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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. I used to drive scraper (or a buggy, earthmover, etc.) and It was retarted if you did not have earplugs. I would often go earplugs and then earmuffs, it was so loud. Earplugs can certainly be a saving grace for your ears and your brain. Good to have some handy for any reason. I usually use them from time to time at concerts, especially when theres a band who sucks, or you just don't like. Listening to horribly loud music that you DO NOT like is torture, and it makes me super angry super fast, lol. Earplugs keep me in the game till the band I like comes on.
  2. Nice Sigrip Luke! It caught me off guard first time around, lol. I would like to do a cooler one for round 2, since its bound to be cooler. But we'll see what happens. I have 2 song choices I would like to do for this round, and I have some ideas for both. We'll see what happens. I do think I have NEXT rounds song picked though, lol.
  3. Hey setzertrancer. You should click on my sig.
  4. Updated, added the in list for those who have expressed interest. so far we have 12, which means that there is a good chance we'll end up with more than the 6 entries we had last round, which is good news!
  5. I can do Maiden style decently, but I think some of Brandons growls would do pretty awesome on your always wrong track
  6. i'm listening through that list right now, I'll see about getting something together if I find the right source. LuiZa, I never played this game, so I don't know if I would be the one to do lyrics, but if you want some vocals, I could give it a shot for sure.
  7. Perhaps this thread should be renamed to OCReMix Organizing Strategies or something. I know tons of people have their own way of organizing them, here's mine (i use itunes) All OCReMixes get OCRemix logo for album art OCReMix albums get their respective album art Any OCReMix I like that is fast, upbeat, loud, energetic; gets 5 stars Any OCReMix I like that is slower, quieter, more ambient, etc; gets 4 stars Any OCReMix that I feel is just okay or is a classic gets 3 stars Anything I don't like at all gets 1 star I keep a few smart playlists set up that allow me to listen to what I want: OCR 5 star OCR 4 star OCR plus (3,4,5 star tracks) OCR New (added within the last month) OCR Unplayed (Any OCRemix with a play count of zero) OCR Unrated (no rating applied yet) OC ReMix (All OCReMix /Album tracks) I almost always have one of these playlists on shuffle. I like this system a lot, because I can easily rate songs as I listen to them on my ipod, and then they automatically fall into place every time I sync up. It works pretty well for me.
  8. I did not once even think of that. not. even. once. Prelude would be the other Ice Cap for sure! Bizzare!
  9. oh GEEZ!! @ 2:20
  10. Halo Reach is quite different from Halo 3. Control and fluidity are definitely better on the tech side of things. You won't have to worry about any jump lag or other such issues. It's very clean that way, which is awesome. Framerate is a solid 30fps at nearly all times, don't know how H3 was for that. Graphically, it looks much better. Matchmaking is very smooth, even in the beta (now that the fires are out) The weapons are different for sure, the grenades act differently, and players take damage differently; its back to a shield/health combo much like Halo CE. There are some new gametypes too. I am assuming invasion will feel a lot more like some of the objective progression based gameypes from UT2k4. Headhunter is new too and I think it's great. I was very comfortable with Halo 3, and there is still a part of me that prefers Halo 3 to Reach, but I have been pretty impressed with it so far, and when I get my hands on the full version in the fall, I think it will be pretty great. I guess thats the thing; if you need to appease your friends sometime within the next 4 months, reach may not be an option. In such a case, for Xbox you gotta do Halo 3 (dirt cheap now, and can split screen online) or Modern Warfare 2 (anything online is one player per console); Both have proven to be excellent console multiplayer shooters.
  11. I disagree, I think Song of Storms could use more coverage. It and Gerudo would be tied, so I don't think either of them is deserving in that case. We are talking ICE CAP here, and I don't think either of those themes totally overshadow the others from the game. I was going to disagree. Then I realized this is totally correct. There's a few good mixes of it here, Strike911 has covered it (amazingly) twice...I even have a WIP I have been chipping away at for the last 8 months Therefore, I must agree! MM2 Wily 1 probably gets an Ice Cap, but I think the intro would get it for MM3, though with 9 mixes, it deserves a mention. Sidenote: The remix of MM3 Wily1 on the Trance Addicts VGM Remix Album is the best remix of this source. Its amazing. That album is old now, but it still kicks some serious ass, if anyone wants it, I can certainly seed it, just let me know. OKAY, now on to my contriubtion. Chocobo's theme is the Ice Cap of the Final Fantasy Series. Yes it is. Yes.
