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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. You mean those games people are playing for free on their PC's? Well I guess I'd be the one to say they won't have another surge. But i'm not gonna. Because I still like some things to be tangible. Like my copy of Sonic 2. As much as I love Steam it's wrecking my game budget. Instead of saving up and buying one game i really want at a time, I just wait for the game to age a few months then get that and several others on the next Steam sale. So instead of buying one for $60, I end up buying 6+ games for $80. That's how they getcha!
  2. What...if.... remixers of the same zone on opposing soundtracks team up to do something extra? Yes i'm popping this just to try to collab with Willrock.
  3. Anyone up for organizing some OCR racins' over steam? btw flying with a keyboard seems to be completely impossible. If your not going in a straight line you're gonna be in trouble. I'm running out to pick up a controller some point this week so i can play this properlier.
  4. I don't know why they bothered with a ranking system at all in this game though. You can go from last to first with a well placed shot or blowfish. Or someone else's. Most of the time though I find myself getting RAPED and becoming the victim of drones, Ice and rockets usually all at the same time. It's still a lot of fun just please turn down your mics if you start getting upset. Nonstop F bombs and this game don't mix well.
  5. Happy Birthday! May death come swiftly to your enemies.
  6. In my small ass town we have a small ass mall that somehow has two gamestops just a short walk from each other. It's been this way since Gamestop first came up from the ashes of Software ETC and a bunch of other game stores I could care less about. Well, i kinda miss Babbages i think it was called. and that other one....Electronics.... Boutique .....i think. So anyway, one Gamestop has the best damn employees that i've known by name for the past 7 years and have always done a great job and have no problem talking about even the dumbest game related conversations i can come up with. While the other one has always sucked ass no matter who they have hired. EVER. Some freaking DUMB ASSES have been hired in that store too lemme tell ya! (one chick thought it would be a really funny joke to threaten me about stealing my credit card.) If the used market died I guess it would kind of suck knowing that some decent people who worked at Gamestop for the past several years might be facing some hard times but if the VG industry can get away from that movie industry crap of a game only having a few weeks to make all the money its going to before the used market takes over then I think it would be a step in the right direction. Videogames aren't movies!! And shouldn't be mirroring Hollywood! damnit! Another half drunk rant from a guy with the same name as a fish. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gar
  7. I just picked this up on steam to kick off a weekend of nonstop SEGA binging and it's the best racer i've played this generation. I had no idea it was going to be this good. After all the years and a near complete stop to all real SEGA games it's good to what Nintendoes SEGA still does better! yea, that's wit right there!
  8. Wow damn, some immaturity from a half decent potential. I'm shocked. Not everyone who works on Streets of Rage remixes are this immature. The only remix I have submitted so far was a Streets of Rage mix that i worked on for over a year before it got No'ed. (I still dream of getting it resubbed at some point). It sucked but it wasn't a huge deal. Listening to the version I subbed now i'm glad it got no'ed because it was AWFUL! On a postive note, if this mix came this close to passing then i'm getting all my stuff subbed NOW. or in a few more weeks of work.
  9. Ohhh myy god!! Someone picked Cutting Edge of Notion....... I feel I have to do this one but only 1.5 weeks to work on such greatness?!
  10. Interesting style for the video, wasn't what I was expecting. "...the steel drums remind me of, sand!" got a few nyuks out of me. Given how subjective VG music love is I wouldn't want to call something like this a review. Where do you draw the line for such a review anyway? Without getting into music theory or sound design aspects which don't appeal to everyone, it just becomes another personal opinion on youtube and not really a review at all. If you kept the rhymes going though I think it would be worth a five minute watch. good luck if you decide to make more.
  11. I picked up both games back over the summer and sunk 40 something hours into the first one. Some of the most god awful combat and busted dialogue i've ever seen in a game but for some reason i loved it. It was probably the soundtrack. I'm a few hours into the second one and the changes they made to it are stunning. The combat is not perfect but on the plus side i've died several times trying to figure out what i need to do. Mass Effect didn't kill me once! I'm tired of player pandering! I want to die once in awhile! ...but not in a Dark Souls having your finger nails pulled out kind of way! As for the score of the second one I can't say a whole lot yet but it doesn't seem to have the folk influences of the first one. More like generic film score music that is getting too common. Hopefully that won't be the case for the rest of the game.
