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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. I just downloaded er. I'll ipod it, thanks for sharing!
  2. I'm from northern Alberta, Canada, so I am an Edmonton fan, but man were they frustrating to watch at the end of the season. Always digging holes they would almost get themselves out of, but not quite. Could have been in the playoffs quite easily, but nope. My roommate is a Detroit fan, so I watched some Red Wing hockey and it was such a breath of fresh air! Theres some unreal Talent on that team. Datsyuk? You kiddin me? That guy is friggin unreal. I don't think anyone in the league could be as valuable as he has been with the points he has. Only 1 goal but noone can say a thing bad about him, cause hes that good! whos your favorite player?

  3. Hey Artesu, noticed your Chris Osgood props in your sig. You watch the game tonight? Should have gone to OT at least! Gonna be a killer game 7 though... With a solid Detroit win of course

  4. I am halfway through Dune Messiah, the second of the classic trilogy by Frank Herbert. I enjoyed Dune, especially the first half or so. Dune Messiah has some real good moments too. Sometimes its a bit more philosophical than I'd care for, but always in context. I'll finish up the series and then maybe hit up that mistborn series mentioned a page or so back on this thread.
  5. I'm willing to do this also, if there is something left to be done. Is there more to be transcribed yet? Just PM me.
  6. Neat stuff, thanks for sharing! I got it downloaded and will ipod it tomorrow!
  7. Greetings Ramaniscence! Wondering if it'd be possible to sneak into the Freshly Baked Remixers Challenge as a mixer. Im a few days late, if I had seen it earlier I would have signed up on the spot. Maybe if you have an extra challenge, you could just send it my way. If its not too much trouble, I'd love the opportunity.



