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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. hey sir you only voted on one match-up for Round 3... you've got a few minutes to vote on the 2nd one if you can!

  2. Hey thanks! You did a great job on your song! I can't wait to hear what else you do in the future! Thanks for participating in the compo too, it's been a lot of fun coordinating. Just seeing the amount of excitement and response around the compo has been awesome!

  3. Hey there Asa, did you get my message I sent you on Saturday?

  4. Hey there, are your Sonic 3D Blast picks from Genesis or Saturn?

    1) Volcano Valley Zone - Sonic 3D Blast

    4) Gene Gadget Zone - Sonic 3D Blast

  5. Hey there, would you be interested in joining the Sonic Zone Remix compo? I had someone drop and need someone to join. I know you joined it last time! Just curious!http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  6. Hey Will, do you want to join the Sonic Zone Remix Compo next month? I know you were sad you missed out on the first one :wink:http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45842

  7. Hey, so what ever happened to KingTiger & Flexstyle Sonic Boom? I know it missed the album, but will it see the light of day at some point?

  8. Hi there, thanks for expressing interest in the Sonic competition! As you already know, signup for the competition is over. The competition was setup as a single-elimination style competition where entrants had to remix their Zone with the Zone theme of their opponent in one mix. Then there was a public voting period and the winners move on to the next round and would go through the same process again. So it was setup a little differently than just allowing people to remix anything they wanted and then voting on those tracks. If you want to share you mix and get feedback though, I'd highly recommend you post your song in the Workshop forums here on OCR: http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16

    Sorry again that you missed the signup period!

  9. Hi! I was just reading the judges comments for the Crisis Core "Burden of Truth" remix you sent them and it sounded like it was an awesome remix. I was wondering if you uploaded it anywhere cause I'd like to hear it! I'm sorry they "NO'ed" it :(

  10. How's your SZRC mix coming? Just checkin' in!

  11. How's your SZRC track coming? :wink:

  12. How's your SZRC track coming? :wink:

  13. I don't mean to be stalking wall posts, but NI Massive is very versatile. I used it for a large amount of my instruments in my Palmtree Panic mix. Once I got the hang of what I was doing with it I realized there was a ton of stuff I could do with sound design, automation and whatnot. I'd highly recommend it!

  14. I had to go to the dentist today for a filling (it was my first cavity ever) and I thought of you. Do dentists enjoy inflicting pain? :smile:

  15. I heard wildfire got you the vocals for your Sonic CD project track! I'm looking forward to hearing how that thing comes together :)

  16. I hope so! It would be kinda silly to not have your matchup when you finished in time. He hasn't posted anything in the thread yet, so hopefully he'll fix it whenever he comes back on :-D

  17. I keep forgetting to say I'm glad you liked my mix so much from round 1 of the WCRG! I plan on touching it up a bit after the compo is over!

  18. I keep forgetting to tell you, I love your pick of Pharaoh Man for the WCRG. It's such a cool theme, and I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  19. I like how every comment I've read online around the Temporal Duality trailer tends to involve "OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR THAT METALLIC MADNESS JP MIX". And it's a vocal track too! heh heh ;-)

  20. I moved you into the final roster spot for the SZRC! So you're in! :)

  21. I thought I responded to your message but I guess I didn't, hah - no worries! Like I said I just wanted to give you the opportunity since you originally mentioned you were interested in the compo. I hope you check out the music and vote!

  22. I was figuring I'd do Sonic again this winter, after I have everything wrapped up with Temporal Duality, because I don't want to be hosting a compo at the same time. I'm pretty flexible though, so yeah feel free to host FF in October when WCRG is over! I don't know if I'll participate though, a lot depends on what I have going on at the time.

  23. I'll let you know ASAP when I hear back from this other guy to see if you can get that final SZRC roster spot. Also, was there another #1 pick you wanted since the Final stage of Sonic 1 is strictly a boss zone and ineligible by the rules? Thanks!

  24. I'm thinking I'll do it this winter sometime now. I don't want to be hosting a compo while Temporal Duality is wrapping up, so I'd rather wait till that is completely done. Plus I don't want to conflict with the new WCRG or that FF compo Brandon is thinking about hosting. All and all, this winter will probably work best I think. I'm definitely going to do it again though, so no worries there!

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