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Everything posted by metalsnakejuice

  1. Love that video. You two must submit please:puppyeyes:
  2. ‘But the menu said “galaxy of prawns”. Three prawns are hardly a galaxy!’ R.I.P
  3. Dude are you ever going to finish that ape escape remix becourse i love it to death.

  4. Rose from The Legend Of Dragoon, Spike from Ape Escape or Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet.
  5. Next year I'm going to choose Lloyd for boss month :wink:

  6. I was going to choose Melbu Frahma for boss month lol

  7. Girl Like You - Edwyn Collins
  8. I want this to be submitted.
  9. Flower OST - Splash Of Colour
  10. My PSN : metalsnakejuice.
  11. Who ever did that Chrono Trigger one gets my vote.
  12. To bad that Emperor Charlemagne went to far.
  13. I miss our ReMixanator overlord.
  14. I am not sure what i should feel about this ReMixanator. I was looking forward to the Pokemon album and Nights: Lucid Dreaming album.
  15. After the longest thirty minutes it is finally here. This album as a whole is the best one so far and it shows with all the incredible talent that everyone has put in to it. Congratulations people!
  16. Ecco: The Tides of Time Waves of Stone OC ReMix - Level 99, Moonlapse, OA
  17. Have i died and gone to heaven? I love this to pieces. Been playing this on loop all day and it still never loses it awesomeness. Great work you three.
  18. Is this game a download or a disk game?
  19. I might get it as well, it seems very interesting and fun to play.
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