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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. What ISN'T Tara Strong in? She turns up everywhere.
  2. Nah, the original music in the game is by the Silent Hill guy, Akira Yamaoka. It's awesome.
  3. I'm gonna laugh when they unmask Amon and it turns out to not be anybody we've seen before. "OH MY GOD, IT'S...THAT...guy..."
  4. Do any of those games have zombie-slaughtering cheerleaders? No? THEN WHAT'S THE POINT
  5. Apparently "being hot" is now suddenly synonymous with "being objectified." If Juliet truly represented female objectification, she wouldn't be the one cutting zombies apart with a chainsaw; she'd be sobbing and screaming in the corner as her boyfriend did all the dirty work.
  6. Don't worry, I was making a joke. I'm definitely ready for this!
  7. From what I can tell, both World Tour and VPW64 are very similar and have pretty much the same awesome original music. I'd love to hear a remix of this.
  8. Not sure if ready for a SEGA fanservice version of Diddy Kong Racing...
  9. Gonna be firing up the GameFuel train in just a few minutes. Hop in and make your VGM requests! http://areciboradio.com
  10. Larry is working on this. Once it's done, maybe, JUST MAYBE, we'll finally get updated torrents.
  11. Dammit Mirby, why'd you have to spoil it? I was just trying to get the hopes up of the last few people who are still watching this project in the vain hope that it actually exists.
  12. Larry doesn't have to play by the rules.
  13. So is this thing actually ever gonna come out or what?
  14. I agree. Don't need to think about it too hard.
  15. The design is reminiscent, but the robots in OMF are supposed to be huge (as in a number of stories tall, like mechs) and are piloted by humans, so I don't think so.
  16. How about adding "quirky" to the list of tags for songs?
  17. Lawyers. Lots and lots of lawyers. Also, I will be seeing this.
  18. Hey Justin, I just wanted to let you know that your show was awesome and your contributions to VGM radio will be missed. I know there is a lot of cross-coverage among the various shows out there, but I think they all bring their own thing to the table and have an informative variety. Looking forward to your next project. Best of luck!
  19. Thor spins his hammer to fly. He's always done that. It is pretty silly, but it's true to the comics. I guess it's supposed to kind of work like a helicopter blade.
  20. An actual interview with an actual person from an actual doujin circle? THIS SHOW IS BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS!
  21. WillRock is now collaborating with Sixto on Technodrome: Let's Kick Shell! NOT SURE IF READY TO HANDLE THE AWESOME
  22. At the very least, someone should cover Sparring Match.
  23. Fixed. The 3 were originally being held for DoD entries, but since nobody covered them for Turtles month, they're open again.
  24. I thought we got it from blues, but what do I know?
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