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Everything posted by metalsnakejuice

  1. I was actually going to do something from Rad Racer lol Kinda dissapointed how i handed it in like five days early and find out how i was the only person who finished:puppyeyes:
  2. Happy birthday people! Enjoy it while it lasts.
  3. Almost finished with mine, I just hope someone else is going to enter this to.
  4. Really good game. My soul level is over 160 and i am on my fourth play through so far.
  5. It was a good game i must say. I did found it funny how vivi22 tried to knife me at the beginning of the level de_aztec even though we were on the same team. I can not wait for the next event to come.
  6. Washington Post March - Killer Cadet Band
  7. Thank god i know a store where they sell American psn cards because the Australian store sucks so much.
  8. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure on the PC. Great game too.
  9. I totally forgot about this game being on the PS3.
  10. Stopped playing Counter Strike four years ago but got back in to it only a few days ago when it was released on mac.
  11. I am now convinced to buy a wii now.
  12. I want you to blow my mind Dj Mokram with my request:-P
  13. May you live to be a hundred so we can hear more awesome music from you:<
  14. I am pretty happy how someone is doing Crystal Palace theme. I can not wait to see what you do with it.
  15. I forgot to say that i am looking forward to Deus Ex: Human Revolution too.
  16. I have been waiting for this for ages because the title name made me want to listen to it so badly. This song is just so kick ass.
  17. That is okay. I was just happy to see someone actually remix it so well:<
  18. As long as someone remixes Crystal Palace theme or the ending theme i will be happy. I am so happy about this. Good thing i made that thread.
  19. Castlevania : Lords Of Shadow and a release date for GT5 are the only things i care about.
  20. Been playing Ape Escape 3.
  21. Good Morning Stardust III - Celery Moon
  22. Hello there, l request a remix for the game Ape Escape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7KuTqQAk-o&feature=player_embedded l really am surprised know one has done a remix for this game. Thank You
  23. Found a copy of Darkstalkers for the psp today. The game is amazing and i just love all the characters too.
  24. Happy birthday you three. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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