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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. I wouldn't want to take yours from you.
  2. What ever happened to the OCR patches? I'd gladly pay for one.
  3. Quake 3 Arena! Wow, that'd bring back memories
  4. To be honest, I care too. I'm not a good player or anything like that, but I won't lie and say I don't care about the HLstats. I check those stats (The new one heh) after pretty much every game. I don't get involved in pre-game mayhem, because I have this stupid thing where I don't like to kill team mates. I can avoid that, however the admin player slaying is something that can't be avoided. I understand that people find it fun and I don't want to stop anyone form doing that. I think we just need to remember to keep our politeness with one another.
  5. Sorry to hear that Bonzai. OCR has had the luxury lately, of having many new people joining it. The only downside with this however, is that they haven't become familiar with the regulars and because of that they lack the sense of friendliness and respect you give to those you have friendship with. That doesn't excuse the behavior and it would be good to point out to these individuals, that such behavior is not something they should engage in.
  6. hahaha a flamming uber, good God that's fantastic.
  7. I fell in love with this game when I saw the title image on Steam. The price is wonderful as well. I don't mind the fact there is only one weapon, that's actually quite nice. I look forward to hearing what you think of it atmuh. Oh no wait... "Shattered Horizon requires DirectX 10 on Windows Vista or Windows 7. There is no support for Windows XP or DirectX 9." ;_;
  8. There were some awesome Engies on just a bit ago. I'm not sure if they frequent the forum, but you guys were fantastic!
  9. If possible, may I join in one time? I'm not very good at the game though, but I've wanted to get into such things for a long time.
  10. I didn't go anywhere, but as a Team Fortress 2 Medic/healer enthusiast, I got this:
  11. That is true: I didn't notice any FPS drop luckily. I need to keep an eye on the TF2 bug list, then these things won't be such a surprise to me. I don't mind the team stacking or the bug exploitations. The only thing I do feel strongly about is cussing at other players. Constructive criticism is great in that players can try to improve themselves, but cussing and name-calling is only detrimental to the camaraderie of a team. That is purely my opinion however and I've no hard feelings against anyone <3
  12. Sorry to hear that Abyss! I hope you can come back soon. I've missed everyone. Nekofrog, sadly, I had the same issue and after trying so many things, the only thing that fixed the problem was getting a new computer. If you can, treat yourself to a new computer!
  13. The [NOVA] group seemed like a really nice bunch. I hope they come back and play on OCR more. Can't believe the bit about Vince, a girl named Sasha? That's just too much. She bit his tongue! I guess now we know who touched Sasha.
  14. nonononon, I loved the way Cybil looked in the original. That aside, I'm interested to see how it turns out (Provided it's not a joke, silly silly.) Using the Wiimote as a flashlight and foregoing the combat sounds really interesting. Harry is just an average Joe with nary a training in ammunitions. I don't really think it will contain the same heart the original did, but I'm still excited to see how it will end.
  15. Why, we're meeting Gman over there, of course!

  16. Why, we're meeting Gman over there, of course!

  17. I really appreciate the kind words and I'm sorry if I kill you a lot. I doubt that though, I'm a horrible player
  18. Thank you very much yayy Thank you kindly sir!
  19. lol shh someone might take that as fact. Yeah, I can't help but find it interesting, hopefully just some technical error.
  20. Yes sir, the loading bar never gets past 2 bars. I get "connecting to server" then after a minute or two it gives an error message saying "Retrying Banned by server Connection failed after 4 retries." D:
  21. I suppose it's just an issue on my end. I can't connect to the OCR server at all, it gives the error "failed to connect after 4 tries" or something to that effect.
  22. Is it just me or has OCR server disappeared from the server list? I re-added it, however it's still not showing. I get a "Server is not responding." error.
  23. blahhh, I had checked the website a couple of times in the past, but could never find a FAQ or anything of the sort. Good show!
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