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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. Nice. The appearance of the cat at 0:26 made me laugh for some reason. Edit: Love the Spark Mandrill vid.
  2. And congrats to OA for spanking the competition in the pull-up contest. But if I had been it, ooh man I totally would have...not challenged you at all.
  3. But yet it also only allows for saves when you complete a mission--missions that can sometimes take about half an hour to complete. This is completely bass-ackwards from what a portable system is supposed to be good for. And yes, I know you can put the system in sleep mode to combat this a bit, but it's still a major annoyance. I really don't see any pros of the mission system at all. It's also very annoying when you accidentally complete a mission, forcing you to return to E. Gadd, when there were other rooms/things you wanted to do before going back. So if you want to go back and do them AND be able to save that progress, you have to complete the mission all over again. Fun times.
  4. Now for a problem with a brand-spanking-new game... Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Good game. But WHY would you replace the awesome open-world (open-mansion, rather) style of gameplay with a ridiculous mission system? Why? That one single change takes it from an A+ game to a B+ game for me.
  5. Well said, Krug and XPRT. And it's true, Zircon, that while the foods you are taking in are very important, the amount of daily calories you are taking in from that food is also very important. Like Krug suggested, figure out what your daily caloric needs are and find your minimum and maximum daily intake for weight loss. For example, based on my lifestyle and body composition, my minimum caloric intake for weight loss is about 1600 calories (meaning if I take in less than this I'll start feeling bad) and my max is 2200. I do a little over 1600 calories on the two days a week that I don't work out, I do about 1800-1900 calories on four of the five days I do work out, and then I do pretty close to 2200 on leg day because that's the day I burn the most calories. It can be a bit of a pain to set up and track your foods at first, but once you get in the swing of it you'll do it almost subconsciously; you'll know what portions to eat of what kind of food, and the fat will start dropping steadily. And to Ecto: the scale I'm using is an Ozeri, very easy to set up and use.
  6. That's similar to my logic. When I got it I thought, even if it's not extremely accurate in showing what I am, it should still be very useful in letting me know what kind of progress I'm making. And seeing those numbers change every single week is definitely a good motivator. I've had people ask me why I don't check my progress every day and I just sigh inwardly...
  7. Damn Argle, I'm sad for you Ecto, I don't remember the name of the scale (I'll update later with it, it's something weird like Ozni II) but it's one of those like OA was talking about that has four metal pads that use an electric signal running through your feet to calculate what's going on in your body.
  8. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes! Feb. 25 to March 25: Weight: 196--------->184.6 Bodyfat %: 15.5----------->12.8 Water: 59--------------->61.4 Muscle: 42--------------->42.6 The change in muscle might not seem like a big deal, but I'm an ectomorph, so to be losing fat while even maintaining muscle mass is very nice.
  9. Pre-ordered back in December, and just finished re-playing through Bioshock 1 and 2 (not that those games have anything to do with this one, but eh). I am READY, baby.
  10. Ubtrollinrite? I think you mean Orinoco Flow by Enya. That gets me pumped for sand and sun.
  11. Here's my current top five for when I want some extra pump: 1) The Glitch Mob - Bad Wings 2) The Glitch Mob - Fortune Days 3) Kraddy - Android Porn 4) Neblix - Strange Rock in the Heavens http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02511/ 5) The Glitch Mob - Drive It Like You Stole It
  12. Well, for whatever reason my EO IV pics won't show up in the post, so I'll just link them for you Mirby, in case you wanted the scan. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bnsw7iyxmnrl7tn/2pzEFLs-uE/SQ4GCARDP1.bmp https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bnsw7iyxmnrl7tn/PGX29qEyjI/SQ4GCARDQR.bmp
  13. Well, I thought about entering the contest knowing full well I'd come in last, but then I figured what's the point of that? And I wouldn't want to do assisted anything for a challenge...
  14. Thanks, I'll give that a shot later.
  15. How'd you do that? I could put mine up to swap scans.
  16. 'Tsup, I PM'd you an offer.
  17. Yes, it was very underwhelming to me. I had kind of a demo day with Castlevania, Sonic All-Star Racing, and Monster Hunter U3. Sonic was passable, but the other two were pretty bland IMO. But then a few hours later, EO IV arrived to the rescue in my mailbox! Can hardly put that thing down.
  18. 8 pounds in a month is some pretty solid work, my friend.
  19. Nice! I began my cut Monday. Your numbers look good, and are remarkably similar to what I'm following. I'm doing similar ratios and the EXACT same daily protein intake, but I'm doing a bit fewer calories than you 'cause I have a little more fat to get rid of. And thanks to my wife, I now have stats! I'm currently sitting at these numbers, and I'll update the muscle/water ratios later because I don't remember them right now... Height: 6 feet 2.5 inches Weight: 196 (up from 178 on Nov. 1, gained a lot of good weight and a little bit of bad). BF %: 15.5 - I want to get close to 10 in the next few months if possible. Very restricted eating and some HIIT thrown in a couple of times a week on top of my workouts (beginning soon) to see how low I can go. Bone: 6.5% Water: 59% Muscle: 42%
  20. Usually I watch an LP if it's a game I love or one I wanted to get but never did, but there is one LPer I watch pretty much regardless of what he's playing, because he's hilarious. NerdCubed, but his channel is OfficialNerdCubed. He does a lot of different kinds of videos, such as permadeaths (if he dies once the LP is over). Seriously, most of his stuff is really funny. His LP of Bully is great.
  21. Yep, give HIIT (high-intensity interval training) sprints a try. They will end you. (The fat you, that is). Ecto, I assume tabata sprints are similar. Random first-world fitness problem: at the rate my legs are growing, I give it another month until my favorite pair of pants become indecent for public usage.
  22. Nah, my gym's not half that awesome. If you haven't checked out the UGA swim team's version of the shake, give it a look...it's the most epic by far. Oh, and remember we were talking about your nifty little scale a while back? I mentioned to my wife that a scale like that would be cool to have, and then guess what I gots for V-Day? And while I got my gift and was thinking, how cool is this, it struck me how different her reaction would have been if I had gotten her a scale as a present.
  23. I learned this the hard way. Many if not most doctors are indeed clueless about true nutrition. I kept wondering why my eating habits were not causing change the way they *should* have been, as I was following *expert* advice. At least now I know better, although finding out I'd been doing it wrong for so many years made me a wee bit .
  24. Ecto deserves a round of applause. *Clap clap clap*
  25. @Ecto: Yeah, I've heard a lot of good things about Leangains, I'll check it out after this summer before I go on another traditional bulk. @ThinC: Sensa *works*, but I'm not sure it's a fat blocker. Do you have it mixed up with something else, like Alli? I'm pretty sure that Sensa very slightly alters the taste and smell of the food you sprinkle it on, so that you can't tell, but your body can. Apparently your body/brain do not like the taste/smell, so your appetite is sated more quickly. So yes, it works, but if you're sprinkling it on stuff like ice cream and pizza all the time (like the perfectly fit people in the commercials), it won't work that well, because you're still eating junk. Source: I worked at a GNC for over four years, and we were asked about Sensa quite often. My boss did a fair amount of research on it.
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