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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. For those of you who already have a copy of ODST anyway. I'll be borrowing a friends copy on the 3rd or using mine if it comes in the mail quick enough, got a copy off ebay today. Is anybody else here gonna check it out? My gamertag is Pennerico. If you are gonna get in on the beta, feel free to send me a friend request, hopefully I'll be able to play a good chunk next week.
  2. Bro, I said it once, I'll say it again, loving your music. Sick Corneria Remixes, Absolute High is so great! When I post the next version of my perpetual WIP of Corneria I'll link it to you, its trancey also :-)

  3. Rozovian, I'm pretty familiar with Rockbox, that was a good recommendation, and Stevo when I get my iphone I'll be checking out that app for sure. I think my best solution is to buy an older ipod or other mp3 player on the cheap, throw rockbox on it and then use it exclusively for these file types, it'll be my VGpod. Even a 2gig would cover the full library of nsf and spc files if I am not mistaken. (I think I have a full lib of nsf on my external somewhere...) If not then I'm pretty sure I can whittle it down to ebay!
  4. I just googled this again and found that someone on OCReMix had a thread with the same question. Of course it was ME! I totally forgot I had posted this here, haha! I think that is my que to shut things down for the night
  5. Downloading. I have often thought of remixing VG tracks from specific games, covering each track in the order it is encountered as you progress through the game from start to finish; basically, a non stop playthrough remix or megamix. I wonder if this is like that. I guess I'll find out. If I ever get my act together I might actually make one of my own...
  6. Bahamut, as we have discussed in the past, your choice in concerts is pretty close to identical to mine. That is a very cool lineup you have for this summer. I saw Barenaked Ladies a few weeks ago, what an awesome show! Before that it was Hammerfall and Powerglove. Missed Sonata this time around. Next up is U2 in July I think. I have tix but can't remember when it is. I DJ on the night Maiden is in Edmonton, so that's out. I might go to Saskatchewan to see them though. I might go see Breaking Benjamin, but their newest CD only had 2 songs I liked, and it means I would be paying to see nickelback too, so that is a pretty big might. I saw
  7. What everybody else said Knock'em dead mang!
  8. Hey Josh, great work on your tracks in Songs for the Cure 2010; great double disc set! I like it a lot, good work.

  9. Anybody on OCR have experience with Joomla? I have very little and while my limited knowledge is enough to make the necessary minor changes on my business website (www.gpdj.ca) I run into issues from time to time that I simply can't seem to figure out. Now that schools done, I am going to spend more time trying to get myself more acquainted with Joomla. Does anybody here know / use Joomla? Does anybody know of an alternative that is painless to pickup? I have a such a thing doesn't really exist, but I really don't know. I can do a lot, but I have very little experience with websites. Thanks
  10. Then it will probably be amazing when you do do it
  11. Ogh. Jumper? Twitch platforming for sure. So intense! Musically, I know he's more of a composer than a producer so to speak. Do you know specific tracks that he rips from? I can see someone thinking his tracks are midi rips because he uses tracking software to make some of his music, but I am quite sure it is all original... Drawing inspiration from other tracks possibly, but I strongly doubt they are direct midi rips of other songs. btw, did you beat any of his jumper games? I sure didn't, not yet anyways...
  12. I am really curious if anybody here has heard of MattMakesGames.com or is familiar with any of his (Matt Thorson's) games. The Jumper series, RunMan, etc. One of his games was bought by Kongregate, and hes been on G4 even. I just found out today that he recently sold one of his latest games to Adult Swim, which blew my mind I ask this only because he is a friend of mine. I am super pumped to hear about his successes, and am just wondering if anybody here knows of him. Also, he makes all the music for his games, and he makes a pretty neat variety of cool music! www.mattmakesgames.com
  13. ALRIGHT PEOPLE I got this CD a few days ago, a physical copy in the mail. It was like Christmas. The Album art is awesome. The music is great, I just hit up BGC with a VM about how much I enjoy his contribution. (and I TRIED to VM Meteo Xavier, but apparently I can't do that at the moment )There are 35+ tracks on this double disc package of awesome, covering all sorts of styles. For those who dig vocals, you are guaranteed to dig this album, there are some phenomenal tracks on here. To sum up: Someone who was not directly involved with this album approves it. Independent review says two thumbs up. You may not have a bone to pick with cancer, but if you appreciate the work of unique and talented musicians and composers, then you will not be disappointed in this investment.
  14. I agree with what analoq says, there is always an upside and downside to any time. I also feel that it could have been announced later without too much of a negative effect. I personally won't be doing anything with my video for a while. When I think about this event, I always think about the viewing party. It was a great time last time, and I really think that is the most important part of the event. In a lot of ways, you don't even need to announce anything else, just that there is a viewing party on such and such a date, and if you have a video made in time, people will watch it. I'm not concerned about how long people take to make it, which is why personally I feel that the Music Video Challenge doesn't really require a set start time. analoq does bring up a point that I do agree with; some people will probably lose interest over 4 months. I agree. LAOS has some good suggestions to help keep things alive. Even if people lose interest, there will still be those who don't. For them, 4 months is probably awesome. I think that come Viewing Party time, everyone will get back into it. I plan on being at Magfest this year, I would love to run MVC3 from Sept until then and have an in house viewing party there. I plan on doing whatever I need to to make that happen. That would be another 4 month period. If this time seems to work out, and the next one does too (Which is should, simply because its MAG fest. If DoD gets 20+ entries for the MAG edition, the MVC should be larger too) then I think I will just host a viewing party triannually, announce right away. If we can get into a natural rhythm then it may require less direct effort each time around. Those are my thoughts anyway. They extend a bit down the road, but I don't apologize for that, I'd like to see this event stick around, it's fun!
  15. Jimmy, your track on Disc one of Songs for the Cure 2010 is awesome, I totally dig it. Props. Did you do vocals on that track yourself, or is it someone else?

