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Soul Splint

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Everything posted by Soul Splint

  1. I really really want to shitkick all the morons that are pre-ordering this thing; they are choking any chance we had of making Microsoft pull their collective head out of their ass. I know a lot can change before the release and even after, but still...don't give them any momentum!
  2. Well, so far the only bad thing is the 'one save file,' but I guess I really shouldn't expect that to change. I'd kill to be able to just start new games whenever on the newer generations. But hey, I guess that's one thing emulation is good for.
  3. Well damn. Now I might have to get a PS4 and a Wii U. I'm going to miss being able to afford food.
  4. Keep truckin' bro. Twenty pounds is awesome, and you did it the RIGHT way!
  5. Exclusively for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, and 'free to play.' DAMN IT, EA strikes again.
  6. Because I've been told by many people that I am a good listener, and in personality tests my empathy/sensitivity score is always ridiculously high (the last one had me at 99 out of 100). That combo apparently makes people with problems gravitate toward me; I'm kind of built to be the 'shoulder' for people to cry on. So I made up a name to match.
  7. Haha, right on Thin Crust. I just got back from vacation, where I gained six pounds in five days. I didn't necessarily eat bad, I just ate A LOT. I'll have it all back off in a couple of weeks.
  8. Gracias. I've been swishing water afterward, but I had sometimes been brushing within twenty minutes or so. I'll try to fix that. I like my chompers, and my parents spent a few pennies to get them looking nice, so I'd rather not piss on them (metaphorically). Well, literally too, but that's not really relevant.
  9. Well, from my limited knowledge, too much can damage enamel. But given Ecto's profession, I'd rather ask than assume. It probably helps that I drink a lot of water and no soda, but still...I don't know how much vinegar is too much, or if there is such a thing as too much vinegar.
  10. Yo Ecto, I got a diet question that's related to teeth and not fat, if I could pick your brain. I love me some balsamic vinegar; it's virtually the only dressing I use, and I eat a lot of salads. Also, one of my favorite quick snacks is a dill pickle spear. This can add up to one or two salads a day with balsamic vinegar, and one (or at most, two) spears a day, which occurred to me is a fair amount of vinegar. Other habits like brushing and water drinking aside, am I setting myself up for teeth issues? Thanks doc!
  11. I don't think I could do a no-carb BBQ sauce. I have way too much love for Sweet Baby Ray's. Maybe you could get a decently low-carb sauce and add in some mustard, balsamic vinegar, and other stuff to keep a strong taste without so much sugar and other carbs.
  12. I dunno man, having new workout routines gives me extra giddy-up for at least two weeks, especially when I throw in exercises that I haven't tried before or have had limited experience with. I'll typically stick to a weekly routine for about 4-5 weeks before changing it up. Sure the muscle confusion is important, but it's also always a breath of fresh air. I usually kill the first week of a new plan.
  13. Oh, I just remembered the Flesh Eaters from Turok 2. They weren't too bad just fighting them, but when you're first introduced to them in a cutscene and that CREEPY ASS voice is screaming at you, that was not fun. Before I grew into the game I would always mute the TV during that part.
  14. Definitely gonna second Ravenholm in Half-Life 2 for being a long, scary process to get through. And the black leaper carriers...shudder. But as for the single worst instant in my life in gaming, it would EASILY be in Bioshock when you enter the dentist's office, see the cool tonic on a counter and go get it, then turn around and Mr. Dentist is standing two inches away ready to root canal your ass. I do not jump easily. That moment probably made me look like I'd been tasered for a split second.
  15. Ahh, that awesome feeling when your shirts stop feeling like ponchos and start feeling like Under Armor. That's a super-solid gain for 3 months:nicework:
  16. I better be. I have a lot of self-discipline, but after several long months those Doritos Locos taco commercials are starting to get to me...And I'm pretty sure the meat they're using doesn't fit your guidelines for grass-fed beef
  17. So, my progress has slowed (naturally) but I'm still steadily heading in the right direction. Feb. 25 --> March 25 --> April 29 Weight: 196 --> 184.6 --> 178.8 BF %: 15.5 --> 12.8 --> 11.3 Water: 59 --> 61.4 --> 62.9 Muscle: 42 --> 42.6 --> 43.8 I guess I didn't realize how much fat I had gained in trying to bulk for the last couple of years; it sure didn't look like I had an extra twenty pounds on me. But now the muscle is really coming out to play, so iz nice.
  18. I would check out Solitude in Arlia for slow and somber, and From Within for something with a bit more punch.
  19. I look away for half a day and this happens. Good thing I didn't read the posts in reverse order (which I do a lot) or I would have been REALLY worried about you guys for a few seconds.
  20. My sentiments exactly. I don't know how accurate my scale (Ozeri Touch II) is at telling me what I currently am, but steady changes in the right numbers tell me it's pretty good for tracking progress.
  21. 1) Ludwig von Koopa (Mario) 2) Max (Dark Cloud 2) 3) Saren (Mass Effect)
  22. 7%? Whew. I'm approaching 11% as we speak. I don't know what forms of cardio you do, but for me, I can't speak highly enough of high-intensity interval training. I can't always get to a good spot for sprints so I sometimes do high-knees, but this has really worked for me in combo with my diet. In the past when I did traditional cardio, I would noticeably lose a little muscle along with the fat (which I REFUSE to do ever again; my muscle is hard-won) so I turned to HIIT. Give it a shot if you haven't before. It's also nice because you get your 'cardio' in just a few minutes.
  23. Agreed. The 3DS is quickly completing the stranglehold on me that the DS started.
  24. I've never played the original either, and I've been wanting to for years. I've been hoping for Ninty to make an announcement that they would be bringing some SNES games such as LttP to the 3DS eShop. Now I'm wondering if this announcement increases that likelihood, or if I just need to go ahead and get it on the Wii Virtual Console.
  25. I'm pretty sure you're looking for Disco Dan's Riptide. Awesome ReMix on Donkey Kong Country's Aquatic Ambience. EDIT: Whoops, nevermind. Riptide came out in '07.
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