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Everything posted by 42

  1. I really like the intro and how it "switches stations" to the main part. Ultimately, this feels like a retrograde, a call back to Zelda on 16/8 bit platforms. It's just a reminder to me that Zelda is just uncomplicated, non-serious fun. Whenever I listen to this I get a mental image of WindWaker Link except with an N64 polygonal resolution. This is just a plain and fun good times mix that comes highly recommended.
  2. Congrats!
  3. Admittedly, the intro feels a little creepy like it's some haunted radio tuning in. After that it's got a fine groove going. It has such an eclectic mix of instruments that a lot is going on. At times it even feels like it's switched to another song on my playlist, some of the stylistic changes feel that distinct. Needless to say, I like this mix a lot. Between the very static atmospheric touches in the intro and ending and the way the sound scape varies greatly and nicely, this is an amazing mix.
  4. I really like how the bass really sets the speed and even some of the tone for this mix. It's all like "This might be some creepy haunted forest but we are bringing some funk to this town." and proceeds to bring some funk to this town. Annnyway, yeah. It sticks very close to the source and, knowing how old school this mix is, makes it sort of understandable. Still this is a very quirky mix worth checking out.
  5. o_o According to the write up the lead string is called a "Saz", and it frightens me a bit. For the most part I like this mix, it has an energetic groove balancing out a mellow smoothness reminiscent of jazz. It also has a nice breezy/airy aspect to it making it feel whimsical. This mix just seems to say "Slow down, chill, and get reenergized." All in all, very solid mix.
  6. Yes, the novelty factor here is extremely high (but I don't think it's as high as some people think, imo). Yes, it also sticks kinda close to the source. BUT this is probably one of the more important and fascinating mixes to appear within the last year because it questions some of the most basic assumptions of arrangement. It addresses issues not of style or source but of substance. It speaks to me that there is a whole dang lot of uncharted territory and originality that has yet to be explored! Needless to say, this is, imo, a timeless piece that hopefully will be enjoyed for a long time.
  7. I'll admit that I don't really care for this one. The synths, especially that continuing bass throughout, feel extremely loud and grating on my ears. They also overshadow the melody greatly. The mood & atmosphere themselves aren't too bad though, very peppy and energetic. Definitely a good times mix. Ultimately though, I recommend just go listen to this and decide for yourself.
  8. Live performances really add a special very human touch to the arrangements which I love greatly. I also love the very meandering, nonchalant below street level coffeehouse atmosphere presented here. I also do like the lead cello a lot. It feels really distinctive and it's something I don't really hear too often in a capacity like this. The sound scape/textures here are really interesting. Everything is so sparse, minimalistic, and disconnected but in that really good way that's a hallmark of jazz music. All in all, I really love this track a lot and it's so going onto my jazz playlist.
  9. This is a really fun listen. There's a whole lot of textures going on keeping the sound scape varied and up in the air. Each section of the song feels unique; the source isn't repeated in the same way twice, if that makes sense , making everything feel constantly fresh. As always, the guitar is awesome and I really love the piano parts. They add such an interesting mellow contrast against the high powered guitars. 'Tis a really, really great mix.
  10. One word that sticks out in my mind when I listen to this is "homesickness". The way this is arranged it's so beautiful and just seems to hearken back to better, simpler, long past times. The way the mood is so masterfully crafted here is astounding. Oh wow, this is really a deeply thoughtful and amazing track. I'm very impressed with the work here and recommend it.
  11. Listening to this mix is like watching a magician perform. I am spellbound at the sheer mastery of the guitar displayed here. Also this feels like a full course meal; this is extremely satisfying and there's absolutely nothing skimpy about this mix. Completely awesome and amazing.
  12. This is definitely everything I've come to know and love about Darangen's mixes. The guitar work, arrangement, and overall track is sheer amazing I love the intro so much; it's freaking awesome. I'll also admit that when the source comes, it's feels a little strange. I really like how the source is arranged, but it's how prominently Terra's theme is displayed in this track. I've always imagined it to be more dispersed and interspersed throughout the track instead of being transparently laid bare on top. Not to say that that's a bad thing, it's just something I'm not used to nor was expecting. This is and always will be a really cool track.
