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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Remember when I said 2015? Well, looks like that's probably closer to the actual release date of this album than now.
  2. Nobody mentioned that any album was cutting ahead of ours.
  3. So uh, is this cutting ahead of Around The World?
  4. Actually, it's by The Orichalcon. And yes, it is good.
  5. Thanks to JH Sounds, this album has now been officially blogged: http://gamemusic4all.com/wordpress/2011/08/dynamite-headdy-tribute-album-secret-bonus-point-released/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GameMusic4All+%28Game+Music+4+All%29
  6. They still have internet access, and not all of them are at PAX (I don't believe DarkeSword is, and he would be the best guy to talk to.)
  7. Had a close personal friend of Umemoto (and the writer behind that HG101 article) on NGI just this past weekend to talk about him. Umemoto was an amazing talent and a great person. He will be missed. http://kngi.org/p=2226
  8. So where can this policy be found? EDIT: Never mind. Found it: http://www.treasure-inc.co.jp/contact/gline.html
  9. Yes, a certain Bronx Rican handles project trailers in an official capacity now.
  10. To be fair, if we're basing this on content versus name, the title "Lucid Dreaming" doesn't fit for a good part of the music on the NiGHTS album either. It does fit the game though, much like how "The Sound of Speed" also fits the source material for this project. To be frank, however, who cares what the title is? The musical content is what matters here, and the music of this album, as I have said before, is nothing short of stellar. You're welcome to disagree of course, but to argue that the this album sucks because you don't think the title fits is really stretching for a reason to dislike it.
  11. Ah yes, that is from TAMUSIC's FF VIOLIN II, just released at Comiket 80 last weekend. The whole album is pretty fantastic.
  12. Thank you, AdBlock, for blocking all of the stupid crap like that.
  13. This sounds like someone trying to do a bad impression of Homestar Runner at 5 years old.
  14. GameFuel is on and will be going strong through the evening. Come join us! Listen: http://bit.ly/eNJQOe Chat: http://bit.ly/dVb1hd
  15. Jon Holland is the composer for Vectorman. He hasn't been around in game music for a long time.
  16. Had a great show spotlighting some of the awesome hip-hop acts of the community and talking to Jose the Bronx Rican. Grab it and listen to the hell out of it! http://kngi.org/p=2216 IMPORTANT: I know the time was just changed, but it's now changing again. NGI is moving an hour earlier to 5PM Eastern time to hopefully minimize overlap with the new LIVE OverClocked After Dark (which you should all be listening to.) TAKE NOTE!
  17. OCAD is totally killing 8bitX's minimal 15 listener cap, so here's a mirror if you can't get in: http://www.kngi.org/NGI/arecibo.pls
  18. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Best game soundtrack ever, or greatest game soundtrack ever? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW0ZqAWOGGM
  19. One remix (awesome as it is) isn't enough. I require more. MOAR!
  20. So where are all the remixes of the brilliance that is Burst Man's theme?
  21. We still need one of these.
  22. Jose the Bronx Rican (happy birthday!) is coming to NGI this weekend. And it's a rap special. AND there's an exclusive track from the Super Dodge Ball project. Oh yes, it is going to be grand. http://kngi.org/p=2213
  23. I will try to be there, but we'll see how soon I'll get NGI wrapped up.
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