  16. Also voted! Good work, now make something for OCR Music Video Challenge 2 also!
  17. Thanks diotrans. I hope I finally got it right, nobody likes a triple fail.
  18. I recently DJ'd between acts at a local Battle of the Bands. I played a 60/40 OCReMix/Biznut Original concoction, and it was an awesome contrast to some of the acts that played. I threw the OverClocked ReMix main page up on the projector and let people know if they liked the tunes, there was plenty more free music here. That was right before I announced the contest winners, as I was appointed one of the judges for the evening. In true OCRemix judge fashion, nobody won anything and I told 2 of the 9 bands to resub at next years Battle of the Bands. Just kidding of course. The band who won were a bunch of 17 year olds who played Megadeth's Hangar 18 to a stupid level of perfection. It was just like the real thing, only way more energy! All this to say that I totally support OCR. I'll do it with cash too once I have some more of my own.
  19. Brief Aside: There is a level of hype among a certain sect of apple users that seems to defy logic, especially when we are talking about week long lineups in front of an apple store pending a new apple product release date. It is bizzare behavior to me, as it obviously is to you, Patrick Burns. Therefore, the OP does not find Patrick Burns guilty of threadshitting. The Jury is dismissed and all talk of that can end now. I do however, find your name very similar to that of a former Toronto Maple Leafs head coach. Now back to the topic at hand. My interest in the 4G lies in the fact that I have become frustrated by my blackberry's erratic behavior, and the immense opportunity that is the app-store, especially as a DJ. I have been curious about a new hardware update on the iphone for quite a while, as I have been planning on getting an iphone for several months. I need to know what I am missing out on if I were to buy a 3G or 3Gs now vs waiting on a next get Iphone. analoq, I was totally wondering about the legal side of things. I also have a hard time thinking that Gizmondo would dare to do this without some sort of green light from apple.
  20. OKAY! I finally remembered the pictures of that guitar. Here you are sir. If it is late, oh well, thought I would do it anyway. My bad for being so slow, haha!

  21. I fixed that first link Murmeli Walan, It should take you to the youtube playlist now. You aren't alone either, there were a few others I know who would have loved to do something but they never knew about it. This time should be different. I know for me personally, it was a total blast both making my video and seeing all the other entries. I am sure this time will be just the same. I'm glad you are interested!
  22. Ladies and Gentlemen: The first ever OCR Community Music Video Challenge was awesome, Contributions from BrandonS, diotrans, Less Ashamed of Self, Chernabogue, ProjectSpam, and some Biznut chump each brought something uniquely cool to the table. Every entry was worth the price of admission; The IRC viewing party was a slight gong show, which was totally great; altogether I was totally thrilled with the event in every way. If you didn't see the vids, or just want to relive the dream, I promised that we would do this again, and so my friends, in lieu of my recently finished final exams and the exceedingly beautiful weather; with slushie in hand, I proudly announce to you: OverClocked ReMix Music Video Challenge 2: Video HARDER! This is a community event, so anyone and everyone is once again welcome and encouraged to participate! All you gotta do is: 1. Pick an OverClocked ReMix 2. Create a music video before the event deadline 3. Have a blast watching everyone's entries at the viewing party! And this time you have 4 months to do it! The deadline / viewing party will be on SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th @ 9PM EASTERN TIME. "The only way to lose is to not participate" ~just64helpin Guidelines for this event for those interested in entering, along with actual event discussion event ideas/execution/etc. can be found here. NOW ON TO THE GOODIES!!! Less Ashamed Of Self's entry in the last Music Video Challenge was a real treat. A lot of time and effort went into his entry, and it showed; surprising a lot of people, including myself. Luke has prepared a blooper reel of his music video for "Dreaming Still" as a promo especially for this announcement, because he knew you would ignore it otherwise! So check yo' self and then check out the bloopers Huge thanks to LAOS for that blooper reel promo and eager interest in this event. Luke will definitely be preparing a music video this time around, as will I, and while I can't promise I will have a shirt on this time, I promise it will blow your mind!!! Lets make Round two even bigger and better, I'm looking forward on seeing all of your videos along with ours in 4 months time! Biznut out.
  23. Thanks a ton diotrans. I apologize to all for my consistent absence since my wedding early Sept. I just don't have the time I thought I would to be around here regularly at all, and it isn't fair to you all. I am pumped diotrans is taking over! I think it might be in everyones best interest to have a new thread started, as diotrans suggested. Maybe I'll see you guys at the viewing party! Peace!
  24. Someone loses a phone in a bar, someone else finds it. No big deal, happens all the time, Right? Right. Now what if that phone is an Apple's next gen iphone prototype? Then it doesn't happen all the time, probably never. But if it does, it is a significantly larger deal. Especially if Gizmondo gets their hands on it. I'm still not sure how ready I am to believe the story behind this entirely. Could Apple have planned something like this maybe? Tech wise it seems to be the real thing though. I'm looking forward to ditching my blackberry for the new iphone, if this is it or not.
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