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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I got tired of wating for Mr. C (halc) to update his one already. Lemme know what you think- I'm still debating what to do with this. http://www.mediafire.com/?ygtgzqomf31
  2. thnx guyz u r cool. i trid hard 2 make this, am i popular now?
  3. I made ths sng in Frootloops wit mah gf we r so randum lol. i liek my moozix 2 hav a story lol so i made some moozix with a story cuz i liek moozix with a story. whn i grow up i wan 2 b liek Nobuo Uematsu n i made this song cuz he inspirz me an i wan lots of wimenz liek him. he rites moozix fur storieez n i liek moozix with storieez so i rite this with a storrieez. Plz crit. i wanna be the best so u got 2 tell meh how to mix kay lol. http://www.mediafire.com/?znnzukfcntq DONT STEAL OR ILL FIND U.
  4. Now i have a combo of seven visitor messages!!! I own your profile!!!


  5. Y'know I like where you're going with this one. Some sweet chords. My main problem is that it all sounds rather MIDI-ish - whilst the orchestration is good, there's not 'humanization' on the orchestral instruments. I also thought that it kinda needed a melody- I mean you've built up some awesome atmosphere, you have to have a lead guitar anthem or something. ^w^ (But that's up to you, it's just an opinion)
  6. Yeah, the music in these games are awesome- like interactive- each shot you fire or explosion fits to the backing beat. I got the japanese verson of Extreme 2 when it first came out and so I don't have a damn clue what's going on half the time, even though it's mainly in english.
  7. By the sounds of thing Rosalina thinks it's long enough already. Pffft. But yeah, thanks guys, you've all helped ^w^. Y'know, I might put real claps in... Also, it's finished, just I wanted to check how the live sax was sitting with everyone. In a couple of days I think I might sub this. Dunwori Benny (lulz, that is your new name Lemon) I WILL NOT FORGET.
  8. A belated thanks guys. Well I stopped working on this when my microphone all borked up. Now I've got a method of recording that isn't COMPLETELY AWFUL I wondered if you guys could give me a heads up on the mastering/EQing of teh track. Only done the beginning 'cuz just wanted to check that I'm, like they say, doin it rite. http://www.mediafire.com/?u0b0i9kcv66rfhu
  9. Hahahaha, I love this. This is fun, silly and well produced. ^w^ Lyrics are fekkin' awesome. Downloading teh MP3s now. Vocals are a tad loud IMO- but I'm sure it's not a huge problem. Also, yeah, I can tell it's Melodyne'd- but actually done well. ^w^
  10. For that theme song, you are instantly my favorite mixer here. The roaring was just so pro. Puts all my trolling pieces to shame, it really does.

  11. *shakes head* The lyrics are pure awesome man, what are you on about? ^w^ They're fun and LINK in with the game. (SEE WHUT I DID THAR?!) Love this song, so so good. ^w^
  12. So muddy. No seriously, I love this so much. It's so so aces as per usual. Nothing to criticise, continue being awesome.
  13. Yeah, I know. I can't really ditch my friends either because I already rearranged. =____= I'm sure we'll get more oppotunities!!!

  14. This is so freakin' ace man. I LOVE Ristar, so glad you did this, have been waiting for a remix of this track for a long time. Perfect style. Awesome.
  15. Yeah, that's true.

  16. You did now and it brought a tear to my eye.

  17. No no! I liked that. I just thought that some instruments were a bit loud when they didn't need to be. The strings at one point are overly loud in the soundscape. *nods* That is what I meant.
  18. Why hello EMUNATOR, erm, why, you couldn't be GREATER- unless you were a zoo CURATOR. Then, you could capture an ALIGATOR and make it your personal WAITER. Just make sure it's not a person HATER, because then it might become a TRAITOR and then it'll bite OFF YOUR FACE.

    No seriously, your name is awkward at rhyming.

  19. Well hey there HALC, how're you doing in PAWNEE? It's you I'd like to SEE, but, RECENTLY, I've been extremely BUSY- so please don't hate on ME (you seem nice, I'm sure you'd AGREE). So anyway, I must FLEE, however I do GUARENTEE that soon I'll send you a sonic sax MP3.

  20. Oh silly WILL, don't get fussed, just CHILL. I realise that you don't have my SKILL, but why are you all up in my GRILL? Is there a reason that it is I that you want to KILL? So come on tell me, SPILL!

  21. Oh Willrock- you're SLY, your Visitor Messages you do SPY and to my rhymes you REPLY. I'll admit- nice TRY, however not better than I. Still, Proto must DIE? Do you, my life, DENY? Will- are you not my ALLY? I'll let this one BY, but if you threaten that I shall DIE, I will be forced to make you CRY until your tears run DRY- AND THEN I SHALL PULL OUT YOUR EYE.....S.

    Also, Proto likes Cheesecake more.

  22. Proto lets out a SIGH, in reference to the fact he must DIE, and to sleep he must go (or at least he must TRY). "You must get to sleep?" I hear you ask WHY, well because Proto must wake early, before the sun meets the SKY. "But Proto! Come on MSN" I hear you CRY, alas sorry dear Will, I'm gunna have to say BAIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Y'know, I quite liked this- lucky thread inspection it seems. Nice builds with some nice chords- would love to hear a tune on top of this- seems like a backing track. Hrm, shall I criticise? Okay! ^w^ There's always and instrument playing ON beat (or every quaver/eighth-note-or-whatever-you-call-'em) as in, the rhythms are kinda simple in lots of places. You might really really dig that style, but it left the rhythm feeling kinda repetitive. Things got a liiiiiitttttttlllllleeee thick in places, perhaps that was because of the bassy bass- and I thought the drums were a liiiiiitttttttlllllleeeee weak too. BUT! I really liked it! ^w^ Possibly the best stuff I've heard from you- but- I've only heard a couple- of- tra-tracks so- this- could- be your worst stuff- but- I wouldn't- know. Cool.
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