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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. Yeah, it was a cute little flash game made up to look like a famicom title, complete with chiptune version of the theme.
  2. This is perfect, because I can't do Expert. You do Expert, and I'll easy-ify it for the lower levels. Sound good?
  3. Well, I have two songs split up into separate tracks so far: EvilHorde's DSoP remix, and a song from Game Over's second album. I just don't have the time to fret these out myself, and the FoF community doesn't seem to have any interest, either. If there's anyone here who thinks they're decent at making FoF/Freetar songs, let me know and I'll pass the songs on to you.
  4. Awwww, Namco took down the 8-bit Katamari game from it's Japanese website.
  5. Happy super mega ultra birthday!
  6. Yeah, it's SSH...but what was up with that game? Looks weird/tough.
  7. Hey, I know you. You're the papercrafter guy from the Digital Press forums, right? Either way, welcome. Anyway, zircon's got it here. Most game companies are pretty cool with the game remix/cover band community (Nintendo of America especially. Bands like The Advantage and The Minibosses have been featured in Nintendo Power), but nobody's sued or sent a C&D to OCR yet.
  8. "This stupid thing looks like Sonic, but it's bad!!!" I own this OVA, too. My girlfriend insisted we watch it in English as opposed to Japanese.
  9. My old mp3 player has only 256 megs, so I constantly rotate. Right now, it's a bunch of Dethklok songs. Currently on iTunes: 312 songs, 20.2 hours, 1.28 GB. I need to expand my hard drive before I can really get serious about music collecting.
  10. The lack of Brawl info is driving the SSB community to the point of insanity. Arguing about items and stages is the only thing that saves us.
  11. The Phoenix Wright series for me. Great old-school Capcom goodness there.
  12. Much congratulations to you, good sir. Make a romantic remix for her. (*coughofsuperdodgeballcough*)
  13. Did you look in akumu's archive?
  14. Nice try Coopy, but I just posted akumu's link about 20 minutes ago. LOL The tracks are out of order, though. I'll have to go through and see what's what.
  15. Shit, man. Sorry to hear that.
  16. Alright, seven more tracks still up for grabs. If you haven't heard the original soundtrack yet, please do. It's underremixed and underappreciated. Let's GO GO GO!!!
  17. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Melee is already part of the MLG roster.
  18. Listen to the Myspace page. It kind of sounds like Shael's stuff. Well, it sounds like Shael after he got a kick in the nards. Edit: Except for the end of "I'm Going to Fuck You". What the fuck was that? All in all, great stuff. Musically catchy, lyrically funny.
  19. Let's strike a deal: I'll punch you in the face for buying Sonic Heroes, and you punch me in the face for buying Shadow the Hedgehog.
  20. Thank you. I was gonna post Beach Boys if nobody else was. Also, Jimmy Buffet should be on any essential beach list. As for vg stuff, the NESkimos did a beach rendition of Snakeman over at their website.
  21. So you're saying Sonic died the day the first Megadrive game was released in Japan?
  22. Tomorrow's Wake by Rexy is one of my favorites as far as piano goes, but it may be too fast for you.
  23. This was from Sakurai's suggestion section of the Japanese Brawl website. About 5-10 more number-wise is pretty good, though. I sure hope we find out more soon. I guess would be the next big industry event, whatever it's being called now. If we really lucky, we might even get a new tidbit from Miyamoto at next month's GDC.
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