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Everything posted by OfficialJab

  1. By the way people, it's now at http://prophet.escariot.net/music/nacho/traverse.mp3 Even better with nachos.
  2. It's actually outstanding. The only thing I was wishing while listening is that at parts like 1:30, the drums would pick up and the tempo would increase. Instead it spends most of the 6 minutes doing the same thing. It does it well, but it feels like some parts should pick the energy up. The speed does increase near the end, but it feels like it's being fastforwarded instead of really changing. Downloaded, though. I'd love to see it played with and submitted.
  3. Has anyone said Freebird yet? Because..... Freebird. So Freebird. And that is not a bad thing in the slightest.
  4. Sounds outstanding, one of my new favourites. I'd drop fly off the title, Jump Slide Die has a great flow to it. Great mix.
  5. Victory! Take me to Distant Worlds please!
  6. There are dozens of remixes of this song for good reason. It rocks, and they're all good. Always happy to see more. Though these days it's probably best to pair it with another track to help it stand out.
  7. Really, I'd just love to hear a whole remix of Wily 1 without others mixed in, but I guess I won't know until I hear it. Great song so far.
  8. It's chill alright. I could listen to that all day If you're planning to make it a full-fledged mix, I'd recommend including one or two other songs from the game as well, since the Observatory song doesn't have a lot to it.
  9. I don't have a problem with the long intro as long as the final track ends up being longer, it was good. I'd say the main melody should be improvised a little, it's sounds a bit to identical to the source. A different sample/instrument would be good too. I really like it though, and I'll listen to it again.
  10. lol It's been at this stage for weeks now. That Zeromus track had better deliver!
  11. I guess my only suggestion is the lyrics in the second verse make no sense Unless I'm just a simpleton. It's really good.
  12. Not a fan of vocals in songs where the source doesn't naturally have them. Nor is anyone I know. Quite a buzz kill imo.
  13. I disagree, the vocals had me laughing my head off! Please keep them! This is really good, I'm impressed. I think the bass/percussion should get a lot heavier after the 'let's get ready to rumble' so it feels like things are really starting. And once the main melody breaks in, I'd recommend changing the pace of the tune a little, so it doesn't just sound like a sampling of the original.
  14. I really like it. Definitely a keeper for me. I think it's just being over-analyzed a bit. It's a fun mix. Not complicated, but still creative. Good job.
  15. Sounds very similar to the original. I'd suggest throwing some improv into it.
  16. Sounds really good. Maybe add a guitar rhythm into that quick-paced part of the beginning.
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