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Geeky Stoner

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Everything posted by Geeky Stoner

  1. Hell yes!! about freaking time, MK has been grossly underrepresented on OCR over the years i'm glad to see a mix finally posted on the site.
  2. ◕ヮ◕loltenchar
  3. bumpin this up to front page ...well subliminal labs was just in here a bit ago, he hasn't been on the site in years since the blue screen days, kind of cool to reintroduce people to ocr.
  4. this shit be dead in a pool of it's own blood, it needs a medkit.
  5. I also dig this, perhaps near the end you could speed up the track a bit like it does in the game. I like the heavy house vibe I'm getting from this but i also kind of get a hardcore vibe from this (maybe because I've been listening to some hardcore lately) I love really crazy short sources like this, I think alot of creative things can be done.
  6. finally got around to listening to this.... This is alot tighter than your previous mix, all the sections are more pronounced this is really good honestly. I think i recognize the reference to a source from galaxies nice work everything sounds about right maybe just a slight production sheen at this point.I like the strings at the end ^.^
  7. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3738-S-978-and-Operation-Rainfall http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/3786-The-Pre-Production-Problem The thought occurs to me with the pre production problem episode why don't game companies use interns during pre production to fill out alot of the menial tasks that programmers get assigned to?
  8. Well i have a near finished version of my song. http://tindeck.com/listen/pujs I'm not crazy about it but it's decent i guess, I might just go with this as i haven't been doing to well with making music this week. (you're right Silvernix remixing Airman is hard) So maybe there will be an updated version out soon or maybe not, but people have two songs to evaluate, have at it folks. Yours is interesting Silver it definitely has more transitions and has the themes blending more, it's a bit clashy at times but i couldn't even get the two themes to blend myself so you win there.
  9. This is pretty neat , glad to see someone else remix geometry wars. The only thing is that most of the song sounds like it's building to something but never getting there, I like the piano breakdown at the end. Flesh this arrangement out and it should be awesome.
  10. Yeah honestly i agree with Willrock. The more i think about it, we really shouldn't hold voting in these matches. The only reason there is voting in the official competition is because there is a bracket where a winner needs to be declared, and as we've said before we are really only doing this for fun.
  11. happy large round object day
  12. Are we sure about opening a separate thread for voting on remixes. It's a neat idea and would make voting more organized but they're not crazy about having two threads for one thing, maybe run the idea by Darke or someone to see what they think?
  13. yeah I've hardly started myself kind of at a creative brick wall right now. ...need to find some imaginary dynamite.
  14. happy birthday overlord master pretzel.
  15. so does that mean chicken yodel was good? lol XD
  16. So I'm starting today on my mix I'm guessing it will roughly be about a week mixing time so from weekend to weekend is roughly the frame we're giving ourselves with a little bit of leniency. I'm not sure how this would work with chernabouge and zerothemaster since cherna doesn't seem to have to much free time right now ..maybe you two can mix next week. perhaps this can become a regular weekly thing (although i don't like the idea of just having two remixers every week maybe we can have weeks where there are a couple matchups)
  17. Well in the unofficial room you can play anything you want. I don't know so much about the "official" room i saw some non oc remix stuff in there but i don't know how lenient they are.
  18. honestly i feel like you can pick any robot master ..even one that has been taken , this is just for fun so anything goes(heck i might challenge some people with a different robot master) also I'm glad Darkesword approves i was a bit worried about that
  19. That's awesome chernabouge what people can do if you're not making music right now (or aren't able to) is vote on our songs for a little exhibition round winner (if you are so inclined i don't want this getting to competitive, it's just for fun and practice) EDIT:oh also chernabouge i'll challenge you if no one challenges you soon
  20. ಠ_ಠ l ol10char
  21. isn't it obvious?
  22. bump.... this room needs some fresh blood. I Miss Will :[ I'm hoping they can restore international service soon, I'm missing our international friends I was hoping to meet Protodome :[ among other overseas ocr peeps
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