  13. Mmmmmm... This is like Silent Hill renovated a Super Mario World ghost house. The pressing atmosphere feels balanced between Mario's familiarity and lightheartedness (if one could ever call a haunted house track lighthearted ) and Silent Hill's icily encompassing of the listener and dread inducing qualities. The vocals here are awesome and feel so appropriate, it's like some barely almost a whisper that one might here from no where while wandering a haunted house. Definitely a must have for any atmospheric track lover (like me )
  14. I'll admit that I have no idea what Latin jazz has to do with tennis, but I ain't complainin' This is just a really fun piece with a mischevious streak in it. It's fairly lighthearted yet with a darker feel underlying this. During some parts, especially during the intro, I just want to sing along "Jeepers creepers..." Texturally, there's a fair amount going on and it has a very nice experimental and live performance feel. This is definitely a must have for any jazz, Zelda, or any good music fan.
  15. I like this mix so much because it does something so strange and wonderful. It elevates clocks/clockwork/time to a near mystical level in the same fashion that Lewis Carol did to playing cards and chess pieces. I also like the tape samples; they add a very distinct flavor to this mix and contribute further to the overall mysticalness of time theme of this song. This truly is an amazing mix that no one should miss.
  16. Admittedly after listening to a lot of orchestrated Final Fantasy lately, most just sorta seems to run together, but this one manages to stick out and is one of the more memorable tracks from Echoes, imo. The themes used here just seem to lend themselves well to the orchestra and feel quite distinct. This is definitely a wonderful track and worth listening to.
  17. No matter how you dice this one up, this is just a weird mix. The initial synths reminds me of like some Asian dish being stir fried in a wok. I have no idea why that reminds me of that, but it does. ¯\(°_o)/¯ This whole mix just has a weird, very excitable energy that reminds me of a Japanese professor I once had. It's just so unique and it's an interesting listen. Things just fly by so quick that the listener is all like "What the crap just happened?" and listens to it again. In the end, I really like this mix.
  18. Since it was both mentioned that this sounds Eastern and Disney's Pocahontas-esque, I can hear both in here, and it's like whoa.... This piece does have a transcendental feel to it, that peacefully calming mood. There's also something in this mix that just makes me smile. I guess its just a touch of nostalgia and familiarity that's been woven throughout here. All in all, I really like this mix A Lot.
  19. This plays with the textures a lot. Not so much as to cross a line and be annoying to listen to, but more than enough as to make the listener entertainingly dizzy. The listener really gets taken for a ride on this one. This just a fun mix, a whole lot of things are going on.
  20. Short & sweet, just like this review. jkjk This reminds me of something I might here on St. Valentine's Day. It's just so sweetly heartwarming. Also North's vocals are Amazing. I can't really think of much criticism for it, it's just so... so... innocent. Simply, just go listen to it; it really is astounding.
  21. The setting here is amazing. It feels like haunted carnival music where every 3rd or fourth note is unnecessarily drawn out and sharped or flattened. "Zombie Lounge" feels so appropriate for this mix, like there's twenty or so zombies stumbling around some back room of some barroom lounge. It has a very nice creepy edge to it without actually instilling a sense of dread in the listener. Very nicely done and definitely one of the more funner atmospheric tracks out there.
  22. o_O; I downloaded this like three times to make sure, but whenever I play this with Windows Media Player, it turns into a 17 minute song. Everything else I check says it's just a little over 6 minutes. Annnnyway, I like the initial sound effects making it feel like some forgotten home movie. It feels like something from Half-Life 2. The more I listen to the intro, the more it creeps me out actually. Moving on it mellows and rounds out nicely, and understanding that this is supposed to have a Euro coffee break feel really makes more sense now and makes the sheer mellowness and gentile "go with the flow"-ness understandable. It's a fairly decent track, but in the end, I don't really care for it though.
  23. Admittedly I'm not too familiar with the source, but I still like this. It has a very warm, homestyle feel to it. Not a overly sugary, cinnamon & spice "Welcome Home" feel, but more of a "Mac and Cheese" comfort food feel to it. It has all the things I like about a piano piece: it showcases the theme nicely and has a wonderfully playful sound scape. Definitely a fun track.
  24. O_O Now that you mention it, I can't quite stop imagining it that way. That's really cool, thanks. It does help put this track into some atmospheric/mood perspective to think of it that way. I've always liked this track and now I've found another reason. woo! As for everything else, the orchestration is wonderful, grandiose, and fun to listen to, and this is simply a wonderful track.
  25. I would agree with this. While I can respect a mellowly slowed down piece for atmospheric purposes, this literally feels mutedly dulled, like it was dipped in sepia tone or something, and it just really downs the whole mix. This one just isn't clicking with me; where I'm expecting something vibrant, I'm getting shades of gray.
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