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Everything posted by metalsnakejuice

  1. Well this was a surprised. Seriously this is one sexy mix.
  2. Now this is a breath of fresh air. Well done.
  3. Well i beat Old King Doran in Demon's Souls, totally owned him:<
  4. Machine Gun (Gran Turismo 4 Pop Rox Remix) - The Commodores
  5. High Fidelity - Daft Punk
  6. I enjoyed the second game so this should be good. I was hoping the third would be set in Russia.
  7. I mostly use a claymore or a great sword.
  8. I would wait till you are much stronger. If you invade someones game and lose to them your soul level decreases. From what i have experienced storm of shrines is really the main place that black phantoms try to kill people online.
  9. The game was great and this is just awesome to listen to.
  10. Managed to a black phantom that tried to kill me online and leveled up my soul level to 103 so far.
  11. Fantastic work from Star Salzman as usual. Everything entwines really well.
  12. What do you think of Demon's Souls so far?
  13. This is great, the beginning is my favorite. You two did a good job.
  14. Good to see someone else wants it too. The queen fury is a great track. Is there any reason why know one has done LOD remix? I hope someone will consider doing this eventually.
  15. Hello there, l request a remix for the game The Legend Of Dragoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8vn1kfogi4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LImAwaNItUQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9UGv2Hwlv0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lAztEXQlO4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE4LjZ3mZtc l really am surprised know one has done a remix for this game. Thank You
  16. This has to be my favorite mix by DJP. Very groovy.
  17. Now this is a extraordinary mix. I love it.
  18. Yahtzee still makes me laugh.
  19. Brennende Liebe - OOMPH! Love this band.
  20. The art style looks interesting while the gameplay really puts me off from what i have watched on youtube.
  21. Decided to listen this today. A nice well put together arrangement. Great work.
  22. I can hardly find Valkyria Chronicles. Must be a good game.
  23. Now this is good news.
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