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Everything posted by LuckyXIII

  1. Orientation is two weeks from tomorrow, starting at 8AM. Amidst all the regular paperwork (W-4s and whatnot) I heard there are some weird kinds of waivers we have to sign - indemnity clauses or something? I got something similar from Aperture, but never heard back from their HR lady; Gladys or something... Anywho...!
  2. Abadoss: I concur. Hale-Bopp: I'll see your nerdness and raise you 299 Space Credits; this is the most interaction I've had with not only forum members, but actual remixers ever since I've been on the site. Generally I don't have a lot of time or experience to contribute to threads, but I've been here since the time of Unmod and have largely lurked over the years. I gotta say, it's been really cool, albeit via minor interactions. I'm a big fan of your mixes - both you and Abadoss, and to all of y'all in this thread I actually kind of feel like a part of the community in a small way. One day I'll make it to a meet-up....
  3. Ah - I thought so. Dunno if it's actually a pirate or not, but look at what he's doing to his face. Also shares the name of a popular John Woo/Nicolas Cage/Travolta actioner.
  4. Thanks for your help guys! Going to infiltrate Encom now! Well, in 2-3 weeks... Oh, where's the pirate you're referring to, Darklink? I can't re-find it...
  5. How many degrees is he spinning? JUST GOT IT. JUST GOT THE CAR - are you kidding me??! rassumfrassum...
  6. spell out "T" the car is killing me not a tower, but a larger structure that has many towers how many rotations is he doing? not just halving, but splitting it's a boy that's not the devil it's a ram on a page pirate?? and what's the freakin' rock? stone? jogging? thing???!!?
  7. I was thinking of rush, or rushing...but I can't seem to get it. OH!!! The daisy, or, uh, flower, is in the same vein as the firetruck in terms of self-reference.
  8. Finally figured out the window guy...falling...externally... The cat with the expensive eye finally made sense. The meta-reference of the light cycles dawned on me as well. I lack only 3! The rock which looks like it's running (jumping?) Still can't get the dangling eye. And the pink car... Anyone else need any hints on the others?
  9. The cracked TV screen? The guy on the roof in a pie...?? wtf goldeneye.... Homerun and Shadow of the Colossus took me a few days.... Jumping out of the window? fallout... Dueling violinists?
  10. Dude - Food Fight! However, I also don't know the eye one and a few more....
  11. I hope this fits in Community... http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1930110
  12. Kind of a reverse moment - when I first started playing Mega Man I never knew you could use the weapons of the defeated robot masters. When I discovered it by accident I muttered in disgust at my obliviousness.
  13. Has anyone seen this, yet? http://www.arcadeaid.com/challengingstage/ Part of the Tron Legacy viral marketing. Apparently if you can name all 56 games alluded to in this picture you'll get a free Encom badge. I'm up to 32 and plateau-ing at this point...
  14. This. Took a little while to figure out the right method of attack.
  15. NEAT! I reckon the inter-dimensionality of the portals starts skewering into space/time? That, or perhaps there's something about Chell we don't know (aside from pretty much everything)?
  16. omg...where has this been all my life? where have i been? not around the forums enough, obviously
  17. I also haven't kept up much with comics - except for the occasional graphic novel - over the last few years, but I love how simple this explanation is. Bats, Wolverine, and Spider-Man are my favorite heroes (in about that order), but have y'all checked out All-Star Superman? Er, on-topic - I may just have to follow this particular series in the monthlies....
  18. Neato. Most of the architecture makes me think of Gattaca, though that wasn't really triggered until the scene with the rocket taking off. A fair bit of it made me think of a level in Halo 2 (or is it3? I can't remember) and the Venture Compound; and a couple of shots made me think of Metroid: Prime.
  19. I really dig the mellow vibe on this. The vocals remind me of Peter Gabriel, specifically from his song for Wall*E, "Down to Earth" - and that's meant as a compliment.
  20. osmos and world of goo holy frak
  21. audiosurf holy cow, that game is addicting and a time-eater
  22. can't wait to hear this! We actually have a couple tracks from the previous albums playing over the sound system at the Caribou I work at. Fits in quite well.
  23. I meant to do this the day of - alas procrastination... The mixes posted on the anniversary are perfect, and, in my mind, exemplify the spirit of what OCR is all about. The sounds are reminiscent of some of the mixes I was first exposed when I originally joined. It's amazing to see how the site's developed and I'm excited to see what the future holds!
  24. This mix rocked my face back and forth til the dang thing fell off. I love just how rowdy and rough it is! It almost has a swing feel to it with the drum solo...
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