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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. i really didn't think any ending could have been worse than Sudeki. i'll have to try Rage now.
  2. Interesting, this is why i love it when OCR has discussions like these. For me it's the opposite. when i was hauling around manuscript I felt like I was looking at the grammar too much rather than making a statement. That distracted me because i always felt like what i was doing was not complex or interesting enough and would give myself grief over that. Being interested in arranging something drew me back just enough to help me learn while keeping things simple. Writing can be very pleasurable if it's going well. Other times it can be like sticking a knife in your leg.
  3. I was hoping some judges would get in on this If we didn't get paired then are we at the top of the list for pairings for the next one I hope?
  4. This might be a good idea for remixing with the stars. Maybe each pair would pick a style and go at it. Seeing as how subjective this is I don't think a music duel would solve anything. Alot of people like this OST and actually i'm kind of happy with none of the tracks from FFT being remixed a lot like Sonic 2's Ice Cap or everything from Mega Man. Just to say it again, I'm sure a fantastic dance/electronica/etc. could be done, but i wouldn't be able to listen to it with any sense of enjoyment and i know i'm not the only one that feels that way. No offense intended mak. Cheers!
  5. I used to, and still do, beat myself about this all the time. "If you didn't intend it then it's wrong" was the way i thought for years. Now i find myself writing entire sections of music through improvisations based around an idea or theme. It's very warming to see one of OCR's best as human afterall. I think the two most frusterating moments with music have to be: When you have something you like in your head and can't get it into your daw because you are not near your studio or you can't get it out fast enough before your idea changes in your head. When you are staring at your monitor unable to think of what the heck you should do next.
  6. Awesome, something I can chime in on for once! Anyone can write music. Really more people should do it. When I wanted to become a composer, i kinda kept it to myself at first. My goal was to become a Composition major at a decent school but I decided against doing it for a couple of reasons. I ranked in the upper tier of my theory classes but the concepts seemed to come a little harder to me when i compared myself to the actual comp majors (bad idea). Alot of people hold composers in very very high regard. If you claim to be composer, a line of people will be lining up to try to snuff you out. Musically speaking that is. Writing music is very personal and even your best efforts will be met with "why did you do this and not this? This chord progression is too simple, your voice leading sucks, pick a different key to modulate to, and for God's sake start studying A-tonal music. It's what's in right now." To see people scared of writing music seems to be more of an ego thing at times. Sure you can learn to read a book really well, or speak it if you are an actor of some sort, but writing your own? That's a totally different story. pun not intended. Same deal with music. Someone can play notes on a page very well but doing something yourself is frightening to many. Did you ever hear a fantastic instrumentalist? Then hear something they wrote themselves? If it wasn't up to the level of their playing then you feel like something was lost? Maybe you think less of the person for it? Everything represents what you do and for that reason many people decide not to do something than to cultivate other skills. Hey it's easier isn't it? So to make sure I stay on topic...Sure writing music scares me a bit and I have many unfinished works sitting on my harddrive that can attest to that. The good news is that thanks to Digital Audio Workstations more people will be willing to give it a try and that means alot more competition to get your stuff heard. It didn't always take OCR 4-6 months to get a mix judged and then longer to get it posted. Though it's always great to see people with such a strong interest in making music themselves.
  7. People are polarizing quick. This album needs to happen! Mak is alright. He's Russian. I don't want to start an OCR flaming here but as much as I love the individual tracks here, there aren't many albums that i'm as excited over on OCR. I know it's a huge task for the mixers involved as well as the director but just as the indivdual track needs to capture the spirit of the original in some way, so does the entire album. Yea this thread got off topic and i'm partially to blame for that but how many request threads get this much attention?
  8. Thanks for the tutorial, i'm always hunting for any information i can find and watching someone else work with their daw always helps with ideas. Just about the video, I would have liked to hear that original harp in the mix at the start, then go through the layering, then inserted back into the mix. Just to get a little perspective on when to layer and why you chose to do it.
  9. I prefer "passionate" to "whatever". I get passionate when it's late and have less inhibitions... but whatever, you know? :)

  10. These types of discussions are important. While it's impossible to form a solid conclusion that everyone agrees with it is relevant to the often times very complicated relationship between musician and listener. Plus, a little friction helps everything move. I was about to go to bed, but maybe i'll work a little longer on my stuff, and maybe start a WIP for this OST. I have got to stop posting in the middle of the night
  11. I picked up both witcher games during the sale. They were not a disappointment. Well worth it in my opinion. The combat's a little funky though. Not what you'd expect.
  12. And saying get out of a thread doesn't come off as close minded? You shouldn't take personal offense to people's opinions. Yes, I love the FFT OST, Yes, I friggin' LOVVE Antipyretic. I did a transcription of it when I was in college and i thought about taking it to the both the head of the Orchestra and the Wind Ensemble to see about getting it played. It's the one thing i regret most not doing. This is one of the many cases where the listener's love of the original will do nothing but interefere with their ability to enjoy another interpretation. It's hardly a foreign concept, every one who has made or listened to a mix on this site has had to deal with it. I know many people who avoid sites like OCR precisely because of that reason. They enjoy the original, that's enough for them. Tell you what I won't even get into how many people told me that they hated the Bach cello suites being played on a Contrabass. It doesn't matter who was playing them, their love of the bach cello suites, and their interpretation of them. The fact that the cello suites were being played on a bass turned many listeners off to it. Before calling someone else out, on a thread you didn't create, you should make sure you have everything straight. This just baffled the crap out of me. You call other people close minded? I think you should spend more time examining what you are saying bud. Keep your Metal Man impersonations to a minimum. Apologies to the OP, there's always something to iron out when working on a new idea. FFT should be represented better on OCR but in a way that accentuates the original soundtrack. This is an extreme case but I think you see what I mean.
