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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/kylejcrb
  2. Bev: Isn't your song on this project already pretty damn wanky? Katie added a lot of that, but it was practically a prog-synth new age wankfest to begin with.
  3. I love you guys. Yes, we will having a circlejerk-themed listening party, JUST FOR YOU.
  4. Yeah, Walan and I moved some things around for the sake of flow, and I was definitely looking at the Japanese version's order when we did so. And since we had two versions of both Team Shadow and Versus Play, we had to stuff 'em in somewhere. One thing that's kind of funny: Jose's trailer really doesn't portray the amount of RAWK on this album. Hell, the last 4 songs on the album alone are RAWKin', never mind Team England and ergosonic's Shadow remix early on in the album, as well as India, Kenya, and USSR, all of which have rock elements. Seriously, this thing is more like Super Guitar Ball: Around the Wankery. Given I'm involved with it though, it's probably no surprise.
  5. Here's primer to prepare you on how to handle this album:
  6. I think the problem is that only like 2-3 people are voting right now, so EVERYTHING is getting brickwalled. NEEDZ MOAR ACTIVE JUDGEZ
  7. The voiceover is definitely a pitch-shifted Jose. He did a fantastic job on it and I'm really happy that he played up the tongue-in-cheek humor that's present not only in this album (just look at half of the track titles!) but also in the game itself. Also, how about that artwork? OA came through big time!
  8. So while you all have been covering Mega Man 2 to death, Mega Man 5 has just been sitting here the whole time, practically ignored and unloved. What the heck, dudes? Just listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8ul1A-rwT0 Epic, right? Quite possibly one of the best songs in the entire series, right? It's been here the whole time, waiting for some remix love, and you've all just been ignoring it in favor of MORE Mega Man 2 Wily Stage remixes. I demand this be rectified immediately. In fact, I'd argue we should do Proto Man Fortress remix flood, because that's how amazing this theme is. MAKE IT HAPPEN. LET'S DO THIS.
  9. Yes, this should be a requirement for every game ever.
  10. For something thrown together real quick, you guys certainly pulled out your A-game for this one. Sure, some tracks may not have been quite as strong as others, but it was a pleasure to listen to from start to finish. I really loved the Prophecy/AkumajoBelmont collab, but Flexstyle, Sir NutS, and Rexy really did a nice job as well. Good stuff!
  11. I gotta say this is one of my favorite recent reviews. Absolutely hilarious.
  12. I heard the next OCR album was going to be a Crazy Bus arrange album with twice as many tracks as Maverick Rising.
  13. What the hell is going on?! REALITY AS WE KNOW IT IS COLLAPSING ALL AROUND US! http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=14963 http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=1211
  14. Two big announcements: First up, k-wix, director of Mega Man 9: Back in Blue will be coming to NGI this weekend! http://kngi.org/p=2402 Second, GameFuel is now moving to a new time: Saturdays at 9 PM Eastern! http://kngi.org/p=2405
  15. I wasn't really expecting a straight-up mashup anyway; more like a creative arrangement using elements of both songs.
  16. I figured mashup fans would be all over this. C'MON DUDES YOU'RE FAILING ME HARD OVER HERE
  17. ROWSDOWER! The Final Sacrifice one of the best episodes of the Sci-Fi era, and a big favorite among fans.
  18. Oh good, I was worried that the worst case scenario would be 2031.
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