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Everything posted by nrich

  1. pretty sick ep release, i enjoyed it mayne. more peeps should take notice of this
  2. donate? any relation to donuts? i'm not familiar with the term
  3. ocr is breeding den of love and commitment. where's my complimentary marriage? congratulations on reeling one of them female things in. i trust you caught a good'n (:
  4. japanese humor like that translated for the americans is always bound to be corny. have you not watched anime? gtfo butterflies are metal. have you not seen a monarch present itself in a sexual manner? gtfo giant ticks remain to be the most frightening element of my nightmares. have you ever witnessed a tick kill a man? gtfo but in all seriousness, i like the fact that the actual final bosses of the game were pretty manageable, so newer and casual fans of the game wouldn't gnash their teeth over THAT when trying to simply beat the game. the calm lands arena, however, made up for those pushovers and delivered a great challenge. i'm pretty sure i gave up on the game for several months at some point because of it looking forward to ffxiii, but maybe not all the side games...we'll see
  5. i probably mention these games anytime i'm asked, but secret of evermore, brave fencer musashi and need for speed iii are full of such ridiculously good nostalgia. maybe that's why they remain underrated and are almost cultish. some runner-ups for me would be breath of fire ii and iii's soundtracks, although both are solid as fux
  6. just pointing out that whomever renamed my track to 'lacan divided' didn't do the mp3's... quite a bummer and was initially confusing ;p still glad this finally came out. i love love love it
  7. wasn't nekofrog's metal remix of omen supposed to be on the project? i remember seeing it on the forums from a while back
  8. wow. i think i like this project more than the ffiv AND ffvii albums oh yes. i went there
  9. i'm really glad to see the heavy promotion worked and how well received the project's become. granted i wasn't there from the beginning for the painstakingly long process of production and release, but i knew it'd be an outstanding follow-up to the success of voices of the lifestream great job to everyone. looking forward very much to the next endeavor
  10. sounds like a bizarre christmas theme not digging the ridiculously liberal intro too much. doesn't sound like the source material at all till the bells come in yknowwwwww
  11. pfft no way, superjail has to be hand-drawn
  12. FFVII if anyone misses the thread starter's reference i can name a lot of tough motherfuckers i remember as a kid. terrapin from breath of fire 2 (snes version) still pisses me off to this day. the bonus dungeon on the gba port of FFVI is full of some really hard battles even at lv99. i can admit i've never beaten it yet
  13. the judge panel just might make it now (: do us proud, big guy
  14. what's with all of you claiming it's DEFINITELY big boss? i remember reading somewhere that it was another clone rather than big boss himself
  15. Pretty sure the more glow-y ones signify that the track was just recently finished.
  16. There's a party in my pants. Oh yes. C'MON JUNLY
  17. woot woot I heard something about a mass remaster going down for the tracks to help keep the mix consistent. Is there going to be crossfading (a la Kong in Concert) as well?
  18. I think the only thing I wondered about while reading this crazy thread is whether or not that the patch will be circulated at all. You can't really stop it from being spread around if it got onto torrent sites, but I guess that really depends on the whole story being true. It's a migraine to think about, to be honest.
  19. I am saddened at the missing presence of a leaky faucet in my PM box... D:
  20. Kojima's still at the helm of MGS? I always heard back in the Snake Eater days that the series was never going to last too long.
  21. The DNF legacy lives on!
  22. A Zircon edit would be fantastic.
  23. my subscription died on saturday ): i'm taking it as a sign to break away for a while and do... productive things not really sure what things those are anymore
  24. surely an astounding way to go out, wouldn't you say? "what happened to bob?" "eh, death by arson.. he leaked a final fantasy album" "..the fuck"
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