  12. Aw heLL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! One of my favorite series this generation is becoming a proper trilogy! I really hope that they bring the two composers who did the first game back, Adam Skorupa and Paweł Błaszczak, because they friggen' nailed it!
  13. oh man I remember the furor that arose the last time this question was asked about a year or two ago. Even though I still have a ways to go, I found that switching to mono for some EQ'ing after getting my levels set really helped the quality of my mixes. It stacks everything so you can hear what is clashing much easier. It's a matter of preference and what you are used to but it's another tool to use and it's only one button click away to check it. Why not mess around with it?
  14. Bouzouki? I just learned about this one today. Bass balalaika. Looks like a dorito.
  15. Thanks for signing my book at mag! Happy birthday!
  16. Pretty good interview. Not quite VH1 Behind The Music but close. Best part came around minute 52. I recorded the whole thing if anyone missed it.
  17. I should throw Amnesia in this list too. I went on a masochistic horror game binge after getting Slender over the summer. I got Amnesia expecting to not enjoy it at all but a game that prevented you from fighting back and that also required you to know which ways the doors open while making your escapes seemed too good to pass over. The game really was loads of fun on top of some classic scares that are more than what most horror games rely on today. Which are none. There are no real mainstream horror games anymore... ...and most horror movies suck.
  18. I really like this one. It has some great potential. The 16th note bass run doesn't highlight the chord progression as well as it should especially midway through the piece and towards the end. Play around with some of those notes and see if you can smooth it out a little. The glitches I don't think are necessary and don't add much to the mix overall. Otherwise the strings sound good and the background effects are really well placed. Looking forward to any future versions!
  19. looks like i'' be disappearing around lunchtime tommarow. I'll be there for it! Any chance you could growl a "gar"?
  20. Doing all of this with demo sounds is very very cool. I messed around with fruity loops back around 2003/2004 and i did not have the best time doing anything with it. I'm not the biggest dubstep fan in the world but I was able to listen to the whole thing no problem. Tasteful use of wobbles and wubs and what not is what i'm trying to say. By the way what oscillators did you use? I have no oscillator plugins and want to know which ones are good to be playing around with. Any chance of this thing getting a name change though ? Let me tell you, I'm a pretty mild mannered proud member of the opposite sex with 28 years of Nintendo avoision which has left me with maybe a total of 10 minutes of Metroid playtime across the whole series and i'm sort of offended by the title. Somehow. I can't imagine what some Metroid fans are going to think. I am all for the subliminal messaging if you want to keep that in there but putting it right in the title is too overt me thinks. Otherwise sounds good! It was cool meeting you at magfest too!
  21. that's something that i can't wait to see go away for good. Watching other people play games... I mean i'm all for streaming tournaments of various fighting games but i never understood why people watch other people playing when right at that moment, THEY COULD BE PLAYING SOMETHING THEMSELVES! I like to help this country's productivity by offering free time management tips like that.
  22. Sonic Unleashed was a fine game that got trashed for no reason. The hatred from 2006's ran deep it seems.
  23. Happy Birthday Kyle "J" Crib. Curb? Crub? is that Armenian or something?
  24. ...that's really.... not Jpop. Or even close to in my opinion. Probably because they are Koreans but it sounds more like standard clubbin' music that travelled eastward. I found an article awhile ago detailing the characteristics and forumlae for Jpoppier tunes but i haven't been able to find it recently. If i ever find it again i'll post it here. It shouldn't be too hard to find the patterns though if you are able to play through a few of them on a midi keyboard or some other instrument. If that's what he wants then go for it, outside of the production techniques you'll need it shouldn't be too hard for you to get that. Though when i think Jpop i think more of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd5KSuYAxEk Nina Mizuki http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbL0ED-m5NU Onoken and Susumu Hirasawa Good luck!
  25. Sure! Why THE HELL NOT?! Sonnen Vs Silva 2 already happened though and i think that takes it. Wait.. Gecko playes this too? Why not an OCR server so we can whomp each other! I gotta say I rather enjoyed getting stabbed repeatedly by OCR GOD #14 (Level 99) in Bushido Blade 2 at Magfest!
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