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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. Totally wish I had NOT bought FLStudio 3 years ago and waited till NOW. well not really. But this is one awesome deal!
  2. Yeah it' tough. All the extra money I make this month will go to tuition. I think that what i need to do is start making music with what I have and whatever profits come from that will go toward gear / samples. That way I know I will be skilled enough to use it instead of buying tons of stuff only to find out it won't ever go anywhere. But it so much easier just to BUY THINGS!
  3. This week only. All samples preinstalled to a hard drive. This sale comes along once or twice each year it seems.
  4. pffft MechaFone, nice sig, hahaha!
  5. Hey Nekofrog, was it mainly the price factor that resulted in the purchase of the PodHD? Or did you think that HD would be a better product? I am just really curious. I know months ago you talked the Axe FX up big time to me on IRC, and I basically want to know if you feel the same way about it.
  6. Exactly Exactly. Absolutely killer guitar tones on Black Mages I, oh man. Matoya's cave is the only track on either of the other albums that I listen to anymore.
  7. Want to say props for Chekan Winter, that is a killer track man, i dig it a lot. Nice work.

  8. 17$ 16gb class 10 sdhc card 2.99$ hdmi cables many many more Canadian prices http://www.ncix.com/promo/promosale.php?webid=blackfriday2010
  9. checking it out now, thanks!
  10. To get my album art, I googled Overclocked Remix images and used this one
  11. This is a very reasonable idea.
  12. As for sorting songs further, I have a few smart playlists set up OCR 5 star OCR 4 star OCR unrated I rate tracks as I listen, 5 stars if I like the song and it is upbeat and energetic, 4 stars if I like the song and it is more mellow. 3 stars if it is an okay song, and 1 star if I never want to hear it again. Upon resyncing, the songs are autmatically added to the appropriate playlists so I can shuffle the 5 star or 4 star playlist and get OCRemixes I know I like in a style I prefer at the time. I can also keep listening to random unrated songs to get them sorted. Seems to work for me.
  13. Who me? Yeah, haha. I haven't had the time to do any music at all in the last few months. I watched the 9.6 new features video and downloaded and installed it, but just barely got to play with the clips, maybe for 5 minutes. It's a pretty huge leap in some cases, and I am interested in hearing what other users think about it.
  14. This is a fantastic thread, there are some very nice shots of all different styles. Great talent here!
  15. I almost made a birthday thread for myself a few days ago, but then I didn't! Happy Birthday to us both, your twenty first, and my twenty-sixth! (mine was two days ago). Be well!
  16. Oh awesome Nekofrog! I'm also looking forward to some clips, as well as your first impressions and other thoughts. I'm assuming it was the price difference mainly?
  17. What do you think of the new features? Go!
  18. Alrighty, I scrolled this thread for any mention of Axe FX and this is the only one. I don't suppose any of you have played extensively enough to comment vs the other options discussed here? Neko I remember in IRC a few months back you sounded like it was only a matter of time before you grabbed an Axe FX Ultra, did that happen? Additionally, now that the Pod HD series is out I would love to hear about them too. Basically; Your statement up there was a bit shocking Sixto; I would certainly be surprised if it is true.
  19. Alright. Ima double post to bump this thread up. First photo is a jr. high dance I DJ'd back in April. Next 3 photos are from a music festival some friends and I put on this summer! EDIT Apparently this will be a single post until I get my wedding pics up on Facebook!
  20. Luke that' one mean lookin stache complimented by some killer 5oclock shadow, haha! I should hop on board with that idea for a sig...
  21. SO glad to see this continuing. If I am going to be at MAG, then I will get something done, but that is not a for sure yet for me. I have two 4th year classes compressed into one month, the month of January, and then I have a 9 week practicum. I don't know if I will be able to take the time off to fly, totally depends on the schedule for next semester. Gotta see what flights will cost too. Don't put me down yet, we'll see.
  22. This was the first and only game my dad bought us for the NES. I managed to beat it twice I think, but yeah it was tough! It was all about scoring enough credits to max out the cannon upgrade after the first level set. Millionz of bulletz! It was always such a rush on the levels that let you go REAL fast!
  23. Hey Rey, my friend did sell that guitar a couple months ago, I think he got the 1800 for it. Now you know! :-)

  24. Pezman! How much to ship that NanoKontrol to Canada, T8V 2Y2?

  25. no doubt, it was a good deal!
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