  8. I certainly wish I had seen this thread earlier! I would have loved to get in on it as an amateur remixer, lol. I know the deadline is passed, is it too late to get my name tagged on to the mixers section? No harm in asking right?
  9. For those of you who clicked this thread and don't know what Fragapalooza is, its the largest LAN party in Canada. Its a 4 day event that happens in Edmonton, Alberta. This year I believe it is August 6th-9th. I am going and would love to connect with anyone else in the OCR community who is going to be there! If you have no plans of going but think it sounds like a kickass time, click here to get some more info. Anyone else going? interested? ***bumped. Don't want to miss a meet up cause this thread died out. Its worth another look...for me anyways
  10. I drove a buggy all last summer. Sat beside a 800hp engine for 11 hours a day 6 days a week. Music definitely got me through those long days (I listened to Prophecy's Chekan Winter remix a *lot* that summer!) and what helped me cut out the noise on the cheap was a $25 pair of JVC marshmallows coupled with a cheap ol $3 pair of construction earmuffs. Decent sound quality with EXCELLENT outside noise reduction. I had to keep the volume super low so i could hear the other guys on the radio. The earbud/earmuff combo works well with almost any earbud. The downside is that you look a bit goofy if you are not in a big machine or on a job site. You might need to adjust the foam to make room for the earbud too if the earmuffs press to hard against the earbuds causing too much discomfort. The JVCs fit great though. It may seem sligtly macguyverish, but if you find a good quality earbud, you can add lots of extra noise cancellation for pocket change.
  11. Hey Willrock, thanks for sharing! Got it all downloaded and tomorrow it will be on the ipod. I think its a significant thing to say you would not be where you are musically if not for this site. The music that gets put up here is inspiring for sure!
  12. I've read and heard a lot of good things on the PRESONUS FIREBOX. It has some award winning preamps, and many reviews have said its the best you can get in the 300 range. I was looking for something and went with this, though I have not had the time to really put it to use yet so I can't speak from personal experience. Though that will change soon...
  13. Just saw the commercial for Wii Music. What do you guys think about that whole thing? Pardon the topic change
  14. First of course, THANK YOU Zircon for sharing your experience with us in this way, it will be helpful to say the least. Any contribution you make is a very generous gesture and will be appreciated whatever it may be. To see an accomplished remixer craft a remix from the ground up would be supremely helpful IMO. Personally I don't care if it is a boring video, its helpfulness would infinitely outweigh the boredom, for me anyway, though I doubt it would be boring. If you can work fast once you know what you are doing, would it be possible to do a remix from scratch with the purpose of simply getting to the end with a sonically solid and polished product? You would not need to labor much over specifically what is being written, composition, if the goal the whole time is completing and capturing the remix process instead of the remix itself. How does that idea sit with you? I know this sort of separation is much harder for some people than others. If you were to do it, I assure you that as I said, helpfulness will nullify boringness I am positive. A path may be boring, but it will show the way for those who want to go somewhere Take us there! lol
  15. \ I also like the minor key Ever since I was young, when music has grabbed me, it takes a long time for the fingers to loose. Mid 90's dance tracks were my obsession in elementary school, stole Dance mix 95 from a friend and pretty much worshipped it for a while. Also liked good techno/trance. junior high was the additoin of rock/punk stuff. Didn't appreciate the oldies, country, or rap too much, though there is always the exception. In High school a friend introduced me to Metallica, for a while that was the only band I cared existed. I then discovered the amazing, if not cheezy, Blind Guardian, which was my first step down the power metal path, leading on to Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica, In Flames after I got over the vocals, and others. There was a period where I took a leave of absence from music for a while too, and when I got back into it, Things were much the same. I have always seemed to have different tastes than the average person, average where I live means redneck I naturally never really bought into that scene musically, and have found myself I have found that for all of my branching out, I have never discarded a musical preference, it has just settled into place after a while I find. Currently, I find myself enjoying country a lot more than ever, thanks to my hick of a younger brother I have listened to a lot of radio at my work and have heard some mainstream pop radio songs to bring a smile to my face and a bob to my head, which is something I once swore would never happen. Pop is so fickle though. One song is a happy and fun song, but then the next 3 make me want to puke...
  16. Thanks for the Correction, Soundscape. And you are correct to say the game kicked ass!
  17. If anyone else played SquareEnix's Project Sylpheed, what did you think of the cutscenes? I personally thought some of the dogfight scenes were totally gorgeous! I almost bought a High Def Video Capture card for my comp just so I could play through it and get those vids...
  18. I think what you are talking about is the Xbox 360 Wireless Network Adapter. You can get 3rd party wireless adapters that cost less, but I have never seen one and have no experience with them. The microsoft one works excellently, but they do cost a lot. Check ebay, you should find one much cheaper than 70 euro, or a 3rd party one for even cheaper. I found mine at a pawn shop for 20 CDN and bought it thinking what the heck. Didn't realize that I just saved myself 100 bucks! Hope you find a good deal.
  19. When I first saw the trailer I immediately thought ODST... In either case, I will buy it and play it. I don't have time for many games these days, and Halo is FPS I get the most into when it comes right down to it. I may as well continue my investment in the franchise, it has been good thus far. I totally agree with the comment earlier about a bunch of storyline in the books that **should** have made it into the games. Would have been wicked!
  20. Haven't been on the forums much ever, though I hope to change that. I've been a huge OCR fan ever since I stumbled upon the site years ago. Jordan's remixes have been some of my favorite tracks to listen to. I almost crapped myself the first time I heard G-Storm, cause I loved extreme-G so much. I had no idea he was sick until visiting this thread. I am very glad to hear that he's on the upswing, and the fact that an album was made for him while he was sick speaks volumes about this community. I can barely wait to hear it!
  21. If you read this and happen to listen to the song, any feedback would be great, please post your thoughts! Thanks.
  22. Hey everyone. I'm not new to OCREMIX by any means but am new to the forums as of today. I do some mixing on my own time, not lots, but some. I have been working on this for the last couple of days and wanted to get some feedback on. The track is cossack 2 from Megaman 4, and its a techno remix of sorts. The song is not complete, but the composition is getting close. This version embodies the basic idea of what I would like to do with the track, enough to get a good idea. There are some changes that need to be made, I have only spent 5 minutes on the eq and haven't done much by way of effects yet other than some reverb. In short, there are some obvious changes that need to be made to make this a tight mix and a smooth composition, but for now I am looking for any constructive criticism some more experienced people would be willing to offer. This is maybe my 4th serious mix, so I am somewhat new to this. Let me know if you like where this is going and what I should do to get it there. I am using FL studio 7 if it makes a difference. Thanks all! Here is the link http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=836464&content=music
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