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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Noise Channel NES Jamz Listening Party? YES PLZ.
  2. I still can't process this whole thing. I need to listen to it at least a couple more times to really wrap my head around everything that's going on. That's a GOOD THING, by the way.
  3. GameFuel launches in about 10 minutes! Today, I'll be focusing on music from Kunio-kun games like River City Ransom, Super Dodge Ball, Nintendo World Cup, and some other more obscure titles. Be there! http://www.areciboradio.com
  4. We're on a roll! Sixto is officially FINISHED with one of his tracks, and has the very first fully complete remix for this project! It's gonna be a real thing, folks!
  5. Sixto turned in a WIP. It's downright MINDBLOWING. Can't wait for everyone to have their faces melted by it and the rest of the album! Also, I've sent in the official project proposal to OCR. GET HYPED.
  6. Based on what Larry told me recently, I wouldn't hold my breath. I could be wrong though and maybe he actually had some downtime and got bored enough to go through this thread. (HAHAHA yeah right)
  7. NGI starts 5 PM Eastern today, with a show featuring the music of racing games! You should be there! http://areciboradio.com
  8. GameFuel #75 is on RITE NAO! What are you doing not listening? You think you have something better to do? VERY DOUBTFUL.
  9. Well, this was originally featured on an official Nintendo-licensed compilation, so they had permission, I'm sure. CHIPP should be fine, regardless. There's all sorts of music out there that mentions brand names or names of things from other media.
  10. NGI in just a couple hours! We're doing a show about MEAT (seriously, that's what today's show is about.) Get on it!
  11. As you've probably noticed just based on the number of threads in this forum alone, there are a LOT of video game music-related shows out there in the internets. So, I decided to compile a Google Calendar of all of the ones I could find to help folks who were interested in listening to these shows but are bad at figuring out time zones. There may be some errors, so if something is screwy, let me know and I'll fix it. Also, if your show isn't on here, let me know and I can add it for you. https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=2r6fjpf5anamds1k3p7iraput8%40group.calendar.google.com The base time zone is US Eastern, but if you add this calendar to your own through Google, it should adjust to your personal time zone. You can add it to your own by using this Google Calendar ID: 2r6fjpf5anamds1k3p7iraput8@group.calendar.google.com Hopefully this is helpful for those of you who want to follow these shows!
  12. GameFuel starts in about an hour, and since I'm too lazy to make a playlist, I've officially declared it to be a RANDOM PLAYLIST SPECIAL! I've loaded my entire VGM collection up and hit Shuffle. Join me and see what ends up being played!
  13. Delay it until April 1st. That way you can release something that looks like Maverick Rising but is actually 50 covers of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" combined with the Nyan Cat Song.
  14. Well damn! Where's the fun in that? What you could do is approach this similar to BadAss or the FF5 project and release it in volumes, rather than the SoS/VoTL style of dropping a load of tracks all at once. That may actually work pretty well given the subject being tributed here.
  15. I almost believe that you've actually been working on this album (which isn't real) at all. Almost.
  16. These LeeBro remixes are so rare that I don't even have them. I have two other non-OCR tracks from him (Angel Island and Green Hill) but I don't even remember where I got them.
  17. Sadly, OCR wouldn't accept a remix of this because it's technically not from a game. I agree though that something along those lines would be pretty cool.
  18. C'mon Bahamut, just start the Terranigma project. You know you want to.
  19. So, turn this album into OCR's own Duke Nukem Forever of Chinese Democracy? I already tried that.
  20. Unlike ME. (seriously though the Jamestown OST is pretty fantastic you should get it)
  21. Try the Cave Story ReMix Project #2. That might have what you're looking for.
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