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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. neither is Vigilante! It's almost as unoriginal as Frontier! Overture of a Dream Chaser Overture of the Filgaian Wild
  2. a teddy bear holding a grenade perhaps...j/k
  3. You didn't even look at my title idea...
  4. I've got another title idea for you Jade: ARMs of the Filgaia Frontier
  5. E is for Everquest
  6. You know Brushfire, you can't hate anime because you do have a nice big picture of Abel Knightroad right on your wall above the storage side of your desk. Not to mention a fucking shit ton of manga and anime figurines...I wish I had your kind of spending power because alot of my wall decoration involves me printing shit off my computer
  7. bump! Still want remixes of this ppl!
  8. I honestly think meeting Brushfire IRL would kill me... >.> <.< 0.0
  9. TF2 is a bunch of people sitting on their asses in front of a computer or Xbox 360 and shooting the hell out of each other...it's not a sport. Anyways, looking forward to tomorrow's episode...
  10. wow, just checked out the first post again...the majority of the post is bleeding now...so few tracks left unclaimed...and 5 rough WIP's now, that's awesome!
  11. Actually Brushfire, you are quite a character to the other two, you're right, you're definitely not professional, at least, you couldn't do sports commentary, however, you are quite a personality, and that helps you out towards this front... Oh, and shouldn't you be blaming the compliments? I have no idea what cursing with good looks is supposed to mean... Anyways, good luck on a speedy recovery! I know how bad oral surgery is, what did you have worked on?
  12. I agree with Luke, that is the Love Hina manga, it's the only one with a cover like that, most mangas generally have white covers, or covers matching the theme, Love Hina was the only series I'm familiar with that has maroon covers. @Brushfire, nice collection, I have roughly 1/8th of what you have, and that's counting games, and mangas...I have very little of the other stuff... XD, damn guitar hero controller taking up space...I have a big foam DDR pad doing that in my room.
  13. I've heard FLCL was good and random fun, I've just never taken the time too, I'm in this blood and gore phase right now with anime...the only thing I've been watching that isn't blood and gore is my nostalgic watching of the original Yu-Gi-Oh, series...I remember watching it when I was younger, and I thought I'd go ahead and finish the series...I'll be watching Pokemon again next...*facepalms*
  14. Look forward to listening to this Saturday, VGDJ is now a standard part of my biweekly weekend! All three of you are such great talent, the only thing that could make it better is if it were a VODcast...that would be cool.
  15. Yep, I know...our sigs are clashing...LOL j/k btw, hope you don't mind, but I made my siggy a link to this page since I do frequent the other forums, and I figured it'd be a nice way to get the word out.
  16. Hey Jade, just dropping in to update myself on the project status...I'm still trying to get in touch with Theophany, but once I do, we'll be fine.
  17. Welcome remixers!
  18. sounds like a Soap Opera...kill someone off and suddenly their twin appears...or Tracy in Heroes...I remember when she was Nikki/(don't remember) and then became the ice chick, and now she's water because she melted last season...Heroes is probably done this season...
  19. I would, but believe it or not, I rather like large images...it gives me more space to use my awesomeness fonts...
  20. No Brushfire, I only changed the name once...someone in Offtop said I should shorten it to Kinslayer and I logged on today and it was shortened...don't ask me how or why, never asked for it, just happened, only name change I asked for was Yasha to Lews Therin....but I'm good with Kinslayer
  21. B is for Beatmania IIDX
  22. stretched out cop-out endings...yuck reminds me of *cough*InuYasha*cough*
  23. haha, they still sell Bawls here at United Supermarkets, sorry you can't find them anywhere though

  24. not a post whore believe it or not, I just actually spend like 8 hours a day online...and I'm not too bad, it's just a matter of not being pissed off by the trolls

  25. U is for Ultraman
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