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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. ocr sucks it's nothing but techno Happy Birthday OCR!
  2. I don't have anything new to report or add right now, but I didn't want my thread to be under the locked Teen Agent thread. ...so....anybody try out the SDB fangame River City Dodgeball All Stars?
  3. I remember this. The gummi bears were too hot when he took them out and he ended up scalding his penis. Good times.
  4. He never did solve the mystery of The Undertaker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezE4bKA8JDM
  5. The last time they did that was around E3 when they gave Portal away for free when they announced Portal 2. No free games this weekend, unfortunately...
  6. Audiosurf for $2.50 and Batman Arkham Asylum for 10 bucks right now. Damn, can't pass those up.
  7. Seriously. What am I gonna do about this GIANT HYPOTHETICAL ERECTION that this song has given me? You guys are gonna go crazy over it.
  8. ...well, THAT was an interesting Google search.
  9. On the bright side, now you've got some more material to pad out those OCR con panels.
  10. I don't have a PS3 or an Xbox, but I do have a friend who would really like this. Entered.
  11. Seeing The Megas last year for the first time was awesome. But finally seeing The Minibosses live, the very first video game cover band I'd ever heard back before I even knew that vg remixing existed? It'll feel like a gamer full-circle for me.
  12. What other NES game makes you have to master flying perfectly into a space station to buy powerups or else you die? ...for that matter, what's an F-15 doing in space anyway?
  13. Impossible. Every single person in the world right now lives within 3 and a half miles of a McDonalds. This has been proven by science.
  14. 11/1/10: Since the last update, hoha and Willrock are finished, with Stevo providing another assist. Thanks again! One track is left, DCT has been having some trouble getting rappers on board, but I'm positive he'll be close to being finished soon. There's a bunch of projects in line before us, so we do have a window of time still open. Getting close to the home stretch!
  15. Nairobi either! ugh...
  16. Eternal Darkness on GameCube. The bathroom insanity scene. That is all.
  17. Murmeli Walan as Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film.
  18. With the exception of the Genesis, I missed out on everything Sega growing up. I've recently picked up both a Dreamcast and a Saturn, but I've always been interested in getting a Master System. (Side note: I actually own one Master System game, Zaxxon 3D. I got in a bundle with some Genesis games at a garage sale. No 3D glasses, though.)
  19. Not only that, but the music in the Hero 3D minigame is a chiptune cover of 'Hero' by Machinae Supremacy, and I hear a heavy influence of that band in this game's soundtrack. The game's awesome, by the way.
  20. Not to tease you guys, but Prot's track for Around the World is fucking sweet. Happy Birthday Prot!
  21. You're not the only one. Thanks again!
  22. Like those nostalgia goggled jerks at Sonic Retro know anything other than adding Shadow to Sonic 1. Terminal Chillocity, however, is an awesome term and I hope to use it in my everyday speech.
  23. Oh no! Sonic 4 is the worst video game ever made because of one glitch! ...overreacting much?
  24. The Game Heroes conduct an interview with Tony "Prince of Darkness" Dickinson about his remixing career and play Sonic Gargles With Garden Marbles. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/bt/gameheroes/tm/28142-sonic-3-tony-dickinson
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