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Everything posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Late Checkin: Last week was good until the weekend when I slacked a bit. Still maintaining the every other day weight training and 500-1000 calories a day on DDR (depending on time constraints). On Sunday and yesterday I did nothing, but was still careful about what I'd eat. Weighing in at 185 - 16 lb. loss from the beginning 'til now!
  2. Holy crap... I remember posting in this thread shortly after I first joined the site...about six years ago! My how time flies... I can't remember what I posted (though I suppose I could look...) but given that it's probably within the first 30 pages, if I'm repeating myself I doubt anyone will notice... RETRO: The Jaquio from Ninja Gaiden. MODERN: The Sand Serpent Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. I can't remember which # it is, but it was so freakin' hard, I eventually had to look up how to initially damage it on GameFAQ's.
  3. The original Earthworm Jim on SNES was one of my favorite games for a loooong time. I loved the irreverence of it, the good gameplay, and the animated graphics are great. I was also drawn to the music (still am). EWJ was also the first time I tried drawing other cartoon characters as practice and it helped solidify the development of my own drawing style. So yeah - sentimentality mostly.
  4. Aye; grew up in Cary, in Raleigh now studying to get licensed as a high school English teacher. And doing DDR and weights to be fit (staying on topic...).
  5. We gonna be seeing "Sacred Flute" in that Latest Remixes column anytime soon?
  6. Very nice!! The balance is indeed better and I really like the new ending much more than the original! I say, "Sumbit!"
  7. Hey...Taucer...you live in Raleigh, too. Small world.
  8. LATE CHECK IN Well, I've continued with the daily DDR, hitting 500+ calories a day and the weight training MWF, but last week I kind of faltered...for some reason...I can't remember. Didn't do anything on Monday, but I picked it up again Wednesday, I think... Well, by Friday I was definitely back on track, took Saturday off, did some DDR yesterday then today with the weights, and weighing in now at 188. I'm feeling pretty good and fitting better into old clothes. WOohoo!
  9. Absolutely. Besides, I could see myself experiencing some cognitive dissonance with Twilight Princess. Like, I'd have Link walking along, and I'd be walking along on the treadmill. Suddenly, Link would have to stop for some reason and I'd probably stop walking on the treadmill and I can't imagine much good coming soon after that... But yes, that is a very, very cool idea you have going there. I'd emulate ya, but I don't have a treadmill and my cardio comes from DDR. In the meantime, I think I'll go feed my cat.
  10. "I feel asleep!!" "Get the heck out of here, you nerd!"
  11. That is a really cool idea. I kinda wish I could do that with Twilight Princess...
  12. I really like the middle eastern feel to it. It kicks and then kind of mellows...I like that.
  13. Wait what? I...I don't get it...
  14. Time for the Weakly Czech Inn. Took Sunday off - completely. Even had a hamburger with my old man...mistake. I had one a couple weeks ago and it made me sick. I thought that was an exception. It wasn't. I think that's my body's way of saying, "No more burgers, evar!" Monday: weighed in at 195, burned ~531 calories on DDR MAXX 2. Did my regular weight routine w/benching, Flies (fly's?), and rows. Was also able to bump the 100 crunches up to 200. Tuesday: weighed in at 193.5 (in the afternoon instead of the morning as usual). Did 150 crunches and 517 calories on DDR. Wednesday: no DDR, but bumped the weight routine up 5 lbs. and did 150 crunches. Thursday: went balls-out on DDR and burned 735 calories with 100 crunches. Friday: weighed in at 190.5! I started this whole thing at 201 or 202. I'm feeling really good (not just at the fact I've lost 10 lbs) and I'm finally starting to see the overall energy increase in the day-to-day. I did 200 crunches, 550 calories on DDR, and the new max on weights. Today I did a mild workout on DDR burning only 518 calories. In addition to all this I work at a Barnes & Noble store in the cafe, so I'm on my feet about 7.5 hours when I work and running around hauling milk. I'm able to fit more comfortably into older clothes again, and people are noticing a change. Aside from all that, I just feel really good.
  15. Holy crap! I'll be posting my checkup later today, but just wanted to drop in and say I've hit the 10-lb. mark! I weighed in 190.5 this morning!
  16. I really like this. I concur with the cymbal comment, and the ending is kind of abrupt (realizing it's a WIP, yes) but otherwise I like it. I'm putting this on my iPod and am looking forward to the final product.
  17. Take heart! For it takes practice and a little time to rebuild stamina and skill. Took me about a week to get back in the groove.
  18. When they introduced the psychic and the premise of psychic military might, it reminded me of Metal Gear. At the moment I'm going through MGS3, so with the jungle setting it made me think of what a Metal Gear movie may be like if Indiana Jones replaced Solid Snake. The characters are kind of similar, but Indy isn't as bitter as Snake. Then there's a scene where it suddenly felt kind of like a Metroid movie. All around, this film reminds me more of Temple of Doom than Raiders or Last Crusade.
  19. CHECK IN At the end of this week - weighing in at 195! A six lb. loss since I started two weeks ago, and only this past week was the first one to really have a routine. I'm doing 500+ calories burnt a day on DDR MAXX2. I stayed with the same weight for the weight training I'm doing, but after feeling really good with it today, I think I will bump the max up five or ten pounds. Overall, my energy level is going up, I just need to guard my rest. This club was a great idea!
  20. Hopefully, if it were to happen they'd get someone similar to Jon Favreau - similar in that with Iron Man he was a fan of the material, hired good actors who are also fans, and got a good script that honors the source while making the necessary changes to adapt it from one medium to another. Without question, I also think it should be a trilogy.
  21. I concur with Wintermute. I like the hard-edged approach to a theme that's usually handled a bit more delicately and with mellow tones. This makes me feel things similar to "Wanderer on the Offensive." http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01657/
  22. I realize this is Frog's theme, but after watching Prince Caspian yesterday and then listening to this, I can't help but think of Reepicheep and his men (er, mice?).
  23. Hah! That's cool. That's on PC, right? With that, you could conceivably have every single song from every DDR game in one, couldn't you?
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