  12. I must have it. Thanks a ton for this man, appreciated greatly!
  13. I totally agree with prophet; right from the first game, Halo's campaign has been the one of the best co-op gaming experience for me. I hope Reach will be as enjoyable, I am thoroughly looking forward to stepping back into the large scale, open area combat that Halo CE offered up. Sidenote: I think the Terminal messages in Halo 3 are super cool. They tell a very intriguing story, at least to me. I'd definitely love more of it in any sort of form, I hope the Reach campaign has some neat stuff like this in it too. Invasion is being rolled out on the beta today too, I *might* get to play tonight. I'll friend up with you guys later tonight too if work doesn't go too late. Darkesword, maybe some evening next week would work for some OCReach?
  14. Oh geez! Nice work Nario! Now do it with a light gun. jk,srsly nicewrk
  15. Double post whaaaaaat!!! Played 5 matches again today, matchmaking was very smooth this time, good work on the fix Bungie. I'm curious to hear how he rest of you are performing in reach so far. I played Halo 3 a lot, and while I wasn't phenomenal, I can say confidently that I am good at it for sure. So far in Halo Reach, I am fairly phenomenal. Of the 8 team deathmatch games I have played so far, I've scored exactly 20 kills the last 5 times I have played on the powerplant or whatever map, and then I went 29/5 and 24/7 the only two times I played on the sword map, the multilevel one. I am sure this will all start to fade as people start to rank up, etc, and when others start figuring these maps out, I doubt I'll be this good for too long I think a big part of it is that for whatever reason I have had practically zero trouble adjusting from H3 to HR. Have you been faring better or worse than you would expect? Has Reach been easy to get comfortable with, adjust to for the rest of you too? Also, do you mix up your loadouts often? I personally use Scout only, and I am wondering what it will take to get me to switch. That Sprint is becoming very very near to my heart. Grab a sword and have some serious fun
  16. I won't be able to play too much this week. Work opportunity came up so I better take it, as fun as Reach is, it doesn't exactly pay my way through school, or anything for that matter. I had a good laugh when I saw Prophet's post about bungie catching fire. That is hilarious!
  17. It is my fairly firm opinion that any VG music will become the worst videogame music if it is repeated too often throughout the game. Grownlanser 3: Awesome game with good music, but the time I spent listening to the same music over and over came close to totally ruining it for me.
  18. First impressions. Controller response is much improved over halo 3, the games I have played have felt seamless. No frustrating jump lag, melee glitches, etc. The Loadout system is pretty neat. Definitely allows people to customize their play style based on the situation, adds another layer of strategy right off the start. I feel they are well balanced so far, though the armor lockdown ability can be a frustrating thing to encounter. Overall it looks pretty slick. For some reason I feel like I am looking at UT2004 sometimes. Couldn't say why at all though, maybe the level designs. It is definitely a beta; despite Bungies preparation for toady, there is some pretty significant server downtime, its been about 30% playing to 70% waiting for the server to become available again. The matchmaking is set up in a better way in my opinion, the only downside I see is the new voting system will almost surely result in the same maps being played far more, though that could be augmented by not offering the most popular map / gametype configurations as often. Hopefully by later this week the gaming to server down time ratio will level out, it's really poor at the moment, and I am enjoying this so far.
  19. I have played or attempted to play melody lines from video games ever since I played megaman 2 at my neighbors house in my early early youth. Piano, guitar, banjo, anything. Hence whenever I play OCR tracks (or my own WIPs) and my mom was within earshot, she'll say "oh hey I know this song, is this one of those remixes you listen to?". It's pretty cool. Also, my mom plays Bass, sings, and does signing too.
  20. haha, there we go I'm sure I'll see some of you online at some point.
  21. Didn't realize how old the OP was. Not sure how I missed this. Not sure I'm upset about missing it either. Apparently I am clueless on all accounts.
  22. I knew this thread would be generally ignored, I know the Halo series is not exactly popular here. But I like it, so I'm bumping it, and the rest of you can deal with it If you're gonna give the beta a shot and you want some company, let me know!
  23. Well this has got me wondering if this really was just a clever play by Apple, It's getting pretty intense for a covert marketing maneuver...
  24. And now Activision and Bungie announce a 10 year global partnership. I don't know what to make of that. Looks like Activision will be doing the publishing only, Bungie gets to keep hold of all of its intellectual property this time around. That is a pretty long partnership in this industry, we'll see how long it lasts...
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