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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. So, I woke up this morning, visited OCR because I haven't in a while, and found out that the Bad Dudes released an SDB album. It feels like I'm in junior high gym class again, and I just took a dodge ball to the face. I'm not mad or upset or angry or anything. I've known for years that Mustin was interested in arranging the SDB soundtrack, and it looks like he beat his procrastination sooner than I did. In fact, I'm pretty excited because he gathered together a great list of artists, including some who I tried to unsuccessfully recruit over the years. This is a must download for me later today. As for Around the World... I just can't take my dodge ball and go home on this one. Cancelling the project would be selfish of me and unfair to the people who worked on it. Hell, there are tracks that will be posted to OCR after the project's out, and that's way more than I could've hoped three years ago. I'm gonna mull over my options on this one and get back to you guys. But I think it's time for a project restart. Stuff that's being made now I WANT DONE. Stuff I have that hasn't been updated in years (I'm looking at you, Rexy) I WANT UPDATED. I'll post more thoughts on this later. For now, I'm gonna download the Kenya remix and get my zyko fix.
  2. I agree. Facebook is just getting musician pages off the ground, and they're not too bad (check out Machinae Supremacy on facebook as an example. But MySpace still excels for people trying to get their music heard.
  3. Actually, you're not. I've had a little problem with the tags as well. I always thought that more emphasis should be placed on the song and not on the game being remixed. Something like "Artist - Song Title" without the OC ReMix at the end and game information in the Comment field. I think the problem here in having uniform id3 tags is that everyone has a different preference to them. If someone downloads a song from this site, they'll probably just reedit the tags themselves to whatever they prefer. I'm interested in hearing more about what you think, though. My summer's pretty free. If you or anyone else on OCR is going to spearhead a mass id3 tag renaming project, I'll gladly lend a hand (or ten fingers, rather. )
  4. *coughbestdarkeswordremixevercough* But to be serious, Sonic 2 is the first Sonic game I ever owned and the game that got me into the Sonic fandom in general. I would love to play this one when it's completed.
  5. Alright, my poor ass just donated one dollar to the site. I know it's not much, but if I could afford more on my nearly-maxed out credit card, I would. Good luck, OCR! Here's hoping that my favorite website gets the funds they desperately need!
  6. Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom much?
  7. Hey, I haven't seen Nex in like a thousand and ten years. How are you, buddy? Great run, by the way.
  8. Hey, I know where Ridgway is. That place sucks. Edit: manlove in Ridgway would be neat, though.
  9. Facebook told me this info. That makes facebook metal (at least for today).
  10. And thus the cycle of the Sonic fan continues again... The screenshots look awesome, the trailer looks awesome, the concept sounds decent and unique, and Sonic fans all over are crossing their fingers hoping this is Sonic's return to console glory. It's Sonic Riders/Sonic Heroes/Shadow the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 all over again.
  11. Some lists were scrolled, some votes were cast, and fun was had by all. In other words, voted.
  12. Goddamnit. I was really looking forward to this, and now it seems that the Wii owners get shafted yet again. This is a real disappointment, and I don't think any amount of "special bonus tracks" will make up for it.
  13. I thought Super ZZT was the final nail in the coffin for the old Epic.
  14. Much congratulations 68030!
  15. Hey, it's Kroze. You're one of LK's lackeys over at YGO:TAS. But I kid. This is funny as hell, and I like it's pretty much just Zhang that's acting Red vs. Blue-ish while everyone else is dead serious. Keep it guys.
  16. Well, I have no problem with this, so sadorf is out (sorry man!) and chrono26 is in. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  17. You're just upset because they took a couple cheap shots at you. But yeah, the only song from this "project" that I kept is Duckbreaka. It's actually quite the addictive song.
  18. I think there's more than enough evidence to support that they can.
  19. Ok, we're taking a little step back. The GLL/Mae collab fell through, so the Team England track is back up for grabs. If you're an awesome super sweet remixer and you love this track, drop me a line!
  20. Holy crap I'm finally able to reply to the topic. I celebrate this with a month-old necrobump. Real updates soon.
  21. Take a look at your pic again. The American name "Jigglypuff" is being used instead of the Japanese name "Purin". Fake. @Brithor: In America, Robot was known as R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) and was a pack-in with the first NES systems in the States.
  22. Ah, I didn't know Halo and WoW players were such big fans of Julia Roberts films.
  23. Not only that, but he'd be smart enough not to duct tape gunpowder to a propane tank.
  24. And now that track's been accepted by the panel! Great job!
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