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Everything posted by Kinslayer

  1. Not to mention time zones, how exactly do you get people on the show? I mean technologically, it seems like a lot of trouble really. But hey, it'd be fun to be on the show sometime...although I do kinda sound bad over a mic. and you could very well have people that want to submit a bit submit a prerecorded bit or profile or something and have that on the show, kinda of an artist/member profile and such.
  2. V is for Virtua Fighter
  3. You just want to have the entire population of OCRemix on the show at some point don'tcha?
  4. This project, just like Wild ARMs really makes me wish I could remix
  5. Can you also remove my Suikoden listing...I've got Suikoden now, just looking for a case to mate with my copy of Suikoden II now thx Also, WANT for GB/GBA Zelda: Oracle of Ages Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Zelda: The Minish Cap Mega Man Xtreme 2 Mega Man Zero Mega Man Zero 2
  6. O is for Odin Sphere
  7. I have a hard time figuring Deven out...he asks EVERYBODY out, regardless of gender...I think he's a conformasexual, he'll just conform to whatever sexuality of whichever person will actually go out with him...that's gotta suck! COCONUT CRABZ?! NOOOOOOO!
  8. colorful eh? that's cool, I wish I could remix... Anyways, I'll just sit here on the sidelines till my real job in this project starts
  9. yeah yeah Stevo, whatever, you can just bash me on the next episode...wouldn't be the first time...sounds like you got a lot of work cut out for you... @Brush, it's actually a little late now...I'm not going to bother downloading it since I streamed it on lemon...you should jump on their asses a little quicker...
  10. do you still have Earthbound for sale and how much?

  11. congratulations, anyway, you three, or should I say two since Devin is typically nonexistent for most of them put on a terrific show, you guys aren't boring in the least, which is a good thing since you guys tend to drag the cast out for a long time...still all in all, great job for a freshman podcast.
  12. I'm sure pfft...
  13. Currently listening to Global Trance's Public Address 007 part 1
  14. Prophet, Pull the Gamecube, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Zelda the Windwaker, and the LOZ collection from my want list...I have them now... Also, could you add: Wild ARMs 3 for PS2 Pokemon Red Blue Yellow Gold Silver and Crystal on GB Kthanx
  15. Why that actually sounds interesting to me I have no idea, but what the hell, next ebay purchases lined up: GB: Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal and then I'll go into the newer ones...GB cartridges are cheap so I might can get them all in one fell swoop.
  16. Well, you're invariably more entertaining that Pixie and Zircon are, that's for sure...although you should really get a format down...it seems like you guys are relying on Stevo to remember things...
  17. Will most definitely download and listen...
  18. Nice podcast, spent most of my afternoon listening to it? Do you ever plan on making a podcast short enough that you're not sitting around twiddling your thumbs? I could have driven back and forth to Lubbock almost twice with the length of this weeks' Podcast...
  19. I must say, I'm invariably tempted to pick up the Pokemon series' again, I haven't played the games since the RBY days, but I'm thinking about adding them to my Gameboy collection once I start building it...I'm just waiting on my SP to get here...I can't play on a GBA or Gameboy anymore because my eyes can't see the screen anymore...so I needs the backlight...but otherwise, quite interesting...I may pick up the series from the start and expand into the newer ones.
  20. Well, Oinkness, you'll have to give me about a week, I'm not using my shitty mic, and I'll have access to the really good one at work next week, I would have done it last night, but I didn't have my flash drives...
  21. iTunes still doesn't have 11 up...they're either being stupid and haven't posted it yet...or you forgot to submit it to them...lmao
  22. I was passing through the project forums and happened to notice your name next to one of my favorite bosses from Suikoden II, can't wait to hear what you've come up with when it comes to Luca Blight! Keep up the good work...I'd love to organize a Suikoden Project someday myself just to get some of the music remixed and worked around.

  23. Yay!!! Much obliged, thankies!!!

  24. I'd record a scream track, but I'm not involved in the remixing...sowwy.
  25. I just listened to Eps. 10, you guys are doing really well, also love the MMX2 bgmusic going on towards the end of the show...nice to see some Megaman X love going on...
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