainly the creativity and skill for it floating around here.

    Let me know if you are interested.

  12. Hey Sinewav. Was rereading the music video thread, saw your post talking about your amazing film student skills and exploits. You should put those to use for a contribution to the OCR Community Music Video Challenge! See if you can't get something together for that. Now that you are a film student, I'll have to put you in the bottom list if you don't sign up ;-)

  13. Buddy! I went hunting for whoever posted the vid idea for Starman (Don't Lose Yourself). And it was you! That is a great idea, you really should get in on the music video challenge. Get yourself out of that bottom list! ;-)

  14. I AM NOW!

    wait where am I?

    OH YEAH! Stevo. I don't know if you are aware yet, but the universe needs you to consider seriously your involvement in PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT MAKIND SHALL EVER WITNESS. Lives are at stake.

    No doubt you got a lot on your plate, but you would be a fool to deny yourself of the possibilities that await you should you embark on this mission. Collab with Brush and come up with something beyond redculous. You could do a brainstorming session on OCAD, just listening to you guys throw ideas around would be entertaining on a number of levels...

  15. Yo DragonAvenger. I read a post in the Music Video thread about how you and Doug were working on a Rhymes with Elixer skit. If that ever happens soon, definitely record it for the community music video challenge! OR just make a different video! It would definitely make it awesome either way!

    Also, you have a great voice!

  16. Jose, Kaleb aka the Biznut here.

    Read your post on the music video thread, the one about the lack of camera. If you aren't aware, that thread led to a community music video challenge, organized by myself. There are a few people that have a camera, myself included, that may be looking to collab or brainstorm some ideas. I don't know if that interest you, but I have been around here enough to know you are a creative guy with some neat ideas, and if you were involved at all in this event, it would be better for it. Check it out and think on it.


  17. Mr McVaffe, Kaleb here aka Biznut

    Thanks for that link to your game video compliations, I dig! I wanted to draw your attention to the Community Music Video Challenge and say that It would be cool to have you involved! If you enjoy game montages, they certainly are welcome. Check it out and think on it, the more people are in the better, especially if they are big names like MCVAFFE! You are a prolific remixer after all, soon you'll have OVER 9000!!


  18. Yo Binjovi, Kaleb aka The Biznut here.

    Wanted to invite you to get in on the OCR Community Music Video Challenge! It would be great to have you involved. You mentioned in the one thread you were into animation but didn't feel your skills were good enough (or something along those lines) to make any sort of music video. Well, if it is something you are interested in, you should get involved anyway, I bet you are better than you think.

    Check it out and think about it!


  19. Hey, you are a Kaleb with a K too!

  20. That suitcase was HEAVY!

  21. Transportation issues hey? That doesn't sound fun at all, I certainly hope that is resolved quickly! If you can get something, awesome. If not, it is totally understandable.

  22. Chernabogue, glad to have you pumped about the music video challenge! Have you picked a song to do yet? I am trying to figure mine out...

  23. Wicked video bro, totally a step up in quality from the rest. Made some waves man, Irc was pretty loud about it.

    And on Lazy days, my personal hygiene routine is much more comprehensive :)

  24. Greetings Ramaniscence! Wondering if it'd be possible to sneak into the Freshly Baked Remixers Challenge as a mixer. Im a few days late, if I had seen it earlier I would have signed up on the spot. Maybe if you have an extra challenge, you could just send it my way. If its not too much trouble, I'd love the opportunity.



  25. Pezman! How much to ship that NanoKontrol to Canada, T8V 2Y2?

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