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Everything posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Because it still lacks the imprint of your soul. As it is now we have merely a shadowy outline. A live performance makes all the difference.
  2. moar musik, plskthx Really diggin' the vibe on this. MM1 needs moar - er, more love.
  3. I regret to say that due to an all day workday today and unexpected increase in lesson planning for Monday, I will be unable to attend this meet-up.
  4. I remember, even as a kid, hating the canned laughtrack, but learning of this bit of news saddens me. Michael Jackson's death was a bit more affecting than I initially realized and the AVGN made a great tribute vid that articulated better how I felt, but this - Capt. Lou Albano... I think I watched every episode of that show. I don't even know why. I didn't really like it, but something kept drawing me back - heck, maybe I did like it - I just enjoyed watching the video game characters being brought to life by the human actors as well as the cartoons. It was just such a significant part of my childhood, I reckon, and I haven't even realized it until now with the death of the captain. RIP Signor Mario...
  5. Turns out I'm scheduled to work til 6, so for travel time and shower time that'll put me at the festivities roundabout 7. Aye. Very cool! This will not only put faces to forums but faces to some of my favorite mixers! I'll see what I can do...
  6. Wow - I didn't have any of his Blaster Master stuff - none of it's on OCR? Did y'all get 'em from VGMix or something?
  7. The MM3 album is pretty sweet...
  8. Count me in! 'less of course I'm scheduled to work...which I should know shortly. I have nothing to offer entertainment-wise...except my laptop which has SNES and NES emulators on it - Bionic Commando: Rearmed - Cave Story - Portal - Half-Life 2 - and TF2 which I've never played, but bought in the Orange Box bundle. Oh yes, and Cave Story which I've just recently downloaded. That and I can read jokes.
  9. This is the first episode I've ever listened to - I enjoyed it very much! Nice work!
  10. A very pleasant mix. Reading the title of it evoked a facepalm and chuckle. And that t-shirt idea is great.
  11. Well, that's the kind of food my friends and I generally ingested at RPG sessions and while I don't want to enforce a nerd stereotype, we would all be hanging out b/c of our love of video games - even moreso: video game music. Alternately I'd be happy to bring some hummus and pita bread instead. As far as jamming, I have no instruments but am a percussionist at heart and - I just remembered - I have a set of harmonicas!
  12. This, Mountain Dew, and Chee-tos FTW. And Swiss Cake Rolls. And I can make a mean cheese dip.
  13. Shucks, I live in Raleigh! It'd be cool to meet actual folks from the site if any ol' lurker can show up.
  14. Brilliant. You are a gentleman and a scholar while I...I am trying to rid myself of "n00b" status...
  15. Is this available for download anywhere?
  16. I really dig this style. Reminiscent of the game, nice, smooth, reminds me tonally of Phantasy Star Online Ragol Weather by Zircon. I was confused when reading the write-up. It took me a couple of times before I finally read Flight Club rather than it sans "l". Great mix!
  17. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII like this very much... Please don't give up on this mix - there are so many melodies starving out there, these two actually have a chance at a happy life together. This incubation stage shows great promise. Moar of this, please.
  18. Well, just take a look at the protagonists of each movie and look at how each develops in their respective film. Of course, in Shaun of the Dead (SPOILER)it's his friend who turns into the zombie rather than Shaun, whereas in District 9 it's Wikus himself who turns into an alien. (END SPOILER) Other than that, yeah, there's the violence and gore, dealing with unpredictable, hence, scary creatures. Sure - there can be some parallels drawn.
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