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Everything posted by 42

  1. Quoted for ever lovin' truth. I've been waiting for this ever since I first saw this on the WIP boards, so you have absolutely NO idea how long I've been wanting to hear this! To everyone involved: Keep on being awesome! Oh those vocals, so amazing... <3
  2. So, apparently Valve is now selling physical items through Steam now, specifically the Razer Hydra Motion Controller. It even comes with a copy of Portal 2 and its own specialized dlc for Portal 2, too. I'm bringing this up because I've browsed through the internet and haven't heard anything about this Razer Motion Controller nor any other news that Portal 2 was going to get updated for it. Was there some earlier press release that I missed or is everyone else surprised too? Edit: Derp I have no idea how I missed that... Still the list of compatible games is interesting; it looks like they went and got the top 100 or so bestsellers that Steam offers.
  3. 42

    Portal 2

    Hey Brushfire, it could be worse.
  4. 42

    Portal 2

    what?! Edit: Ninja'd like twice... Edit #2: http://www.teamfortress.com/companioncubepin/ It's good to get official confirmation.
  5. You mean you've never played Fatso the Speedhog before? Wow, dude. That game was the BOMB back in the day. Also I'm totally digging Rolling Thunder; very nicely Crush 40. The overall album is a stunning homage to the original source. Glad I was here when this was finally released.
  6. OH MY HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP... And the ending of the video... sweet merciful heavens... That was amazing. I'm off to go spread the word now.
  7. One of the things I really love about this album is the amount of chivalrous interplay between the tracks and artists, for example Mattias Häggström Gerdt and Joshua Morse mirroring each other's track titles, Zyko and José the Bronx Rican featuring each other on the other's track, Joshua Morse teaming up with Zircon for Ryu's theme, Insert Rupee titling their track "The Life and Death of Kirby", and Mustin titling his track "The Prodigal Son Returns". It's the little things like that that make me grin big. Oh, wow. I love that album art so hard. I won't lie: I wish I had it in a desktop wallpaper size. >.>
  8. Sheer utter brilliance. I think I wanna be a pirate too after listening to this.
  9. I really like the pacing and soundscape here; it feels like the aural equivalent of someone taking a lot of time to really sculpt waves out of marble. It's that well defined to me. It also has some really cool eastern ethnic overtones that just seem to glue everything in this mix together. This is one of my favorite mixes on the site and is on my playlist that I listen to as I go to sleep.
  10. To me the most fascinating thing about this mix is how it progresses from each section. In the beginning, it's a tinkly, toy piano-esque samples with tight, fast percussion then it slowly and very subtly grows until it has Amen Break beats and live sax, and its really hard to definitively state where one ends and another begins. Liberal or not, I really like this piece a lot for it's complexity. Awesome work here.
  11. This has a nice, airy, snowy, laid back atmosphere; it really strongly evokes a nice image of a vast, pristine snowfield. The echoing sleigh bells and snaps really do add a lot to this mix; especially like djp said, the contrast between the clarity of the beats versus the muted synths really make this fun to listen to. My only issue with this is that the beats are just a little too loud/prominent and overshadow the melody slightly (or the melody is too quiet, same difference). Other than that this is just good music *puts on sunglasses* to chill out to.
  12. I've listened to several different takes on the source and it never ceases to amaze me how flexible it is, and what JM has done here is outstanding. This has more of a coffeehouse vibe, especially that piano, than his other work here on OCR, imho. All I know is that I would want this playing in the background of my favorite bookstore. I totally agree that this is some of Morse's finest work yet.
  13. Awwwwww, Yeeeaaaah...... Now this is the stuff. I'm really digging the bass here; I'm getting a very Bond-esque vibe from it all and it also reminds me of something else I heard of recently. Also, the orchestral elements just feel really distinctive like how everything else was specifically crafted to highlight them, and that's really cool. Like djp said, there's a lot of little things going on in this mix and it really makes it a delight to listen to.
  14. I love this mix a lot; its one of those mixes that I would label as having a story to tell, especially with it's energetic pacing and a "go big or go home" feel. My only complaint with this is a minor one: the intro police chase sound effects were never followed up on. I want to know what happens next, darn it! But anyway, this is truly an amazing song, pure and simple.
  15. Hee-hee, I agree with Kizyr and DarkSim; my favorite lyrics are for also their reasons about how it deals with destiny. But what I like here is how Quick Man is also rising to meet his destiny (the "not scared anymore" part and how it's repeated mantra like). There's also just a bunch of little things in the narrative painted here that I like too, such as how the battle between Mega Man and Quick Man is given as much time as the rest of the narrative else even though such an actual battle would only last seconds, if that makes sense. This is probably my favorite track from The Megas; I still like the non-acoustic version better though because it just reaches higher levels of tension that this one doesn't. Still, this is a really good version, and I hope that this does get more people interested in The Megas like Annihilation of Monsteropolis did for me.
  16. Holy.... The more I listen to it, the more I want to listen to it. By far my favorite line out of the song is: "Well, when your blood paints these walls, I'll call it work of art!" It's just such a cool line, and the way it's delivered just fantastic. The way the vocals are layered and fade in and out throughout feels so appropriate. This is such an amazing song.
  17. Didn't Minnesota just have a giant snowstorm?
  18. haha, yeah. Especially in the beginning, it reminds me of Goldeneye and then later on some of Sprout Tower from Pokemon G/S is thrown in. But yeah, I really like the atmosphere here: dark, moody, tense filled spy-esque. That plus the title of how Ancient Steps are being Retraced makes this feel very ceremonial and weighty. Its not quite like the today's mixes, but its still interesting nonetheless.
  19. I like how DA describes this with bouncy guitars, a very appropriate description. It has this nice, hazy electronic feel. At least until the breakdown at midpoint, and I love how that breakdown was handled; it just gives the track new life and makes it really subdued for a moment to give the rest of the track more room to breath. While it's not quite like the newer stuff of today, I definitely agree with DA that this is still worth checking out.
  20. While this feels dated, its still a really cool piece. This is, so far, the only Caribbean-esque mix that I've found so far on this site. And it really is amazing how well the Big Blue theme lends itself to a island instrumentation. It's got a good, airy, carefree grove to it like it rightfully should. This is definitely worth listening to; it's just pure fun.
  21. Wow, this is interesting. This is definitely one of those mixes you have to just sit down ant listen to in order to get the full effect. I am having trouble believing that this is "minimalist" too. The only thing that really stays constant throughout is the driving beat, and it does something different each section. I'm not 100% sure what to make of this mix; it just leaves me confused and intrigued. But I definitely recommend for anyone reading this to listen to this for yourself and making up your own mind about it.
  22. Quoted For Great Emphasis This is definitely a tune worthy of the great Final Fantasy Air Ships. This just wraps up so many feelings of awe, majesty, epicness, determination, and raw adventure. And the intro is totally stunning; those powerful drums really just draw you in. This is a completely energizing and uplifting song too and is a wonderful and enrapturing listen.
  23. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The world needs more music like this. That is all. Seriously, this needs to be in your playlist. Download this. NOW.
  24. I really like the way that this mix was presented: framed with an orchestra warming up and an audience. It's especially interesting to hear something like that in an older mix like this and to see what was the movers and shakers way back when. Especially compared to newer mixes, the arrangement is pretty conservative and those sound effects aren't too modern (it sounds less like an actual orchestra and more like an orchestra being simulated for an snes or something). Still, it's worth checking out to see how things were back in the day.
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