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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. Evolution to Raichu? I'm down. Surf comes in at second.
  2. I'll have to think about it. At this point, I would welcome you aboard if Prophet helped out/mastered the track.
  3. I'm just glad there are finally steady updates and info coming in. Hell, it could just be pictures of Sakurai's ass, and I'd still be glad for the update. Also, looks like every weeknight at 11 will be the blog updates.
  4. Hey, all the project threads moved again. Ha. Thanks for the WIP. I haven't even listened to your last one yet (limited net usage), but I'll be sure to as soon as I can.
  5. http://www.fretsonfire.net/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=5;t=4934 BrainCells - Live at the Sandopolis from Project Chaos In other FoF news, that game has been updated to include hammer-ons and pull-offs, but the system isn't perfect. keep your old version for now and install the latest version of RF-Mod (version 3.5).
  6. One and the same, really.
  7. Dear Community, bump. luv, Walan
  8. Have you tried the Minibosses' forum? The biggest group of vg rockers hang out there.
  9. Not to burst your bubble, but from the way I see it, Uematsu is only contributing that one song. But it also sounds like he'd be open to doing more, so here's to hoping.
  10. I don't know, I thought the "Add to Cart" button under the bitchin' album art was easy to see.
  11. www.animeremix.org is a sister-site to OCR, and it has some great tunes, despite it's smaller size.
  12. Yeah, this is the subpar Genesis port of VF2, not the Saturn version.
  13. I don't think they'll have a 50-foot lazer-firing RoboJacko ready by this summer, so I'll think you'll be safe from its boy-touching wrath.
  14. And THIS is the first thing I'll be seeing when I come into Vegas? Fuck that, I'll go to Reno.
  15. Now the question remains: "Beat It" era Jacko or "Smooth Criminal" era Jacko?
  16. Jack Thompson?! Just great. Another opportunity for that psycho jackass to get some screen time, I suppose. Good for him.
  17. Hmmmm. Well, Zero Suit Samus is, of course, based on the same costume Samus wore near the end of Metroid: Zero Mission for the GBA, but the similarities between the two are noticeable. Just a coincidence, I suppose. Off topic from the post, I'll have to agree with everyone else and ask you to please alter your sig so it doesn't stretch out the screen for me and others.
  18. thanks a ton. remember, five tracks left!
  19. Same things going on here at the IUP campus. My roommate's girlfriend has friends there, so she's very concerned. God (or whatever you believe in) bless the victims and their families. edit: MSNBC is now reporting 31, not counting the gunman.
  20. Neato. Congratulations on that.
  21. 10 char lol
  22. Your opinion, of course. I thought the tracklists were fantastic for both games.
  23. bgc would be late to his own funeral. And then give it a NO.
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