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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. Another Deep Purple song, awesome. "Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo" is a great song, too. For those who don't know, Derringer was a member of the Edgar Winter Group (who's song Frankenstein was in the first GH), he discovered Weird Al Yankovic, and he wrote and performed Hulk Hogan's theme song in the WWE. It's about time he got some more recognition. It makes you wonder if the extra songs for the long-hinted-at Wii version will be the same or not...
  2. My fad with the Pokemon TCG passed years ago. For me, I'm more into board games. I'd say the geekest game I own is Risk: Lord of the Rings Edition, with Risk: Star Wars: Clone Wars Edition coming in a close second. Me, my brother, my dad, and another friend of ours play Star Wars Risk about twice a month. My family's very big into Trival Pursuit. We bought the new 80's editon for Christmas, and it's got a lot of those "Hey, I remember that!" questions. It even came packaged with a Rubik's Cube.
  3. Can't wait to see you in the next Mortal Kombat game, then.
  4. Rexy, if you're reading this, I still need the final version of your remix. You had told me it would be sent on the evening of the first, and then I haven't heard from you since. I've sent you some emails too, but no answer. Is everything alright?
  5. Now that UnMod's gone, classy is the name of the game around here. Just ask blad. But anyway, Sony has not been doing very good in the PR department lately. Dumb quotations, physical injuries caused by the PS3 launch, and now a mistaken Emmy celebration. If this keeps up, Sony's game department will become the laughingstock of the gaming industry.
  6. I can tell that they really went back to the drawing board on this one. This new "checks and balances" system will really make sure that abuse doesn't happen frequently like it did with VGMix 2.0. New sections for site projects and competitions sounds great, and an overall expansion of the "MMORPG website" idea sounds exciting.
  7. You know, no disrespect to blad, but I really hate being labled as useless. So I can't remix or play an instrument or mod or judge or anything. But I vote in competitions, I make intelligent (to me, anyway) comments in Gen Disc. I even have a remix project (which is coming together nicely). Me, Coop, and a few others contributed here all the time. Yeah, there were a bunch of assholes who abused the forum, but we weren't all bad. EDIT: Coop said it better than I ever could.
  8. That's exactly what I was referring to, actually. The OneUps arrangement of Aquatic Ambience from The OneUps Vol. 1 is great stuff, too. For suggestions still in the vg/OCR realm, go with some soft piano music, like all of kLuTz's songs. I also enjoy Tomorrow's Wake by Rexy for doing the deed. For outside the vgm community, my girlfriend owns a CD of spiritual Native American songs. Very soft and relaxing. I'm in total agreement with you. My girlfriend and I don't get to use music too often, but I think it absolutly enhances the experience.
  9. I hope he'll still post around here, at least. In my opinion, he's a great guy, and a fantastic musician, to boot. Good luck.
  10. Did anyone say Sensual Ippon and or/Ambient Gemini? Those are good. Vig's Aquatic Ambience mix is sex, too. EDIT: FUNKY MONKEY LOVE
  11. Not to prod this topic, but from what I can tell, he only went because it was close to his house. After he got there, he posted saying that he wasn't impressed with the con, so he got the bright idea to insult everyone there. And my favorite message board was shut down because of it. Thanks alot. :/ But anyway, back to the topic. Year after year, I've been unable to attend, but I always look forward to seeing the pictures, video, stories, and concert bootlegs. Those will start coming in after people get back home (and get sober again... )
  12. This will probably get locked/deleted, but I'm seriously wondering here, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. From what I can tell in the trends of moderation, General Discussion is for discussion about video games, movies, TV, music, books, and OCR-related projects. The new Off-topic forum will be about UnMod-style postings and threads about posters lives and goings on and that sort of thing. Would I be right in this assumption?
  13. I understand that people are upset, but come on. This is an internet forum, not the United States Congress.
  14. Too bad all we're getting is deletions and not answers.
  15. Welcome back, man. I'll bet it was hell and then some out there.
  16. "Hey, this sounds like Lover Reef!" That was lol-tastic. As far as the rest of the song goes, the lyrics were better than anything I could write. I had heard Clorophil's "Duckbreaka" from the RoFL joke project, but this is the first time I've heard him do a serious rap, and it's better than I expected. kudos to zyko, too. He's my favorite rapper in the community, and he didn't disappoint again for me. Malcos was a big suprise for me. I haven't heard from him much musically lately, and here he comes not only with something new, but he can decently sing as well. pixie's version was pretty good. I thought the lyrics were way past hokey, but I paid more attention to the vocal range. I think she proved here that she can sing the low notes as well as the high ones. DragonAvenger was my favorite out of all the entries. I was not expecting a female vocal entry outside of pixie at all. She sounded fantastic. She had a country-western tone to it, which I enjoy. I'd say this contest was a success, and I was very interested in it. I'm in the stages of planning a new remix project after Around the World finishes (or before, if I get antsy), and it is a complete vocal remix project. It's good to know that when I start the project, I'll have a good talent pool to draw from. I may join in one of these contests sometime, but my voice isn't too great (anyone who remembers the BEER constests knows this. ) Maybe if it was a month that had more metal/rock than r&b/hip-hop. Then I could bring out my angsty death metal growl.
  17. So, you guys will be like the CNN of Magfest this year? Sweet.
  18. http://tv.ign.com/articles/752/752802p1.html There's IGN's advance review of the first episode.
  19. 1. Have lots of fun at Magfest. 2. Tell everyone there I said Hi. 3. I will pay you one dollar and fifty cents for each and every remixer you recruit for Around the World.
  20. I've only played the original SoR, so playing this is like a whole new game to me. It's fun, challenging (I died on Level 4 on my first play-through), and just full of 16-bit retro goodness while still being fresh. For me, this ranks right up there with Sonic Robo Blast 2 and Frets on Fire as my favorite vg-based fan game.
  21. That's the point. Release just a tiny bit of information at a time over long periods of time, and the anticipation for the game grows larger. I would not be suprised at all if we don't hear anything new until E3 2007 or whatever gaming event is around by then.
  22. Rexy's Team Iceland track is finished! We still have a ways to go, but Around the World is finally starting to come together. But, another track is put back open. See the first post for details. Remember: if you want to claim a track, have a WIP within a week sent to me, Mae, and Arek. Happy New Year, everybody! I'm gonna take a minute here to show my appreciation to Sadorf. In just a short time since he joined Around the World, I've already recieved three WIP demos from him. His track is good, it's very "stadium anthem-y". I've also been send the absolute final version of "I Lost My Balls In Moscow" (akumajobelmont's mix), and it's nothing short of fantastic. The new ending is simple yet powerful. Kudos to you. So yeah, I don't have any major updates to report, this was just a bump cleverly disguised as an update post. Do not be shy if you want to claim a track, just so long as one of us gets a WIP within a week.
  23. My favorite option has to be the ability to save private messages to my hard drive as a text file. No more cluttered and overstuffed inbox for me!
  24. Yeah I noticed that too. Sakura is a pretty well known japanese song, I don't know if there's any kind of copyright to it though. After doing some research, I found the same was true for the Team USSR theme. Just ignore it and hope we don't get C&D'd by Japanese and/or Russians.
  25. Ok, Sadorf has joined the project! Remember, New Year's Day is the current WIP deadline. See the first page for details. Let's keep this ball rolling!
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