  13. You should back up your statements with points. Any reason? Or just trolling as they say. It was 2am when I made that post but I still stand by it. "I" would not be interested in a dance/dubstep/electronica version of FFT's music. Now i'm not saying a remix album of the OST couldn't be done. Avaris' Winds of Inishmore came to mind as I was thinking about what a remix album like this could sound like and if this album does come to be, then I would hope Avaris would be a major player in the creation of it. I think an album full of similar quality remixes would be the greatest album on the site yet. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01719/ -Winds of Inishmore
  14. Depends on the style of remix. I really loved this game the first time on the psx and again on the psp. Speaking just for myself, I really don't want to hear a dance or dubstep version of Trisection. I'm pretty sure it would ruin the entire piece for me. Now epic/symphonic death metal on the other hand.... would probably ruin the soundtrack for someone else. Quite a pickle we find ourselves in. Antipyretic? Hands off. Now. Not part of this discussion. I would boycott any remix of Antipyretic, even my own. In all seriousness though good luck on the ivalice alliance album. That would be my most anticipated album of the year. Whatever year it ends up being in.
  15. I'd like to hear the mix in question so i could have at least some chance of providing useful information. However i'll say that when i'm comparing my own mixes in my car i noticed a significant jump in quality once I started becoming more fluent with a multiband compressor on the master. The problem could also be panning. When you are mixing the speakers are setup perfectly on both sides of your head. In a car you're off to the side a bit, maybe your noticing something that you didn't notice before. I've been playing around with hard panning. The instruments are either 100 L 100R or dead center. Most people in the car aren't going to be thinking "nice, that pan flute is panned 20% R and I think it really complements this mix well!" So try that as another weapon in your mix arsenal. I'd also recommend EQ'ing in mono after you set your faders. That should bring a nice boost in clarity and give you a quick assessment of what's clashing.
  16. I woke up to find Deux Ex HR and Splinter Cell Conviction on sale and discounted to about 12 bucks for the two of them. My weekend is shot and it hasn't even started yet. but i'm gonna try to get some music done. EDIT: This Uplay garbage is a nightmare. Twice now i've lost an hour of play due to corrupted game saves on Conviction.
  17. IGN's article on Slender was the first I had heard about it. I watched some of the preview video one morning and I thought I'd give it a shot. After picking up the first page I thought the drums were a cue that i was about to get popped so i ran until I hit the bathroom. Realizing how much worse off I was I ran back to the entrance, stood for a second, and then slammed that escape key. It didn't leave me the whole day. I wanted to see if i could do something that would be unnerving and not use noise at +40db to scare the poor sap who read my comments to wear headphones. How many thousands of videos are like that on youtube? As for Amnesia, a bud of mine gifted me the game during the steam sale because I wouldn't shutup about the demo. I'd like to give it a shot but I need to finish some of the other things i'm working on. thanks for the comments though guys.
  18. I had that on Xbox360 and hacking was rampant. So much so that it destroyed the online game for me. Lvl 1-10's one shotting bosses and the like. I really wanted to like the game too but because of it i'm not getting my hopes up for borderlands 2. Have fun tho.
  19. I've been trying to get the wheel on my keyboard to do something other than pitch bends. Within Dimension Pro I have it assigned to what I want controlled but it never does what I want it to do. It just bends the pitch. I've been looking through my DAW trying to find anything to get it to stop but so far i haven't found it. I use Sonar 8 producer. Again with the kontakt player do I need the boxed version to get other libraries off the net or can i just start downloading stuff with my version that came with Steven Slate Drums? thanks alot for the help! Edit: thanks for the links Gfrog ^^ checking them out now
  20. doesn't need to be too good since i'm going to throw it in the background. Just good enough to trick someone who has no idea about what a good accordian is supposed to sound like Do you need the full version of kontakt to download some of those libraries? I have kontakt 4 which came with Steven Slate Drums but i don't have the full boxed version of kontakt. I'm not crazy about sound fonts since most of the sites i've seen them on have a ton of ads and pop-ups. Something I stay away from and would never put on my studio pc. Unless someone had a pretty trust worthy site to get them from. thanks.
  21. Does anyone know of a decent accordian vst in the free-$50 range? I've looked a few up on google and haven't yet found something I could use. I've been trying to make an accordian in Dimension Pro and it sounds like GARBAGE. Though it does sound better than the Accordian presets in my opinion.
  22. I'd like to see this thread become "how did you justify your steam binge?" I told myself i wouldn't buy anything until the witcher games came on sale. both of them, at the same time. Sure enough it happened and it still took me a few hours to get them "20 bucks for two games... lets see, I guess I don't really need those buns for my hotdogs. Cut back on using my lamps at night and only move when a car is driving by with it's headlights on. My roommate is sick so chances are he'll slip in the shower and I can use his bloated carcass to feed my cat for a month or two." And I was in business. no really i got them because of the stellar soundtrack.
  23. Thanks for the post. That's certainly the kind of information i'm looking for, if there is anyway to get more in depth i'd be all over it. Of course there is alot to learn analyzing stuff off of youtube. Gotta love the age we live in.
  24. Not to segregate who's in on this but should we list our DAW as well? I use Sonar and would like to be paired up with an advanced Sonar user for at least one round. I don't think the DAW issue would be a huge obstacle but it could limit how effective the mentoring would be if the star isn't familiar with something a novice has no clue how to use right.
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