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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. So Larry's totally flaking out on me. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU OJI! *shakes fist* No really, he's got some serious work to do this weekend and then has to head to Japan, so I guess I can forgive him this time. The good news is, Ian Flynn (Archie's Sonic and Mega Man comic writer, though if you listen to the show regularly and don't know that by now, there's no hope for you, considering he's been on the show four times) is stepping up to the co-host's mic this weekend AND hopefully next weekend as well! Suraida may also be making a long-awaited reappearance for a bit, so be there at 5PM Eastern and chill with us on the Jazz Special NGI!
  2. If you want to count guys who have gone to do game soundtracks after becoming OC ReMixers, there's also zircon (how modest of him to not mention himself ,) Daniel Baranowsky, Mattias Haggstrom Gerdt aka Another Soundscape, ktriton, and Abadoss.
  3. Maybe as a present, the judges should hurry up and pass his Super Dodge Ball project mix. HINT HINT. Happy birthday, my man!
  4. Might I suggest using Google Feedburner? It lets you see stats for the RSS feed, like subscribers and number of file downloads and the like. It also allows you to distribute a static RSS feed address address, so even if your site itself has to move again, you just have to go into Feedburner and change it to point to the new feed, meaning minimal downtime for your subscribers if you ever have to migrate again. It also formats the XML to look all pretty and give tons of options for subscribing, provides various RSS formats for listeners to use based on their preference, and also formats the feed correctly for iTunes and podcasting in general, and will automatically parse any media in your posts for streaming or download straight from the RSS. Of course, this does come with the downside that you'll have to distribute a new RSS address. Which you'll probably have to do when you move it to the new server anyway... Although, it looks like you already have a feed on the 8bitx site, and it's already updating itself when you make posts: http://www.8bitx.com/OCAD/?feed=rss2
  5. Yeah, GaMetal aka JonnyDeath. He has improved greatly over the last few years. His website http://www.jonnydeath.com has all of his previous work, which is also on his YouTube channel.
  6. I usually try to make sure to include at least a few of those on every playlist because Larry and I both love when games that rarely get any coverage finally get some, but a full show of that is definitely a good idea.
  7. I'll just be leaving this here now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLXzgK3NxNo
  8. We had a listener (I think it was DjMokram) who requested we do a jazz special. To prove that YES, we do listen to you guys and take suggestions on themes, playlists, song requests, or just general show critiques, we're doing it this Sunday! Be there!
  9. I endorse this product or service. Means make it happen, talented folk.
  10. Danimal Cannon posted his unfinished version of Concrete Man on Facebook. Oh, what could have been... http://www.armcannon.com/danimal/concreteclip.mp3
  11. Why doesn't the RSS automatically update when you post the podcast? You guys use Wordpress, right?
  12. Well, it was on the track list initially. Then Danimal Cannon dropped it, and then I guess k-wix just...forgot? Or hates Concrete Man. Such a robocist.
  13. Huh. I thought Danimal Cannon was slated to do this one, and last I saw of the tracklist was that he was still on it (there's even a preview of his track in one of the early previews k-wix released.) SOMEONE CALL THAT GUY.
  14. Yeah, he did the music for most of Square's early NES games, including 3-D Worldrunner, which was another SEGA arcade clone like Rad Racer was.
  15. We're just about back on track. What that means you will soon be finding out...
  16. When you get the urge to remix something from Final Fantasy, look into Nobuo Uematsu's other soundtracks. More remixes of Rad Racer are seriously required, considering it's Uematsu's best work bar none (yeah, I went there.)
  17. Arecibo schedules everything based on Eastern time, and that's usually the most commonly used time zone for scheduling things on the interwebs. Probably because most of the population of the US is on the east coast. Also, Larry is on the east coast, and it's his show too.
  18. Brendan "MrMAGFest" Becker is coming back to NGI this weekend! Also, another random episode of GameFuel will be on Monday, so don't miss out!
  19. All these Wild ARMs sigs make me very confused about who is posting what. Also, this project looks badass. I am ready.
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