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Everything posted by Swann

  1. Happy Birthday, DJP! Hope it was awesome!
  2. Bravo! I wish I had the words to commend you highly enough for your performances, but I really just can not. As usual, this is masterful stuff. Thank you!
  3. So this movie was pretty much brilliant. XZero nailed all of my critiques, too, so I won't sit here and repeat what he's already stated. Yes, it's as good as you've heard, and you owe it to yourself to see this series through to the end. Now, go watch it.
  4. No specific mix comes to mind, but you should totally get Tom Brier to play. It'll be perfect. I hope your wedding is wonderful; my best to the both of you!
  5. Yep. Sure am, and yeah, I thought that's what you were going for. It just caught me off guard enough that I figured I would mention it in case it wasn't intentional. They're only six bucks!
  6. Descent music! How did I miss this?! </nostalgiagasm> Probably my favorite PC game of all time, and I am totally loving this remix. The only thing is the vocoder work, which I actually don't have a problem with besides the repetition, which becomes a little It's not even that much of an issue, you just need to make it a little bit more interesting, maybe harmonize it a little after X number of repetitions? It might be that I'm just really really used to guitar playing that chorus, especially after hearing this version. The echoed chords that you hear after the last cutoff seem strange. It's not that they don't resolve the previous chord progression, more that they themselves compose a completely unrelated chord. I dunno... weird. Still, definitely digging this. Be sure to post this on the DBB.net, or hop on Kali sometime!
  7. Holy crap that was amazing. And that was just North and South? GEEZ, can't wait to see the rest of the freelancers...
  8. So pumped for this season. SO PUMPED. First episode was as fantastic as I had hoped. for those who haven't been keeping up with the series.
  9. Oh my gosh this is just TOO fantastic.
  10. I will be watching this so hard. That music is delicious.
  11. Wouldn't you know, I've had your last WiP in my library for the past two years, and I think to myself, "dang, I hope this mix gets finished some day" each time it plays. So yeah, I'm really digging this.
  12. Happy (Belated) Birthday, Beatdrop!
  13. Happy Birthday, chthonic! Your musics, I love them.
  14. I absolutely love this week's episode on games as they relate to education. Thank you so much for taking on that topic, I finally have somewhere I can point to as a reference whenever I bring the subject up.
  15. Huge congratulations to the both of you! I can't wait to hear what you come up with! Pretty much this.
  16. Happy Birthday, Garian!!
  17. First.

    Aaaaah, your brass arrangements are totally legit! Best of luck with recording/mixing/mastering everything!

  18. I pretty much agree with everything docnano had to say. I still think the hat could stand to come down a bit more. It sounds great, just a tad loud. This is staying on repeat most of the night. SO SMOOTH.
  19. Fantastic work, once again!
  20. Happy Birthday!!
  21. Happy Belated Birthday, Arek!
  22. The 8-bit stuff really needs to be softened or filtered down a bit, IMO. However, I actually think that, despite it, you did a good job of bringing out the melodies. I love the overall feel of the track. The referencing of the Metroid Prime series' choral-sounds here and there (actually, the sounds used throughout are very reminiscent of those used by the games themselves) were a nice touch. The main thing I'm getting from your mix is a lack of solid direction. Where do you want to take us? You've got the running sixteenths throughout, and when you softened them by the end of the track I assumed it was going to go in a different direction... but of course, then it ended. The track is pretty static in terms of dynamics; I feel this is one option that you could easily turn to in order to create variety and hold the interest of your audience. I'd also agree with Dash's suggestion of a breakdown, though that's up to you... I can see the piece working well both with and without one. Of course, again, it all depends on what you're trying to do. Really nice track you've got here.
  23. Another super-late run of the WiP Boards... Man, this sounds a lot better! There's still a lot you can do with lead variation... for example, most if not all of your attack/decays are the same (note lengths), and volume is more-or-less static throughout. Still, a ton of improvement. I'm diggin' the counter-melody stuff, both in the slow section and later post-solo. I fell as though the half-tempo bit has a lot of yet-untapped potential. You might try to make the lead voice(s) more interesting by using bells or some other pitched perc to double the xylo, or just accent specify notes (or harmonize with the lead). With the instruments being so exposed (no bass or drums to cover them), you've gotta work extra hard at making all the parts really full and satisfying.
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