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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Glad you've enjoyed it, good sir! Interesting fact: Most of the songs on ATW actually aren't that old. There are only four songs on the album that date back to before 2009 (Team Iceland, Team USSR, Team All-Stars, and Bean Ball.) Even then, all but one of those was revisited within the last two years (USSR was not, and it was the first finished track for the project,) so hence why not many of the remixes are showing their age. We really strived to make sure that everything would be brought to modern spec before release.
  2. If I'm disappointed with this album when it comes out, I'm gonna pin the blame squarely on Bahamut.
  3. I like how geniuses seems to always share a birthday.
  4. How timely this album is. Thanks to WingDamage, I just found out that it's the 25th anniversary of the star of Super Dodge Ball (and River City Ransom, and Crash n' the Boys Street Challenge, and numerous other games,) Kunio-kun! Happy 25th, little dude!
  5. Your first clue that it was legit should've been that it had friggin' MEGA RAN on it. We weren't messin' around here!
  6. Join myself, Walan, Liontamer and Suraida LIVE on Arecibo Radio on October 16th at 5 PM Eastern Time for the Nitro Game Injection Super Dodge Ball: Around the World listening party! We'll be streaming the full album live, as well as providing our commentary and retrospectives on the air throughout the show. You don't even have to download the album: just come to the Arecibo chatroom prepared to critique and sit back and enjoy the album with us! What: Super Dodge Ball: Around the World listening party When: Sunday, October 16th at 5 PM Eastern Time Where: Arecibo Radio chatroom Why: Because we love you.
  7. WillRock and Stevo bring the SHRED, and I couldn't be more pleased with running the project where Will goes from "WillRock" to "DoesRock." This source was begging for to be rocked hard, and these two definitely delivered on all fronts!
  8. I have to admit, when I heard Juan had a hard drive crash and was dropping out of the project, I was extremely disappointed. The song was literally almost done, but not quite there yet, so I had high hopes. Luckily Juan came back and redid it at the last minute, easily surpassing the required facemelting quota for the album (I directed it; OF COURSE it had a facemelting quota!) and making me very happy. Thanks, Sixto.
  9. Another one of those tracks that still blows my mind whenever I listen to it. THANK YOU KATIE for keeping on Prot to finish this, and of course thanks to Prot for helping out with the project and bringing out the big guns with some awesome instrumentalists. And to think, this is only the second-biggest collab on the album!
  10. I had a decidedly small part in this compared to the ones who actually did the work. I merely directed DCT toward folks who I knew could deliver, and he ended up directing what was basically a mini-project within a project. As proud as I am of the entire album and how everyone came together with their A-game, this is probably the song I'm most proud of. Huge props to Duane for getting together an all-star cast of amazing talent and handling one of the best arrangements this scene has EVER seen.
  11. We aim to please. I'm honestly surprised. I was talking to Larry and he was like "yeah it could be later today, or maybe sometime tomorrow." Then not an hour later, the album was actually up! SNEAKY! Also, I've had two complaints about the Dodgeboobs art so far. Number of complaints from women? Zero. Did you know that not only was that drawn by a woman, but drawing it was her idea? Besides, the album has a track called "Go Balls Deep!" What were you expecting?
  12. Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge again! That art looks a little rough there, Dave. Something tells me you need to turn the tolerance down in Photoshop a bit.
  13. Website: http://atw.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Super_Dodge_Ball_-_Around_the_World.torrent Trailer: IT FINALLY HAPPENED! It's like OCR's own Chinese Democracy or Duke Nukem Forever, except it's actually good! After quite possibly the most protracted development time in the history of arrangement albums, Super Dodge Ball: Around the World is now finally unleashed for public consumption. Enjoy the album, and don't forget to let us know what you think! Around the World around the web! (new links added as they are found) ReMixer & Director Stuff Nitro Game Injection Listening Party: http://kngi.org/p=2548 Rexy's Perspective on 'Almost Frozen': ergosonic's 'Big Blue Ballin' on YouTube: DCT's 'Nairobi Hop' on SonicSkillz.com: http://sonicskillz.com/?p=399 'Nairobi Hop' on KhakolakBoy.com: http://khakolakboy.com/?p=88 News Articles KNGI: http://kngi.org/p=2465 Destructoid: http://www.destructoid.com/new-remix-album-super-dodge-ball-around-the-world-213418.phtml GoNintendo: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=163351 WingDamage: http://www.wingdamage.com/super-dodge-ball-remix-album-mixes-styles-from-around-the-world/ RG Journal: http://www.rgjournal.com/1/post/2011/10/interest-overclocked-remix-throws-a-super-dodge-ball-album.html NineInchSandwich: http://www.nineinchsandwich.com/?p=6987 ExtraHype: http://www.extrahype.com/new-album-from-oc-remix-super-dodge-ball-around-the-world 8bitX: http://www.8bitx.com/2011/10/super-dodge-ball-around-the-world/ Tiny Cartridge: http://tinycartridge.com/post/11316195581/trailer-for-overclocked-remixs-super-dodge-ball GameSetWatch: http://gamesetwatch.com/2011/10/super_dodge_ball_around_the_world.php A Horrible Night: http://www.horriblenight.com/20586/hey-listen-ocremix-remixes-super-dodgeball-soundtrack Video Game DJ: http://videogamedj.com/ocremix-super-dodge-ball-around-the-world/ Nobuooo: http://nobuooo.com/item/9034 KN.com: http://kevinnottingham.com/2011/10/13/random-mr-jones-khakolak-boy-nairobi-hop-prod-by-dct/ Higher Plain Music: http://higherplainmusic.com/2011/10/11/overclock-remix-doesnt-drop-the-ball/ Blogs Emulate-su: http://emulate-su.livejournal.com/507737.html (Russian) Nitouhei: http://nitouhei.blog42.fc2.com/blog-entry-1562.html (Japanese) Other SDB Goodness The Bad Dudes - No Balls, No Glory ReMix Album: http://www.noballsnoglory.net/ Pat The NES Punk's Super Dodge Ball review: http://thepunkeffect.com/?p=495 Walan's crushing SDB defeat at the hands of Pat the NES Punk at MAGFest 9: http://thepunkeffect.com/?p=1184
  14. Just relax, dudes. It'll be out when it's out.
  15. If nobody steps up and metals the fuck out of the Boss theme from RKA, I will be extremely sad.
  16. My advice? Try not to take like 5 years to get the project done. :-P

  17. That's ATW-tan, created specifically for this project. Art is by The Otaku.
  18. Except we have both balls AND glory. Also, this project started about 3 years before that album came out.
  19. Need some NGI-tan (Ariane) up in this place. Or not. Though she has never been drawn in normal human form... Or ATW-tan. That would work too.
  20. We have some really cool things happening soon: we'll be previewing another upcoming album in a few weeks, our month-long special of episodes dedicated to Japanese game companies is coming up in November, and we just might be landing a HUGE interview with someone that... well, you'll just have to wait and see! Also, Arecibo Radio has now launched their new website redesign! Check it out and let us know what you think.
  21. I have a terrible announcement. I've just received word that djp himself has decided that this album isn't up to scratch for OCR. As such, the release is completely canceled and all tracks on the panel have now been automatically NO OVERRIDE'd. At Larry's insistence, Walan and I will be shifting to work on a Cho Aniki/Ninja Baseball Bat Man remix project instead. It'll be another 6 years for us to finish that. Sorry, folks.
  22. This is now the best forum topic on the internet.
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