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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Pics or it didn't happen. Srsly man sounds so kick-ass.
  2. using a short, troll sentence + little punctuation or capitalisation to make a vague point about the apparent hypocrisy of the previous post = perceived personal elitism.
  3. ...I just don't get what the problem is. WTF c'mon guys, if you play any acoustic instrument you better get used to your "presets". This is a stupid thread and I can't believe that some people would be elitest over what is essentially harmonics.
  4. Recently, I've noticed that if there's a chiptuney kinda piece on TV, they most probably will be using the toad kit.
  5. Surely to make a balanced game, they had to come up with a few random, nonsensical weaknesses to keep it fun?
  6. How did you manage this? Writing a drum beat out of time with the melody but keeping within it's own time is actually stupidly hard to do accidentally. Yeah, this is pretty bad. (No offense)
  7. I've gotta say, OCR-wise I have a bit of an obscure inspiration, that bein' Mr. Hylian Lemon. That guy has the most creative, well produced, stylistically unique chiptune remixes I've ever heard. His original stuff would be freakin' KILLER.
  8. Oh DAMN, yeah. Completely forgot. Damndamndamndmandmandmandmandmandmanmdadnmadnmandmandmandma. Amnd.

  9. Not that I can remember dude... Huh... I'll go comb my inbox.

  10. ...How did he animate my logo?!?! :OOOOOOOOOOOOFucking impressed.
  11. Agreed. The eagle doesn't do anything. Look outside at stuff- at least cards move.Nah, I'm down with that. Continue.
  12. It doesn't, it makes a zip file containing all the project components so you can easily move your project between machines.You can export all the individual mixer tracks by selecting "Split Mixer Tracks" in the final render window under the "Options" heading. If you just render a WAV/MP3 as normal that pre-render window should pop up, it's on there.
  13. 100% disagree. Country is very predictable harmonically, it seems very 'cookie cutter'. You can sing along to a song you've never heard and guess the next chord in the sequence pretty accurately.I've nothing against it as it's a pretty varied genre, however, most of the time, the slury, wailing accents the vocalists sing with irritate me. Actually, good point.
  14. OCR, the best resource for last-minute Uni work help. I should know, it's more helpful than lecturers are.
  15. They'd probably end up like the Reason one; very few threads, with most of the constituent posts by Neblix, telling you why said DAW is worse than FL.
  16. Rukuu Ro? Or is that 'ro' a period and your name is Rukuu, Luke? Cool corporate identity.
  17. Not that I can't find Labyrinth Zone on YouTube myself - you've posted the same link. EDIT- FIX'SD@D
  18. Wes, to get more interest, label the thread title with sexy incentives plz. Don't listen to Strader, he's a buzzkill.
  19. What happens to his projects now and stuff?
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