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Everything posted by 42

  1. oh crap, i've completely forgotten about this. o_o;
  2. Question: Is this a Mii in a 3DS game (PilotWings Paradise)? Thanks.
  3. Methinks you all are forgetting something. Look familiar? Source. Under Nintendo Titles.
  4. Also Splinter Cell too.
  5. If only, if only...
  6. I agree with this; they've pulled out all the stops in regards to nostalgia and retro-ness. And its so beautiful to the point that it brings tears to my eyes. T_T
  7. What he said ^ Here: http://e3.nintendo.com/ Edit: Happening Now!
  8. Iwata and Miyamoto just got sucked into a 3DS. If only that happened in real life. *sigh* I would also like to note that an Arwing just flew out of said 3DS.
  9. I still think Nintencats would have been a catchier title than Nintendogs + Cats wait Assassin's Creed and Metal Gear Solid on 3DS!?! Edit: & Kingdom Hearts 3D too. Edit2: and apparently Resident Evil.
  10. Kid icarus!!!
  11. 3D Movies on 3DS!?! Edit: Darn it, Damned, you're fast.
  12. HALLELUJAH! lol "Man, those glassess."
  13. Retro Studios developed Donkey Kong. Interesting. Or more precisely Donkey Kong Country Returns.
  14. Other M Drops Last Day of August!
  15. They hold the Bond licence, but yeah GOLDENEYE! YES!
  16. 1. Weighted Companion Cube 2. Heavy (TF2) 3. Guybrush Threepwood
  17. Really? No one has suggested the Weighted Companion Cube yet? I'd also like to echo TF2 characters (agreed that Heavy would be awesome), Red from Pokemon, and Guybrush Threepwood.
  18. I definitely agree with this statement; I'm eager to see if my skills are high enough in order to contribute to something as cool as a game of this caliber.
  19. Oh, wow. This just keeps getting better and better. As a programming student, this is definitely something I'll be keeping tabs on. Most of my experience is in c/c++, and I'm just now getting comfortable with Java, but if you need some other coders, I would be interested in possibly assisting.
  20. 42

    80s Music

    The world's most famous phone number - Hold on Loosely - 99 Luft Balonshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNT7uZf7lew - Down Under It would be so easy for me to just say Queen, but that would cover more than just the 80's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtrEN-YKLBM] Thank you! I was afraid no one would mention Weird Al.
  21. All I can say is: About Dang Time. This makes me very happy. On the inside. And on the outside. Also, I'm really ecstatic to see the Muffins on Maverick Rising. Life just keeps getting better and better.
  22. First of all, I just want to say congratulations to Emunator, halc, and Nutritious on the workshop mod positions. Second, this right here ^ This has the right proportions of relaxed ambient atmosphere mixed with a chippy undercurrent; it's just got an amazing, natural rhythm that makes it so relaxing to listen to. I could just about listen to this all day.
  23. Definitely one of the most mind blowingest things I've heard in a very long time. This is one of the few songs I wouldn't mind having stuck in my head.
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